Splatoon 2 Patch Notes 1.4 Discussion (rough translation will update when english notes come out)


The Artist
Site Moderator
Apr 23, 2015
Another month goes by and the game is already drastically changing. Time to either go completely insane or insanely concerned.

Or both why not.

Here are the weapon changes.

  • Increased firing range by roughly 6%.
  • Increased the amount of ink splattered by each shot making it easier to ink the ground.
.52 Gal
  • Increased firing range by roughly 6% while not changing the range at which each shot deals more than 50 damage.
N-ZAP '85
  • Changed to match the faster movement speed and swim speed when not shooting of weapons like the Sploosh-o-matic and Splattershot Jr.
  • Increased movement speed while shooting by roughly 5%.
  • Made it easier to ink the area around your feet.
Splattershot Pro
Forge Splattershot Pro
  • Increased shot speed by roughly 67%, while not changing shot range.
  • Decreased weapon sway when shooting on the ground by roughly 10%.
  • Decreased weapon sway when shooting right after a jump by roughly 40%.
  • Increased movement speed while shooting by roughly 10%.
  • Increased radius of ink splatter caused by each shot by roughly 2%.
.96 Gal
  • Increased damage of each shot from 52 to 62.
  • Decreased weapon sway when shooting on the ground by roughly 8%.
  • Decreased weapon sway when shooting right after a jump by roughly 40%.
H-3 Nozzlenose
  • Increased shot speed by roughly 25%, while not changing shot range.
  • Decreased duration of weapon sway after jumping by 5/60 of a second.
  • Decreased time required for weapon sway to end once it begins ending by 15/60 of a second.
  • Made it easier to ink the area around your feet.
Clash Blaster
  • Increased radius of shot explosion by roughly 14%.
  • Increased amount of ink coverage delivered by exploding shots.
Carbon Roller
  • When inking ground continuously by holding ZR, player will now reach maximum movement speed one second faster.
  • Made it easier to ink the ground in front of you when using a horizontal swing.
  • Increased damage dealt to opposing Ballers with either a vertical or horizontal swing by roughly 40%.
Splat Roller
Krak-On Splat Roller
Hero Roller Replica
  • Increased width of ink path when using ZR to ink the ground continuously and moving at maximum speed by roughly 8%.
  • Made it easier to ink the ground in front of you when using a horizontal swing.
  • Increased damage dealt to opposing Ballers with either a vertical or horizontal swing by roughly 40%.
Dynamo Roller
  • Increased width of ink path when using ZR to ink the ground continuously and moving at maximum speed by roughly 13%.
  • Slightly increased the width of ink coverage when using a horizontal swing from a location higher than the surrounding area.
  • Increased damage dealt to opposing Ballers with either a vertical or horizontal swing by roughly 60%.
Flingza Roller
  • Increased movement speed when the roller is being swung overhead.
  • Made it easier to ink the ground in front of you when using a horizontal swing.
  • Increased range of ink flung by a horizontal swing by roughly 17%.
  • Increased range at which maximum damage is dealt by a horizontal swing by 25%.
  • Increased damage dealt to opposing Ballers with either a vertical or horizontal swing by roughly 40%.
  • Enemy ink will no longer have a negative effect when moving through it while holding ZR to ink the ground continuously.
  • Increased damage dealt to opposing Ballers when flinging ink by roughly 40%.
Herobrush Replica
  • Increased damage dealt to opposing Ballers when flinging ink by roughly 40%
Classic Squiffer
  • Increased damage dealt to opposing Ballers when flinging ink by roughly 30%
Splat Charger
Firefin Splat Charger
Hero Charger Replica
  • Increased damage dealt to opposing Ballers when flinging ink by roughly 30%.
Firefin Splatterscope
  • Increased damage dealt to opposing Ballers when flinging ink by roughly 30%.
E-liter 4K
  • Increased radius of ink coverage when shots hit a wall by roughly 33%.
  • Increased damage dealt to opposing Ballers when flinging ink by roughly 30%.
E-liter 4K Scope
  • Increased radius of ink coverage when shots hit a wall by roughly 33%.
  • Increased damage dealt to opposing Ballers when flinging ink by roughly 30%.
Bamboozler 14 Mk I
  • Increased movement speed while charging by roughly 50%.
  • Increased damage dealt to opposing Ballers when flinging ink by roughly 30%.
Goo Tuber
  • Charged shots can now be stored when not at maximum charge.
  • Decreased time between releasing a stored charge shot and shooting by 5/60 of a second.
  • Increased damage dealt by fully charged shots from 160 to 180.
  • Increased damage dealt to opposing Ballers when flinging ink by roughly 30%.
Mini Splatling
  • Increased damage dealt from 28 to 32.
  • Increased movement speed while charging by roughly 17%
  • Increased movement speed while firing by roughly 14%.
Dapple Dualies
Splat Dualies
Enperry Splat Dualies
Hero Dualie Replicas
  • Decreased duration of down time after performing a dodge roll by 8/60 of a second.
Dualie Squelchers
  • Increased radius of shot ink coverage by roughly 9%.
  • Decreased duration of down time after performing a dodge roll by 8/60 of a second.
  • Player now able to move after performing a dodge roll, but before they can perform their next action.
Splat Brella
Hero Brella Replica
  • Decreased time required to begin opening the umbrella by 8/60 of a second.
  • After beginning to open the umbrella, decreased time required for it to open completely by 10/60 of a second.
  • Increased movement speed while the umbrella is open by roughly 38%.
  • While keeping the maximum damage of one shot burst at 90, increased the damage delivered by each shot that lands from 15 to 18.
  • Decreased damage done to the umbrella by Shooters (excluding Blasters), Splatlings, and Dualies by roughly 30%.
  • The umbrella will no longer be destroyed immediately after coming into contact with a Baller.
  • Increased damage dealt to opposing Ballers when shooting ink by roughly 30%.
Tenta Brella
  • Decreased time required to return to standard movement speed after moving while shooting by 10/60 of a second.
  • Increased damage delivered by each shot that lands from 15 to 17.5.
  • Increased maximum damage dealt by a shot burst from 120 to 122.5.
  • Decreased damage done to the umbrella by Shooters (excluding Blasters), Splatlings, and Dualies by roughly 30%.
  • The umbrella will no longer be destroyed immediately after coming into contact with a Baller.
  • Increased damage dealt to opposing Ballers when shooting ink by roughly 30%.
Aerospray MG
Aerospray RG
  • Decreased radius of point of shot contact by roughly 10%.
  • Decreased radius of shot ink coverage by roughly 8%.
  • Decreased rate at which shots ink the ground by roughly 13%.
Sloshing Machine
  • Decreased radius of ink coverage when the center of a shot hits the ground by roughly 20%

