The Sodium Thread, for All your Salty postings Need!


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
I saw that there wasn't a salt posting thread where you can vent out your frustrations of Splatoon 3 yet, so I decided to make one.

And to start off, why are there so many cowards who don't go to the Tower? In many Challenge matches, I'm the only one actively going to the tower. Also, quit ignoring my Ouch callout when somebody from the other team is there!


Jun 14, 2023
Switch Friend Code
As someone who coaches a ton with splatoon: mindset is absolutely everything with this game, for both playing casually to have fun or competitively to improve.

If you get caught up thinking about a situation, try to think of what's in YOUR hands to make better. What could you do or change in your own gameplay to make tower so safe your teammates' only choice is to get on? Maybe review some replays to try to get a gameplan for improvement, if that's what you're after.

Also, sometimes unfortunate things just happen in this game. If you're going into it casually, or even competitively, getting too focused on one situation can lose sight of the reason why we play splatoon: to have fun. If you're not having a good time alone, maybe grab a couple of friends to play with you, or just wait for another time. Other things in life exist than just this game and its associated lag/solo teammates/ranked points.

Getting salty about this game genuinely brings nothing good to your experience with the game, and to be quite frank there are already online spaces to vent about Splatoon. If you absolutely have no other option than to yell at a void, r/saltoon feels like a better community for that than squidboards imo. Best of luck in your future games!


Inkling Cadet
Nov 28, 2021
The Restored Kingdom of God
If you get caught up thinking about a situation, try to think of what's in YOUR hands to make better. What could you do or change in your own gameplay to make tower so safe your teammates' only choice is to get on? Maybe review some replays to try to get a gameplan for improvement, if that's what you're after.

Honestly, this is good life advice in general.


Pro Squid
Mar 9, 2023
first off i would like to thank whoever made this thread because i've wanted to post this for a while and don't have anywhere else i can post it.
im completely done with Shiver always winning splatfests. she's already on a win streak of 5 because her fanbase is overly-loyal to her and nintendo keeps giving her all the good splatfest choices. splatfests are supposed to be fun since anyone can win, but apparently that's not the case anymore. im trying not to get salty, but at this point im just never gonna vote team shiver again.
okay my rant is over now. have a good day y'all


Inkling Cadet
Nov 28, 2021
The Restored Kingdom of God
first off i would like to thank whoever made this thread because i've wanted to post this for a while and don't have anywhere else i can post it.
im completely done with Shiver always winning splatfests. she's already on a win streak of 5 because her fanbase is overly-loyal to her and nintendo keeps giving her all the good splatfest choices. splatfests are supposed to be fun since anyone can win, but apparently that's not the case anymore. im trying not to get salty, but at this point im just never gonna vote team shiver again.
okay my rant is over now. have a good day y'all
Fr. I don't understand why Nintendo always gives shiver the best option. Like... shes won 8 I think.


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Not only that, there are always some stupid sore winners (yes sore winners) that like to say she was the only good option like it was a fact.

first off i would like to thank whoever made this thread because i've wanted to post this for a while and don't have anywhere else i can post it.
You're very welcome. That's why a thread to post salt for the Splatoon 3 section was eventually going to happen, since it happened in the other two sections as well.


Full Squid
Jul 1, 2023
Switch Friend Code
first off i would like to thank whoever made this thread because i've wanted to post this for a while and don't have anywhere else i can post it.
im completely done with Shiver always winning splatfests. she's already on a win streak of 5 because her fanbase is overly-loyal to her and nintendo keeps giving her all the good splatfest choices. splatfests are supposed to be fun since anyone can win, but apparently that's not the case anymore. im trying not to get salty, but at this point im just never gonna vote team shiver again.
okay my rant is over now. have a good day y'all
(I'm gonna use this to elaborate on a comment I made elsewhere if you don't mind, lol)
Honestly I wouldn't say shes been getting all of the good choices (frye was team milk chocolate and aliens was pretty popular too); really, we need to be less mad at the fictional character and more mad at the splatfest system.
The proportion of Japanese players is way larger and more influential than any other region, and because theyre all worldwide right now splatfests are starting to feel like a game of "who is Japan voting for". And in this specific case, Japan LOOOOVES Shiver. AKA, the west (and frye, and big man) didn't stand a chance.
There's nothing wrong with worldwide themes (I personally prefer them). But I'm going to go with what a few others on other platforms have said and say that results should be calculated by region to prevent this from happening again in the future (even if this splatfest, being as important as it is, probably wouldve always been worldwide regardless).
I don't think I'm ever gonna get over frye's 17% popularity though, lol


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jul 28, 2014
Switch Friend Code
I'll drop an even hotter take and say that I am completely tired of Splatfests and sincerely wish Splatoon 4 would drop them and come up with something else, but of course that'll never happen.

