Inkster Jr.
I does look white, it kinda of looks like a platinum blonde as well. At :36 you see the dark green color I was mentioning earlier that looks like the black color! Anyways, I brought this up to my girlfriend who stared at me for a few minutes trying to figure out what would be the problem with white ink. I had to explain it to her. Then she understood.Actually guys, a white color does exist in Splatoon.
There's a dark skinned male Inkling dressed in brown, he has white colored hair and eyebrows, at around :35...
But seriously, I'm kinda excited. I think having white would be awesome! butimhopingnintendorealizesthewhitepaintwouldlooklikeaspecificbodilyfluidthatisveryinappropriateforkids
I don't feel it has to be brought to an inappropriate place. But, I guess that's just me.