If you can recall, during the ordering of Lucina and Robin amiibo's at various retailers, namely gamestop (henece brick and mortar), their systems halted due to how their ordering system was setup. Long story short, most people didn't get an order, only one or two may of nabed an order, and much rage ensued. MTP prolly was one of those unlucky few that ended up being the next person in line to place an order, and couldn't, because of the said crash, and the person in front may of got lucky and had one hell of a smile on their face, cause theirs went through. Therefore, MTP gets saltty, curses all amiibo kind, and prolly wishes malicious intervention on all those that still seek these things. Therefore praising the hijack.
Also both parts were said in regards to mtp. I mean, if you read the guys tweet he is practically trying to troll and trigger people due to the context of it all. If it were the other way around, it would of been along the lines of 'this poster' or something that hints towards your own username.