Splatoon: An Amazing Game with TERRIBLE CONTROLS


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jul 28, 2014
Switch Friend Code
People are just stuck in the past and are immediately turned off by the mere mention of motion controls, without actually giving it a chance. But it really is all the precision of a mouse on a console now, time to move the hell on from the relic of the past that is analog aiming.


Full Squid
May 23, 2015
Weird that people have such mixed opinions about the motion controls. It could be that they chose to use the roller in the testfire and found motion controls only to be an annoyance to them there. The roller was easily the most popular weapon during the testfires. I played it with my 14 year old sister and she couldn't stand the motion controls so we had them disabled the entire first time. I had no troubles using the roller without motion controls on, and I probably could've slipped into the whole leave them off group, but I tried using the splatcharger later on and immediately saw that the stick controls just weren't up to snuff.

That kotaku review in particular was written about the test fire too I see, so it makes sense that not using motion controls wouldn't have been as jarring then, many enemies weren't using them either, so the battlefield was much more even. Plus the whole roller thing. In the end I think that once people have tried out both and played with the motion controls enough, there won't be a whole lot of debate to be had on the issue. There's probably just a lot of frustration over the stick controls not being great that's being vented in various ways. That frustration is totally understandable of course, the stick controls are depressing.

@missingno I agree somewhat. People are always opposed to new ideas like motion controls, sometimes for good reason, other times not so much. In this case I think that people probably are overreacting a little since the motion controls in this game are great. At the same time though, I don't think that analog aiming is going to just go away. Handled correctly it's a fine substitute to a mouse or gyro controls. I use mouse and analog aiming indiscriminately and have no quarrels about either. I think that since there's a large community of gamers that don't want to move on up that Nintendo should be obligated to provide the kind of controls they want though, since it's only at a minor inconvenience to them to put them in the game properly and would address a large number of complaints.
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Semi-Pro Squid
May 31, 2015
I see where you're coming from, but I still think that the motion controls should stay as they are.


Jun 5, 2015
The controls work perfectly for me. I had trouble at first, but I assimilated quickly. I recommend trying out different settings in single player until you find a good fit. Though, there's nothing wrong with Nintendo adding some more options.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 28, 2014
Converting divine weaponry to shoot ink
Would definitely like some more sensitivity options, but I don't really need 'em either.

Although I'm kind of a crazy person when it comes to controls, I'd like to see a setting where spinning/flicking the C-stick spins the Inkling 1:1 so I don't have to fidget with quick turn to hit somebody at about 150º or something.


Full Squid
Sep 24, 2014
The analogue controls are so weird. You can only literally move up/down/left/right as opposed to in any direction smoothly and freely like in any other shooter and that puts me off those controls so much. Changing camera sensitivity does nothing for the up/down camera and its way too fast and fiddly for me.

Pretty much have to use motion controls, I like them a lot. I tend to need to reset the cam quite a bit but its nice to have it. I hope in whatever nintendos next console is they have a gamecube controller but with built in motion.


Jun 7, 2015
....Alright, so I just played through almost the entire single player campaign with my little brother. Think we just need to kill the last boss tomorrow to finish it. (Controller died right at the end, hahah.)

So....yeah. The motion controls are fantastic. Should've had more faith in Nintendo. :x
That said, they could still make them a little better by making the joystick controls more polished, probably. And I'd still like to see how the options I recommended would play. I think they'd be great, too.

But yeah...the controls feel super natural now. It sucks that a lot of people probably aren't using them. Thanks for convincing me to try them out, guys. Can't wait to tear it up online now. Me and my brother were already constantly sitting on top of our teams in ranked matches. The motion controls are so much more natural feeling!


Senior Squid
Apr 29, 2015
Hey all. So first of all, I'm posting here because I bought Splatoon a few days ago, and have been playing it like eight hours a day with my little brother. The game is some of the most fun I've ever had with a videogame. Rad as hell soundtrack, fantastic atmosphere, and addictive and hilariously fun gameplay. Super FRESH all around, lol.