Special changes
Tenta Missiles
  • Increased damage dealt to opposing Ballers when shooting ink by roughly 50%.
Sting Ray
  • Opponents behind stage objects will be revealed when the Sting Ray’s beam is roughly 23% further away from them than it was previously.
  • Increased damage dealt to opposing Ballers when shooting ink by roughly 100%.
  • Increased damage dealt to opposing Ballers by direct hits or shot splash damage by roughly 100%.
Curling-Bomb Launcher
  • Increased distance Curling Bombs travel without being charged by roughly 50%.
Ink Storm
  • Increased damage dealt to opposing Ballers by the storm by roughly 150%.
Bubble Blower
  • Increased damage dealt to the bubbles by allied players by roughly 20%, making them easier to burst.
  • Decreased time to switch back to main weapon after creating three bubbles by 20/60 of a second.
  • Increased damage dealt to opposing Ballers by roughly 100%.
  • Increased damage dealt to opposing Ballers by bursting bubbles by roughly 150%.
  • Made movement of the Baller easier to hear for surrounding players.
  • Decreased the radius of minimum damage (55 damage) dealt by the explosion of the Baller by roughly 14% when Special Power Up isn’t being used.
※ Due to changes in gear ability balancing, this radius will be the same as it was previously when the maximum amount of Special Power Up is being used.

