The Inkopolis match center has now descriptions:
Goal: Be the team with the most amount of kills.
Time: 5 minutes
Players: 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10
Players have five minutes to to splat as many opponents as possible. The total amount of splats per team is added to the bar at the top of the screen.
(Bar example)
Goal: Be the team with most splats
Time: 5 minutes
Players: 2, 4, 6, or 8
Players have five minutes to stay alive and splat as many opponents as possible. If a player dies, they enter spectator mode, were they can watch there teammates. If there is the same amount of players in each team at the end of the 5 minutes, the team with most turf wins.
Bumper Brush
Goal: Be the team with the most amount of kills.
Time: 5 minutes
Players: 2, 4, 6 or 8
Weapons: Only brushes
Players must ram into each other with brushes until one of them gets splatted. The total amount of splats per team is added to the bar at the top of top of the screen. Players can flick the brush, but no ink would come out.
Hide and Seek
Goal: Not be caught by the seeker or catch all of the hiders.
Time: 1:00 to hide, 3:30 to seek
Players: 2+ maximum 10
Weapons: Seekers: Any but not rollers.
When the game starts, the seekers get a general view of the map surroundings, but not the map it self. No specials or subs work. Most places in the maps are accessible but places like spawn have a shield. You can't kill if your a hider. Super jump is disabled. After being found and kill, you enter spectator mode. If the seekers find every hider they win the game immediately, if a hider still remains in the game after the time rounds out, they win.
Beakon Defense
Goal: Destroy all of the opponent's beacons.
Time: 3 minutes
Players: 2, 4, 6 or 8
Weapons: Subs
When the match starts each team goes to put their suggestions of where the beacon should be, after both team places their suggestions, the game choses a 3 random suggestion to place the beacon for each team. After this, the map resets and everyone goes back to they spawn and the game begins. You must destroy the opponents beakons to win.
(Beakon look)