So I came here to post this in hopes that you guys will agree with me. Basically, I think Splatoon's controls could use some major improvements, and it would take Nintendo thirty seconds to implement the features I'm about to propose. I really hope they patch this game in the near future.

The first thing is the joystick sensitivity. Either I turn it down, so I can actually aim at enemies, and then I can't turn around fast enough to survive in close firefights, or I turn them up, and then whenever I try to turn quickly to face an enemy, I end up looking at the sky or at the ground. Proposed fix: let us set the aiming sensitivity for the X and Y axis seperately, like Halo did like fifteen years ago. That would go a long way in making the the joystick aiming better, in my opinion. We need to be able to turn 360 degrees quickly, but we only need about sixty degrees of motion on the Y axis usually, so why are the X and Y axis' sensitivity locked together?!

Edit: As PremiumFootwear points out in the post below, there's no acceleration when aiming, either, making small adjustments while aiming extremely difficult with the josysticks, no matter which axis you're on. Also needs to be fixed. =(

Second of all are the motion controls...I got up to level 13/rank C+ yesterday, and I'm starting to bump into some good players. The sniper rifle type weapons are actually starting to become a real threat in the hands of these good players. When I played against them, I thought "how the hell are they aiming so precisely?! They must have bionic thumbs!" Watching them play though, I realized they're almost definitely using motion controls, because their movements are so fine and slow.

So I turned motion controls back on. And holy ****, aiming with motion controls is SO precise. The only problem is is that it's confusing as hell to use them for a few reasons.
-The first reason is that using motion controls automatically locks your Y axis. Why? What's the point of that?
-The second reason is because you have to CONSTANTLY reset the calibration by pressing the y button to make sure you can physically turn the controller to aim in all directions when you need to.
-The third reason is that the motion controls are ALWAYS ON when you have the option ticked. Whenever I look down at my map or anything like that, my character ends up looking sideways and at the ground as I move my arms. Terrible when the game is so fast paced.

The way to fix the motion controls is super simple. Allow us to simply hold the LEFT BUMPER when we want motion controls enabled. When we press the left bumper and enter motion controls, set our current arm position as the starting position for calibration, since the player will obviously be sitting in a comfortable position while they're playing. With this simple fix, we could run around for 70% of gameplay time using the regular joystick controls to quickly turn and squid around without motion controls messing us up whenever our arms accidentally move, and we could quickly toggle motion controls on when we need them - when we're already facing an enemy, and want a quick and accurate way to fine-tune our aim.

So there we go. I think these few simple fixes would make Splatoon's gameplay a million times better than it already is. I love the game to death, and for the most part, I'm tearing it up in both battle modes. It just sucks when you die because of imprecise controls. I have a feeling a lot of the better players are using the motion controls, but when the motion controls are so much of a pain in the *** to use, the situation becomes "aim worse and have fun," or "put up with keeping track of where your arms are for four hours straight, or put up with not being able to aim as well as all these crazy Japanese squids." Not an ideal situation.

Anyone else agree? I hope Nintendo takes notice of these problems and fixes them. I'm surprised they didn't get them sorted before the game launched, honestly. Nintendo games almost always have perfect controls!
Nice post man. I too wish there was more button layout options (specifically I'd like L to be jump so I can jump and aim at the same time). But for the most part I'd say most of the aiming sensitivity issues for me mostly come from the controller rather than the game itself. Like a lot of third party console controllers, the dead zone in the joystick is a little big and the sensitivity is inconsistent in it's severity.

Aiming is indeed a bit difficult in this game, that much I agree with. It might have to do with the aim assist being kind of low. As for 180 turning there are tricks/methods to accomplish this (shift canceling while pulling back on the left stick and tapping Y), but for the most part I just retreat and approach the situation when it's in my favor.

I reached A- in Ranked without motion controls. And keep in mind this is Nintendo's first time dabbling in this competitive genre (the closest probably being Metroid Prime Hunters way back when) and completely retweaking game core controls would take a lot of re-coding and possibly mess with a lot of dependents.

