Splatoon Won't Survive in its Current Condition

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Full Squid
Apr 23, 2015
I don't know why you assume most players are in ranked all the time, that's not the case. Ranked queues are a decent amount slower than turf war queues. queue times in turf war is almost instant. There's no evidence to support the notion that queues will dry up any time soon. In fact, everything seems to point to the opposite.


Jun 5, 2015
Hate? No. If it was hate, you wouldn't see it at all, or worse - I would literally just slather the game in octo-ink and the post would be much shorter because I wouldn't care THAT much if I hated it.

It's called wanting the game to improve. And right now, this thread is constantly proving to me that people are too enamored with it still and with their own capabilities to even consider how the new player experience looks in comparison. It rocked when everyone was goofily learning the controls. Now? There aren't that many people outside of ranked matches, and among those that are outside ranked matches it's a disparity between those with lots of experience, and those just starting out, and there's nothing to help the guys just starting out. At all. The only thing that could possibly make the situation worse is if the pool in regular matches dried up to the point that matches couldn't get started at all. Law of statistics says this won't happen, not yet anyway. There's really no system in place to make sure there's enough people to get a regular match going either. That's what I meant by splitting the player base - there shouldn't be a level 10 lock out from ranked matches, where most players are. The entire player pool needs to be available to every player at all times or there will be a chance for a regular match drought, and the game really won't be in a good place then. Hard to level without anyone to play with.
This complaint is very different from your original post. I actually can agree that Splatoon has a difficult learning curve. Although, you are wrong about most players being in ranked. There's more in turf wars from my experience. Your point about the level 10 limit being too high may become a problem in the future, though. If the casual players leave and it's mostly competitive players on the servers, ranked might be the most popular mode. However, Nintendo has been rolling out new modes, weapons, and maps to keep interest and variety, so I don't expect this to be a problem at all. The servers would be shut down before then, in my opinion.


Inkster Jr.
May 30, 2015
I don't know why you assume most players are in ranked all the time, that's not the case. Ranked queues are a decent amount slower than turf war queues. queue times in turf war is almost instant. There's no evidence to support the notion that queues will dry up any time soon. In fact, everything seems to point to the opposite.
Until the game doesn't ask me to sit and wait for a match that still has 2+ minutes to run its course, I'm not so sure I can believe this at all. Surely, it can find one ending in 30 seconds if there aren't enough people available to get a new lobby going.


Jun 5, 2015
Until the game doesn't ask me to sit and wait for a match that still has 2+ minutes to run its course, I'm not so sure I can believe this at all. Surely, it can find one ending in 30 seconds if there aren't enough people available to get a new lobby going.
I think you were playing at a slow time. I've had that happen a few times, but not too often. Try playing again at a few different times.


Full Squid
Apr 23, 2015
Until the game doesn't ask me to sit and wait for a match that still has 2+ minutes to run its course, I'm not so sure I can believe this at all. Surely, it can find one ending in 30 seconds if there aren't enough people available to get a new lobby going.
That's been happening since day 1. Probably just puts you in queue for a match that had a disconnect. Rooms like that probably have some sort of priority on them for matchmaking.

It's a little silly to claim such a thing from that one piece of information. The game has sold out of physical copies in Japan, and is selling well all across the globe. Apart from the rare times I have to wait for a game to finish, I don't think I've ever once waited for longer than 15 seconds to get into a lobby. Splatoon is currently doing just fine.


Full Squid
Jun 22, 2014
Until the game doesn't ask me to sit and wait for a match that still has 2+ minutes to run its course, I'm not so sure I can believe this at all. Surely, it can find one ending in 30 seconds if there aren't enough people available to get a new lobby going.
That's really bad luck if you have to wait a super long time for a match enough times to be truly annoyed by it; I see this only once in maybe a couple of days. If you do have to witness this much loading, then just have your phone or 3DS or something handy to keep you from getting bored. Heck, Splatoon even provides at least one game to distract you for a while (more if you have amiibo), so Nintendo seems to have a better understanding of waiting woes than other companies.


Inkling Cadet
Apr 27, 2015
This thread is dumb you guys, don't reply to threads where the OP refuses to budge even slightly!
The OP is bad at the game and is blaming...the game for it, we won't get anywhere with this. We have new mods, right? Can't someone lock this thread?

Hey you, person about to reply, I see you, don't post. Don't do it man, let this thread die,


Inkster Jr.
May 30, 2015
I think you were playing at a slow time. I've had that happen a few times, but not too often. Try playing again at a few different times.
I'm concerned how 7pm EST would be a slow time unless the east coast just never bothered to pick up the game but:

That's been happening since day 1. Probably just puts you in queue for a match that had a disconnect. Rooms like that probably have some sort of priority on them for matchmaking.
This hypothesis makes sense, albeit this is something Nintendo needs to look at if that's really how it works. Again, if there are REALLY that many people in turf wars, I shouldn't be waiting at all. I never had to wait earlier this week.


Inkling Commander
Apr 23, 2015
Under a rock in Texas.
Your putting all the blame on the game, when its not the games fault.
First of all, the game is centered around teamwork. All those teams you claim stomped you had good teamwork. Instead of saying 'oh my teammates suck, i'm the best, this game is unfair to new people' put the time and effort that most of us have into this game to learn from your mistakes and level up. And for god sakes work with your team. One person can make a difference, but winning takes a team effort.


Senior Squid
Jul 7, 2008
Go **** post on mii verse please!