As far as I'm concerned, it's just a weekend where they take away ranked for no reason. I joke about how Big Run and Splatfest are the same thing, because either way I'm just playing Salmon Run all weekend. The simplest thing they could do would be to leave one queue with ranked modes up, but they won't even give us that because ???

Most of the themes just aren't exciting either, they ran out of ideas a long time ago. You'd think that a three-way format would've given them room for new ideas, but it doesn't feel that way, even early on we're getting duds. I'm so uninvested in them that I can't even understand how other people do get invested in the results. Or perhaps it's because the themes are so boring that people get too invested in the waifu wars instead?

Tricolor, I want to like it, I want to give them points for coming up with something new. I like that they wanted to introduce an asymmetric mode. And I appreciate that it's something else to do besides Turf War. But every time I try, I just don't enjoy playing it. I think the problem I have is that it's hard for attackers to build a comp for only two players, and the Ultra Signals feel like they're very dependent on certain specials to cap them - specials that aren't in my weapon pool. Also doesn't help that you queue before knowing whether you'll attack or defend, and thus can't pick weapons accordingly.

But I think the worst part is just how much toxicity it brings out of people. The amount of venom that comes out every Splatfest is becoming seriously unhealthy. I'm genuinely worried about what this is doing to the community. I really believe that Splatfests are just damaging Splatoon now, and it would be for the best to get rid of them if people are going to act like this.


Inkling Cadet
Nov 28, 2021
The Restored Kingdom of God
Most of the themes just aren't exciting either, they ran out of ideas a long time ago. You'd think that a three-way format would've given them room for new ideas, but it doesn't feel that way, even early on we're getting duds. I'm so uninvested in them that I can't even understand how other people do get invested in the results. Or perhaps it's because the themes are so boring that people get too invested in the waifu wars instead?
Aren't they just recycling old splatfests at this point? (Money v Love v Fame). Really though, it has become the waifu wars...


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
In general though, some things should've just been regional, Challenges are another thing that should've been regional. Another thing that I really hate is the fact that Challenges is worldwide, this means that the timeslots available are forced to be in timezones when it's inconvenient to everyone.

If Challenges were regional, the timeslot issue wouldn't have been as bad as it is right now.
Last edited:


Jun 6, 2023
Switch Friend Code
I saw more people complaining about Splatfest sore losers than actual splatfest sore losers.

Twitter's structure gives a loud voice to small and controversial minorities but outside of that stupid site I saw very little drama about Splatfest results and I'm on Instagram (following a lot of IG accounts), Discord, Telegram and Reddit so it shouldn't be took that seriously (something that even happens for more serious topics) and be used to gauge the state of the entire community. The community isn't "toxic" or dying due to some bad apples nor this should be used as ground to terminate Splatfest which for me are part of makes Splatoon special and different from many other competitive games which tends to have a more cold and sterile atmospere.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I'd go so far as to say Missingo's opinion isn't a hot take, or even a lukewarm take. People have been complaining about splatfests removing ranked modes and people getting nasty over splatfests since 2015. Eight solid years of the same complaints over the same scenarios, and yet the game persists and so do the complainers. Maybe they can do something different in Splatoon 4, but until then the things Missingno is saying are exactly the same as the thousands of complainers that have come before them. Heck, poke around on this website, you'll find people making the same comments multiple times!

In general though, some things should've just been regional, Challenges are another thing that should've been regional. Another thing that I really hate is the fact that Challenges is worldwide, this means that the timeslots available are forced to be in timezones when it's inconvenient to everyone.

If Challenges were regional, the timeslot issue wouldn't' have been as bad as it is right now.
I don't think it's that simple. It's a combination of there being no solid global methods to set up events and poor design decisions. Challenges being three 2-hour rotations means that they could do all the localized rotations they want, those challenges will be inconvenient to SOMEBODY, and god help you if you have internet troubles or wind up busy for 30 minutes or more during a challenge. There's no good solution to the problem they set up for themselves if they insist on challenges being that short.


Inkster Jr.
Sep 15, 2023
There's still only 2 maps in a rotation.
To be a little fair, the ranked modes help offer a variety of queues to choose from that all have their own stages, but this doesn't address the fairly likely issue of only playing one map for the majority of a play session.

Also it's Splatoon 3! The opportunity is right there just make it 3 stages aaaaaa

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