Squidboards Where Are They Now


Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Hey everyone this is Saber and wow it has been awhile
I just wanted to create a thread for the OG of splatoon and Squidboards community and see where they are now

So since the last of the splatoon updates I kinda got busy with work and responsibilities.

I was able to get back in touch with some friends I had started losing touch with and have been glad to have them back in my life

On top of that I have been taking some time to write a novel about how to create convincing characters...it was a recommendation I gotten from an animator back at E3 and have since been enjoying this pet project more and more

In terma of games, I have switched attention between various games as of late including Hollow Knight, Star Wars Battlefront, Enter the gungeon, Smash Ultimate, and various others (Kinda looking forward to Ninjala when that releases) ....But I still come back to enjoy Splatoon 2 every once in a while, might even come back more regularly with the continuation of splatfests

Anyways enough about me how have you squids and or kids been and what have I missed?


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
I have focused my attention on finishing the current games I have. I kind of don't want Splatfests to continue because they would just get in the way of raising my weapon freshness every day. Anyway, other things that have happened is that I finished my semester, read some Minecraft novels and I have been looking forward to finally make my life orderly and not have it all over the place anymore.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Nov 3, 2015
In the Paradox of Spring
Hi, I'm the idiot that thought ditching this game for a PS4 and its garbage was a good idea some three years ago. Not like I was very active before then, but that was what drove me to stop focusing on Splatoon, and the boards by proxy. (granted, I'd probably be a lot more active if the site didn't **** up for me on mobile...) Kind of a shame, it seems most of the names I remember from back in the day have moved on, unless they're just quiet for now.

Anyway, not much has changed since I last bother to show my face around here. I got a small event job in the fall, but that sadly (or not?) didn't lead anywhere. Used the earnings from that to cobble together an actual PC to replace the dinosaur I had previously, thus finally bringing me in line with my other buddies (and shutting them up in the process).

Game-wise, well, I mentioned the PS4. Honestly, if I had known eveyone was gonna get a proper PC and game on that, I'd have never bothered. There's barely anything on it that I can't get elsewhere (and indeed, my PS4 and PC libraries match up pretty well), and what is exclusive wasn't *quite* my style anyway. At least it provided a fair share of fun times...

That being said, even if it weren't for the PS4, Smash coming out a year later would've put a dent in my Splatoon "career" anyway. Say what you will about Ultimate, it's fun as **** whether taking it seriously or not. Hell, before the pandemic hit I got it in my head to start attending local tournaments and start to seriously improve—even though the past few months have indicated that I'm not the only thing with room for improvement.

Speaking of the past few months, I've taken the liberty of replaying some older games of mine out of a desire to not lose myself in multiplayer online gaming too much. My findings so far: Banjo-Tooie and Mario Odyssey are better than I remembered, Breath of the Wild is less better than I remembered, Sonic Adventure is in dire need of a remaster, and I still suck at Guitar Hero. Haven't yet decided what's next.

That's enough out of me, I suppose. I realize all the cool kids hang out on Plebbit and Twatter instead of the Only name in quality squid discussion, which is why this place is usually pretty dull, even back in the day. I can make an effort to post here more often (which again, would be a thing if it wasn't such a pain to use on mobile), but eh, who knows?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 11, 2017
As I said in the Mayo v Ketchup thread, I lost my save file this winter, so I'm still playing Splatoon 2 a lot since I have to unlock everything and get good pieces of gear etc. I should probably go back to Splatoon 1 some time. God knows the Wii U internet isn't going to stick around forever.

I'm always enjoying tons of other games besides Splatoon, but currently a lot of time is going to New Horizons and Etrian Odyssey IV.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I've been busy, to put it lightly. I started a new job 13 months ago and have gone from entry-level to training others to do the job to supervisor, so I think I'm doing alright for myself there. Heh, if I ever get into competitive sploot again I'll be in a better position since my job is all about managing people and helping them succeed ;)

And then there's my wife, who I met on this very forum a few years back. Well, fiancee, but close enough at this point. Due to the state of the world we exchanged rings via the mail, and I'm very happy with that :D

Beyond that, I've been playing loads of games, mostly on PC, and being some sort of hipster I imagine most of you haven't heard of them ;) I've had fun with the wife and a friend on Diablo 3, but the indie Grim Dawn is far better. Earth Defense Force 5 hit Steam a year ago and I'm still massively enjoying it with friends because A, it's stupid fun essentially having tenta missiles as your primary weapon, and B, the game has mountains of content. Pharaoh Rebirth was completed recently, and that's one of the best Metroidvanias I've played in some time (music's fantastic too). I recently learned too that my wife really enjoys tower defense, so we've been checking out the Gemcraft series and other classics like Orcs Must Die 2 and Sanctum 2. I also want to get into Monster Hunter with her and AGH TOO MANY GAMES TOO LITTLE TIME!

Oh, and Animal Crossing, but I think that goes without saying at this point.