Ability changes
Ink Saver (Main)
  • The following weapons will now gain a noticeable Ink Saver benefit, even when the ability isn’t stacked in multiple slots. Maximizing the amount of Ink Saver gear ability will have the same effect.
- Splattershot Pro
- Forge Splattershot Pro
- Luna Blaster
- H-3 Nozzlenose
- Dynamo Roller
- E-liter 4K
- E-liter 4K Scope
- Tenta Brella

Run Speed Up
  • Increased movement speed when using this gear ability and shooting a Splatling by roughly 20%.
Special Power Up
  • Increased the size of the targeting icon when using Special Power Up by roughly 67%.
  • For Ink Armor, Special Power Up now also decreases the time required to protect players with armor after activation
  • For the Inkjet, Special Power Up now also increases the shot explosion radius. In exchange, the additional Inkjet duration afforded by Special Power Up has been decreased by roughly 50%.
  • For the Baller, Special Power Up now also increases the radius in which the Baller will deal minimum damage (55) when it explodes. Considered alongside the changes to the Baller itself, when using the maximum amount of Special Power Up, this radius is the same as it was previously.
  • For the Ink Storm, an issue was fixed in which using Sub Power Up extended the range this special could be thrown. Instead, Special Power Up now also correctly extends the throw range of the Ink Storm special.
Quick Super Jump
  • Even when the ability isn’t stacked in multiple slots, the charge time before performing a super jump will be noticeably reduced.
※Maximizing the amount of Quick Super Jump gear ability will have the same effect.
※Total time from selecting jump destination until landing there remains unchanged.

Sub Power Up
  • For Ink Mines, Sub Power Up now also increases the duration of time opponents remain marked.
  • For Sprinklers, Sub Power Up increases the duration of time the Sprinkler sprays ink at maximum power by roughly 150%.
  • For the Point Sensor, Sub Power Up now also increases the duration of time opponents remain marked.
  • For the Squid Beakon, Sub Power Up increases the effect of reducing super jump time by roughly 50%.
  • Increased the duration of protection against being marked by 20%.
  • Cold-Blooded now also increases the area in which the player is immune to the revealing effects of Thermal Ink, Haunt, and the Sting Ray.
Opening Gambit
  • During its active period, Opening Gambit now also grants the effects of the Ink Resistance Up gear ability.
Last-Ditch Effort
  • During its active period, the effect of Last-Ditch Effort is now multiplied by 2.4 times the number of times it is equipped as a main gear ability (was previously multiplied by 1.8).
  • Opponents behind stage objects will be revealed when the Haunt’s effective range is roughly 23% further away from them than it was previously.
Thermal Ink
  • Opponents behind stage objects will be revealed when the Thermal Ink’s effective range is roughly 23% further away from them than it was previously.
Respawn Punisher
  • Increased the reduction of a defeated opponent’s special gauge when they respawn from 5% to 15%.
  • Increased the reduction of the user’s special gauge when respawning from 7.5% to 22.5%.
Drop Roller
  • Removed the period of immobility immediately after using Drop Roller.

Special Gauge points changes
Aerospray MG
  • 170 > 160
Hero Slosher Replica
  • 190 > 180
Mini Splatling
  • 190 > 180
Splat Dualies
Hero Dualie Replicas
  • 190 > 180
Enperry Splat Dualies
  • 200 > 180
Hero Shot Replica
  • 180 > 190
.52 Gal
  • 180 > 190
L-3 Nozzlenose
  • 170 > 180
Sloshing Machine
  • 170 > 190
Splat Brella
Hero Brella Replica
  • 160 > 180
The bug fixes can be found on Nintendo's official website here: LINK
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Inkling Cadet
Jun 17, 2015
Wow, I just got home from work and this is the first thing I see...

All of these buffs, many to some of my personal favorites (the Splatling and Dualie Squelchers changes to name a few). This is amazing.

The meta is really going to shift this time around, I'm glad that they making many of the "underused" weapons better rather then nerfing the "meta" ones to equal things out.

Also, I guess I won't be sing 4 Areospray teams every other TW match anymore. lol


The Artist
Site Moderator
Apr 23, 2015
>they nerfed the aerospray
This is indeed the darkest timeline my dudes

All that aside it seems like this patch will mostly benefit shooters this time around, aside from almost everything on this list being able to do something to kill baller, most of the shooters mentioned are faster stronger or both in some small form. While i think this is cool that some things are getting buffs (96, pro, splash, splatlings and brellas too) it feels like it's still not enough to get people into player other classes.