I'd offer a more constructive post but apparently I'm forbidden to give advice.

Hey you, person about to reply, I see you, don't post. Don't do it man, let this thread die,
**** I saw this late! I'm sorry!
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Inkster Jr.
May 30, 2015
Since it's clear people are assuming I'm the bad rather than that I'm pointing out flaws with the game that would make it hard for a new comer to get into it, peace out. I hope the game continues to do well, but I'm not holding my breath. Outstanding sales just means the hype train worked, and the list of incoming DLC is just a road map, but not evidence that the game has longevity.

Apathy kills games like this. This thread is proof that there's plenty to go around. It probably doesn't help that there's virtually no way to communicate in game.

Your putting all the blame on the game, when its not the games fault.
First of all, the game is centered around teamwork. All those teams you claim stomped you had good teamwork. Instead of saying 'oh my teammates suck, i'm the best, this game is unfair to new people' put the time and effort that most of us have into this game to learn from your mistakes and level up. And for god sakes work with your team. One person can make a difference, but winning takes a team effort.
Kinda hard to coordinate without some form of communication. Best I can do is look at the map and cover the sectors that no one else is at and pray the weapon make up is varied and effective, as well as in good hands. A bunch of inklings with splattershots probably isn't going to fare the best in turf wars against a team that has jrs. and rollers with a med-long range support type in the mix to engage opposing inklings, considering the win conditions.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jul 28, 2014
Switch Friend Code
Since it's clear people are assuming I'm the bad rather than that I'm pointing out flaws with the game that would make it hard for a new comer to get into it, peace out.
The majority of your complaints do just boil down to you being a sore loser. You keep blaming the game every time you lose. You blame the controls, you blame levels, you blame matchmaking, you blame your teammates, all you do is whine whine whine about losing.

Look, everyone loses sometimes. Nobody has a 100% win rate, and even the best players will suffer losing streaks sometimes. And as I said before, the average win rate is only 50%, while human psychology causes us to get more hung up on our failures than our successes. Learning to accept those losses, learn from it, pick yourself up, and try again is something you need to learn to do yourself. Grow up and quit crying about it.

Kinda hard to coordinate without some form of communication. Best I can do is look at the map and cover the sectors that no one else is at.
Look at the map. Look at what your teammates are doing. Running off inking turf? Take a different side path that's uninked and meet up with them at the end. Trying to push? Push with them. Fighting? Back them up. Activating a special? Get in there and take advantage of the opening that gives you. See an arrow indicating that someone's trying to Super Jump to you? Refrain from pushing until they've made a safe landing. Heard a "C'mon" message? Go run to them. Need help? Send a "C'mon" message.

Even without chat, you can work together, and if you're just outright ignoring them then no wonder you suck. And yes, YOU suck, stop blaming your teammates for everything, especially if you won't even work with them.


Jun 5, 2015
Since it's clear people are assuming I'm the bad rather than that I'm pointing out flaws with the game that would make it hard for a new comer to get into it, peace out. I hope the game continues to do well, but I'm not holding my breath. Outstanding sales just means the hype train worked, and the list of incoming DLC is just a road map, but not evidence that the game has longevity.

Apathy kills games like this. This thread is proof that there's plenty to go around. It probably doesn't help that there's virtually no way to communicate in game.

Kinda hard to coordinate without some form of communication. Best I can do is look at the map and cover the sectors that no one else is at and pray the weapon make up is varied and effective, as well as in good hands. A bunch of inklings with splattershots probably isn't going to fare the best in turf wars against a team that has jrs. and rollers with a med-long range support type in the mix to engage opposing inklings, considering the win conditions.
I've won battles where my team had like 3 or 4 inkbrushes. The weapon type isn't important, it's whose using it that is. Also, sorry that people are just assuming you're horrible at the game. Some of your complaints are at your fault though, so you shouldn't just be going around saying everyone is rude or apathetic.
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The ΩS

Apr 16, 2007
No game is perfect, and everyone here knows that. But Splatoon (and like many other games that have a competitive side to it) is not the kind of game to hold your tentacle to get easy freshness. And your initial post(s) reeks of rotten skill level. You can change all the problems in this game to a perfect solution and you'll still be complaining for "improvements." If you don't seek to improve yourself and instead ask the developers to fix your problems, then you'll always be at the level of freshness you're at: Rotten.

If anything, begging for short-term improvements is the real apathy for killing video games.


I am a leaf on the wind - watch how I soar.
Dec 15, 2011
Welcome to just about every shooter. If you are late to the party, of course you are not going to be as good as the people who have been playing longer. Either way, you are going to win some, and you are going to lose some, so I fail to see how this is the game's fault for anything. Splatoon may be a shooter, but it isn't like most shooters, so it has mechanics that you don't typically see in the genre. I suggest that you just play some more, and get more experience with the game. All games are not made for everyone, so if you don't like it, then this may not be the game for you. Which is a shame, since the game is fun, once you get used to it, however, fun is a subjective thing. You and I may not have the same idea of fun. I just ask that you try to give the game a chance before you decide whether to stay or leave. (Hopefully stay. :))


Inkster Jr.
May 16, 2015
San Diego
This man salty as heck. Git gud dude. I get paired with a wide range of levels and they can all do well or poorly, it's the player not the level. Also I never care if my team is losing because that only means I have more opportunity to cover area gaining more points. I walk out of 70%of matches above a hundred points win or lose. If this is really a problem for you, check the way you play maybe it's you not the game. By the way there's no penalty for losing a game on unranked.
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