Other than that I wish you the best of luck in your Splatting endeavors!


Squid Savior From the Future
Apr 23, 2015
I think the controls are fine. All you gotta do is keep motion controls off, really.


Full Squid
Jan 19, 2015
i personally don't use the motion controls i find it jarring when i play but you just have to find your own style and way of playing ... like the whole invert X and Y axis debate just play the way that feels right to you ... that being said i would like to see other controller integration aswell, like the pro controller or even the GC controller (at the expense of the super jump)

what do you guys think? if you could have any controller work with splatoon what would it be?


Inkling Commander
Jun 4, 2015
The game would be unplayable for me without motion controls. I really liked them from the first second I played with it in the testfire. I dislike motion controls in most games, so obviously even though I liked them I tried the non-motion control and it was a disaster :D More options and customizability would be nice, though.


Inkling Cadet
May 13, 2015
I'm a bit sad to see a response like this, now that we finally get a use for the gamepad, people don't like it.
I actually like the real time aiming without holding a button, it got frustratin in some of the N64 game where you have to hold one button to aim, and it felt like it too forever to use it, now that i don't need to hold a button to aim, i feel a larger sense of freedom.
I've held on to this sentence for a long time and will hold on with it for longer.

Don't adjust the flaws to suit your skill, Adjust your skill to go around the flaws!


Inkling Commander
May 4, 2015
Surrey, UK
Motion controls rock! It takes a minute or two to get the hang of them, but once you can handle it you'll be aiming faster and more precisely than ever.

I didn't know that the X/Y sensitivity settings for stick control were joined, which sucks I guess, but otherwise the controls in this game are a-okay.


Full Squid
Jan 19, 2015
i feel that however you play the game might be completely foreign to others ... i do just fine without the gyro and just using the sticks but to some people that would be "the wrong way to play" but its how i play, honestly i have so much respect for the guys on here who play with the gyro ... sure as hell i cant lol:D


Pro Squid
Jun 8, 2015
I can understand if the controls feel bad or kinda complicated in the beginning (like turning your gamepad etc.) but now it's so natural for me that I can aim,look and walk around exactly as I want. I guess everybody just needs some time to adapt.


Inkster Jr.
Jun 6, 2015
I play better with the motion controls turned off. I think it's just a matter of your own personal way. Some do better with motion controls turned on, others don't. If I had no choice I could probably adjust to them after more practice, but since the option to turn them off is available, that's what I did.


Senior Squid
Jun 8, 2015
I too found motion controls a tough customer at first. It took me a while to get use using the stick together with the gyro. I need to ramp up the sensitivity to max to suit my liking. I have a huge reason why I use them.

I have tried stick but motion control offers superior aiming especially as I like ranged weapons. The super fast about turn is definitely a life saver in close quarter situations.

What forced me to use motion controls?

ROLLERS!! Yes all you non rollers know what i am talking about here.

There were a few occasions where I had a roller after me only for me to suddenly turn and fire at him while back tracking. I do not think it would be that easy if I was using stick.
Since launch day, rollers have pretty much been the achilles heel of everyone. Not anymore.


Full Squid
May 23, 2015
i feel that however you play the game might be completely foreign to others ... i do just fine without the gyro and just using the sticks but to some people that would be "the wrong way to play" but its how i play, honestly i have so much respect for the guys on here who play with the gyro ... sure as hell i cant lol:D
I play better with the motion controls turned off. I think it's just a matter of your own personal way. Some do better with motion controls turned on, others don't. If I had no choice I could probably adjust to them after more practice, but since the option to turn them off is available, that's what I did.
So you guys both prefer the stick controls? What sorts of weapons do you use?


Full Squid
Jan 19, 2015
So you guys both prefer the stick controls? What sorts of weapons do you use?
i use the Areospray RG mostly but sometimes i switch it out for the Krak-On roller

i on average come out at about 8 kills a match if i am playing ranked

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