Anyways, I don't get why it was cut, we get a ton of people saying "wot" not "what".
It wasn't "cut". NoE is very "by the book" and runs their translations as more or less straight translations of the Japanese version. You could call it pure localization, but technically it's the opposite of localization, it's just translation without adjusting for required cultural/phrasing changes to make a joke work in the region the way it would in Japan. Most of the reason for that is with SO MANY cultures/langauages to deal with in EU territory + ME, it would be impossible to have one unit properly localize for all that.
NoA on the other hand has Treehouse that completely localizes things including adapting dialogue to Western humor, memes, and phrasings more. In some cases like Mario & Luigi they write their own entire script separate from the Japanese original. The downside of this is because they do a lot more retooling in the game, they have time to localize less games, thus why you guys get some games there we don't get here. And the reason Xenoblade is a thing and has all UK actors :)
Can't please everyone though. Plenty here gripe that NoA mucks with the wording and adds to much pop humor and prefers NoE's straight Japanese translations. And in Splatoon, it's hard to fault that with "C'Mon", "Booyah", and "Make it Rain!" that cause all kinds of incorrect usage in battle!