The buff for increased damage range on rollers when applied to baller was un-necessary simply because they could have made that universal so that rollers would be able to make some form of impact, especially the carbon.

however i will say the buffs to the brella is pleasing to see, im glad they went for more of a defensive based buff and toned down the end lag of the weapon's fire rate. tenta brella and normal brella both act completely different from one anaother, there has never been a real tank weapon in this game before so balance going towards the tanking aspect of the tenta brella are great to see.

overall really nice quality of life changes, but im not sure i'll be a fan of a pre-dominant shooter meta


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 7, 2017
Switch Friend Code
>they nerfed the aerospray
This is indeed the darkest timeline my dudes

All that aside it seems like this patch will mostly benefit shooters this time around, aside from almost everything on this list being able to do something to kill baller, most of the shooters mentioned are faster stronger or both in some small form. While i think this is cool that some things are getting buffs (96, pro, splash, splatlings and brellas too) it feels like it's still not enough to get people into player other classes.

The buff for increased damage range on rollers when applied to baller was un-necessary simply because they could have made that universal so that rollers would be able to make some form of impact, especially the carbon.

however i will say the buffs to the brella is pleasing to see, im glad they went for more of a defensive based buff and toned down the end lag of the weapon's fire rate. tenta brella and normal brella both act completely different from one anaother, there has never been a real tank weapon in this game before so balance going towards the tanking aspect of the tenta brella are great to see.

overall really nice quality of life changes, but im not sure i'll be a fan of a pre-dominant shooter meta
I wonder if rollers' popularity in Japan had affected how they approached them -- even if it's not like the carbon is a huge part of the Japanese meta.

Hope the brella is cool for sure. I'd really enjoy NOT sobbing every time I see a brella is on my team.


Inkling Commander
Apr 19, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Eh, turfing decreased on Sloshing Machine just when I was starting to use it. But everything else seems pretty good. I look forward to being able to sensibly main the Neo Splash when it comes out--it was an old favorite but it's much less viable at the moment. Big boosts to the Pro and .96 are highly welcome, too, although it looks like the weapons that used to get greater benefits from Ink Saver Main are now going to get lower benefits from them, which could be a problem. Nice turf immunity for the Inkbrush, odd to omit it for the Octobrush but it's already top-tier.

Edit: Never mind, the translations from Twitter seem much better. Ink Saver Main now helps the high-consumption weapons even more than before. Special Power Up does some really useful things now (Inkjet explosion radius, Ink Armor activation time). Thermal Ink got its minimum effective range lowered by a lot--might be a viable choice for the Pro and .96 now, and maybe even Sloshers. Massive damage buffs against Ballers by other specials. Curling Bomb Rush got a big range buff (so the Aerospray MG isn't going anywhere, especially in Splat Zones). Good stuff!
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Inkling Commander
Sep 5, 2015
Oh god, I'm laughing so hard right now.

YOU get a buff, and YOU GET A BUFF!
Except the Aerospray, you go sit in your corner and stop being a meme.

Lots of really cool mobility boosts for my Splatlings and the Bamboozler, better accuracy for the Pro and Dualie Squelchers (plus bullet speed for the former, for less shot leading), they finally stopped the Inkbrush's thin ink trail from being a pain while trouncing through enemy ink, and the Goo Tuber can actually hold partial charges. THE GOO TUBER HAS A NICHE NOW.

And hey, cold blooded isn't entirely a wasted sub slot now? How about that?


Lord of the Squids
Aug 5, 2015
First Tri-Slosher then Sloshing Machine, the regular Slosher better not be next! The SM nerf really sucks, it may not seem so big a deal, but less turfing means it wont be as effective a trapping opponent's, wont be as good in Splatzones n Turf War, and wont see it's special as often. I can consistently get 1000+ points in Turf War with it, so it'll be interesting to see what my average point score becomes after the nerf. Well atleast the regular Slosher went back down to 180p.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I'm really looking forward to this patch. On the first game I was a general "long range guy" on account of using every single ranged weapon that wasn't a charger, and once this patch hits the Splattershot Pro and .96 Gal will be good enough for me to continue that old trend :D


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 7, 2017
Switch Friend Code
I'm really looking forward to this patch. On the first game I was a general "long range guy" on account of using every single ranged weapon that wasn't a charger, and once this patch hits the Splattershot Pro and .96 Gal will be good enough for me to continue that old trend :D
They gave us more long range options without doing anything bad to my rapid pro or your jet.