Also thumbs up on Etrian Odyssey, Minkukel! I love that series :) Been thinking about playing through III again cause it's my favorite, or picking up Nexus.

kunoichi squid

Inkling Cadet
Apr 23, 2015
Hi all! Your resident ninja squid is here. :D I got a new job working at a retirement community of all places. I also am slowly closing my personal company (the one where I sold the key chains out of). I still live with my mom and brother (my bff). I haven't really posted much here as I don't really play much Splatoon 2 except for Salmon Run as I said in the Mayo v Ketchup thread and I find a lot of people in the Splatoon community at large a bit toxic to say the least.* My current games include LoZ: Breath of the Wild (for the Switch), Super Mario Party, and Mario Kart. I have spent most of my so-called spare time cleaning/organizing, repair and maintenance around the house, digital drawings, and learning to cook/bake. :p

*= I've also learned my brother and I are autistic so it doesn't help being bullied or around toxic people. :(

I don't think I left out anything. If I did, I'll post a reply again or you can ask me questions. :cool:

The Salamander King

Jun 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Heyyo, people of Squidboards! For some unknown reason (and I really have no idea how) my internet started to work again about a month ago, ending my year-long hiatus from competitive Splatoon. In that year, my skills have greatly diminished, and my team has disbanded due to a variety of reasons, mostly involving inactive members and some... unreasonable behavior. I've been working on getting back into the swing of things and improving my less-than-stellar ranks. I'll be looking for (or maybe creating) my own team at some point in the near-future.

Thankfully, I haven't lost my Splatoon drive yet, and I hope that I accomplish my lofty ambitions before I do.

As for things unrelated to Splat, I have been making very short zero-budget movies on my YouTube channel in the vein of early-2000s toy videos, where kids would film movies using their (mainly dinosaur) toys as characters and props. This genre is, unfortunately, basically dead on modern YouTube, and I would love to see a resurgence. This is also a fun and easy way for me to learn useful film making techniques, which is a career I'd like to enter in the future. If you're interested, my channels can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCUBiEc3IvckK6SOjo4DOEg/videos?view_as=subscriber
(I also make a lot of Splatoon stuff and stream sometimes)

Every 6 months or so, I see a new post on Twitter about how the community needs a better place to gather and communicate, and I still see this site being brought up. I hope, eventually, that the community returns and Squidboards can return to its former glory.

So that's basically it for me. See ya!


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Aug 11, 2017
Also thumbs up on Etrian Odyssey, Minkukel! I love that series :) Been thinking about playing through III again cause it's my favorite, or picking up Nexus.
I completely love EO4. It's my first Etrian Odyssey, though I've long suspected I'd like the series. To me the main thing that attracts me to RPGs are the gameplay mechanics, customaizability and balancing, and EO is all about that instead of focusing on story. I'm already completely obsessed by the idea of playing more of the series even though I still have to finish this one (I'm at the final dungeon).


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Hey, all. Seems the Splatfest brought a few of us back to the boards, at least temporarily! It's fun to see some familiar faces.

Not too much of consequence in "the real world" since the bad old days (other than the world falling apart and all that), mostly just frequenting other gaming forums, playing some other games, and caught up in adulting too much to have played a ton of games in the past year at all! Every time I pick a new one I end up never actually starting it. Jumped back into Splatoon a bit following the Splatfest. I probably won't stay with it for too to long until 3 makes a big deal of Splatoon again someday, but it's fun to get temporarily "hardcore" again and get back into the fray like a little squiddy time machine to 4 years ago.


Pro Squid
Apr 17, 2016
Hello. I’m a bit late to the party on this one but I figured I would post.

If you don’t know me that makes sense. The only major contribution I made was making the gear thread for splatoon 2 where squids could gear exchange. I don’t even see that thread anymore. I also made a noob hydra guide though that might have been for splatoon 1.

Anyway, I loved getting on this thread every day to read what everyone was posting. It was a really good time and I did reply in a decent amount of discussions. There were a couple factors that lead me to disappearing. One, I accidentally got sucked into playing old school runescape mainly because it was a huge nostalgia factor for me since I played back in 2005. I dinked around on that for a couple years then got a desire for splatoon again. However, I honestly gravitated towards splatoon 1 again because I have so many good memories and nostalgia with that game. This was last year by the way. Remember on day one of splatoon 1 people were only trying to roll people with the roller? Good times. I played that for awhile then took a break again. More recently I played Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition because I love the Xenoblade series an awful lot. I finished that game up in August.

By the way, I know I am not well known, but thank you all for the excellent memories on here. I know I am speaking as if it will never be a thing again but I think people’s interest always shift eventually and that’s okay. I couldn’t do the same exact thing game wise for the rest of my life and neither can any of you. Will I look at this board regularly and play splatoon 2 again? Maybe, but if I don’t, it’s probably because I am doing something else I equally enjoy.


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
I finally got back to playing Splatoon 2 to get all of the Kensa weapons' freshness up to Raw (since they are the only weapons that I didn't do so), I managed to do it with 3 of them so far and I will keep doing it with the rest of them until the only thing left for me to do is to get every gear piece and fill in their slots.

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