That One Time A Special Came To Me In A Dream

Mar 25, 2024
He/Him But Any Is Fine
Switch Friend Code
Hello. I've been thinking of something lately.

Dreams! We all have them (at least I hope you do). Can be some random nonsense, something coherent, or if you're like me and play the game too much, Splatoon. Most recent I had was a 4v4v4 game on Tower Control Scorch Gorge, where 5 of us including me had Hydras and it had Crab Tank which I thought was pretty cool. I dunno why dream me decided the best Crab location was that ****ty one way drop on the right but she sure took it and somehow profited.

While all fine and dandy it got me thinking about a past dream I had, smack dab in the middle of Sizzle Season 2023, before Drizzle was to come out. It was about the kits, what would everything have and whatnot, and the only two weapons that escaped that dream were the Bloblobber Deco and Sorella Undercover Brella, the Bloblobber kit lost to time, however we have one kit, and boy was it silly.

Normally when thinking of an Undercover Brella kit you'd want something supportive, something to help your team and yourself. Back then my friend who I told this dream to wanted Autobomb Tacticooler, which I don't think is too shabby though could be better. This dream kit did come with an Autobomb, albeit reskinned, but the special? The special it was...

A boxing ring?

Why would we have that? Who at Nintendo is giving this thing a boxing ring?

"Does bro really say "you there, gold aerospray, let's dance" and summon two sets of boxing gloves and an arena"

Well who's to say? So the dream Nintendo post revealing this special said that this boxing ring was added because the manga had it. Where does a boxing match happen in the Splatoon manga???

But I haven't really described what this special boxing ring does. So, if you were nearby an enemy, it'd box both of you in, cutting off that part of the map for the duration of the special, and you two basically do a one on one battle inside the small field. Any shots that that teammates or opponents did outside of the ring would be deleted (since the floor was considered uninkable to them) so this was truly just you and your opponent with no help whatsoever. This zone dedicated to you and your foe is roughly the size of the Mahi-Mahi Splat Zone, so it's not too big, but I guess not too little either.

Now that's about all the information I can give because the dream never elaborated outside of the surface level boxing match. Can opponents still use their special inside the ring? How long does the boxing match last between you two? If someone wins does the zone disappear instantly? Can this be used to box off a drop like Big Bubbler and stall with no way of getting rid of it until the match is over? Why did they give it to Undercover Brella? :)

We may never know, but the idea of running up to an E-Liter and boxing them into the ring for their untimely demise sure is funny.

So that's what I've been thinking about. Do you guys have any wild specials or Splatoon dreams? talk about them I'd love to hear it.

(P.S.: Please someone recreate the dream Sorella Undercover Brella. It was Jet Black with white stars on the canopy and I wanna see that remade pretty please ;w;)



Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Time to get to work on the concept for the Sheldon Arena, I guess.

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