With some good buffs to sniper rifles and kicking the butt of the aero, today is a great victory for long range lovers.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
They gave us more long range options without doing anything bad to my rapid pro or your jet.

With some good buffs to sniper rifles and kicking the butt of the aero, today is a great victory for long range lovers.


Inkling Cadet
Jun 17, 2015
>they nerfed the aerospray
This is indeed the darkest timeline my dudes

All that aside it seems like this patch will mostly benefit shooters this time around, aside from almost everything on this list being able to do something to kill baller, most of the shooters mentioned are faster stronger or both in some small form. While i think this is cool that some things are getting buffs (96, pro, splash, splatlings and brellas too) it feels like it's still not enough to get people into player other classes.

The buff for increased damage range on rollers when applied to baller was un-necessary simply because they could have made that universal so that rollers would be able to make some form of impact, especially the carbon.

however i will say the buffs to the brella is pleasing to see, im glad they went for more of a defensive based buff and toned down the end lag of the weapon's fire rate. tenta brella and normal brella both act completely different from one anaother, there has never been a real tank weapon in this game before so balance going towards the tanking aspect of the tenta brella are great to see.

overall really nice quality of life changes, but im not sure i'll be a fan of a pre-dominant shooter meta
I did find it kind of odd that they didn't give rollers or chargers any significant changes this balance patch, since many tend to say that they are some of the weapons that need a buff the most but I guess Nintendo wasn't sure on how to tweak them yet.

I'm really looking forward to this patch. On the first game I was a general "long range guy" on account of using every single ranged weapon that wasn't a charger, and once this patch hits the Splattershot Pro and .96 Gal will be good enough for me to continue that old trend :D
Same here (I mainly play long ranged non-charger weapons as well), I'm mostly looking forward to the Dualie Squelcher (my only real issue with the weapon honestly was its spread, which made it inconsistent accuracy wise like a .96 Gal and now they are buffing the spread... along with the .96 Gal) and Splatlinng buffs. :D


Senior Squid
Oct 11, 2015
SSP/Forge can paint more, has more speed with shots, and to top it all off the thermal ink buff is viable for the weapon. This is all I need.

Greatest patch yet!


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 7, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Allied with us? Allied with us!?!? We don’t ally with short-rangers.

Except maybe the N-Zap because its buffs are sneaky good.

EDIT: I'd also like to recognize that the changes to how S+ ranks work are a fantastic first step.
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Jan 9, 2016
United States
NZap didn't deserve those buffs

also, glad to see the baller was nerfed, now it won't be as annoying to get rid of


Inkling Cadet
Aug 13, 2017
So my squadmates uses the goo tuber a lot, and he's S/S+ with it.
He's annoyed with the buff.



Inkling Commander
May 31, 2015
Switch Friend Code
So my squadmates uses the goo tuber a lot, and he's S/S+ with it.
He's annoyed with the buff.

The problem isn't entirely that it's trash. It's just that it doesn't have anything that other chargers don't, to be honest.


Inkster Jr.
Jun 26, 2015
According to google translate, the Splat Brella's special charge is going up from 160 to 180, even higher than its original 170? Why? Is there some sort of league strategy I don't know about because it seems like everyone hate having it on their team despite the quick super charge.

When I play against a Brella I just shoot down their Sprinkler quickly, roll a bomb every time they shield, and their entire strategy falls apart.

Mr. 9

Semi-Pro Squid
May 15, 2016
I find the "buff" to the .96 to be pretty underwhelming. It's disappointing because I used to like it quite a bit in Splatoon 1. Please reduce the RNG on firing a noticeable amount, or gimme back my Kracken! Or don't (and then wonder why no one uses the darn thing)...


Senior Squid
Jun 12, 2013
Can someone explain this wording:

"・Even when the ability isn't stacked in multiple slots, the charge time before performing a super jump will be noticeably reduced.
※Maximizing the amount of Quick Super Jump gear ability will have the same effect.
※Total time from selecting jump destination until landing there remains unchanged.."

does this mean I get less benefit from stacking wsj?

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