No one would be complaining cause they dont HAVE to play that way. Options Options Options OPTIONSSSS!!!!!!!!!!
And what is gimmicky about those controls? They would be the BEST alternative period. Oh and i can go another step forward.. you dont wana play with the wiimote? You can use the pro controler.. BWWWAAAAAAAAA more options?? HOLY CRAP! ... But no, the game sucks now cause you're giving us all these options! I dont wana play this game any more with all these options! RabbleRabbleRabble.
Excuse my sarcasm, but i have trouble dealing with things when people come up with excuses for games' shortcomings.
Furthermore, I DID mention the BILLIONTH option of everyone bringing their own gamepad to one place if they really wana play splitscreen with their gamepad.
About the map - that is arguable. Every game can benefit from a detailed map. In a perfect world every game would have a detailed map for everyone all the time. But this isnt a perfect world... though... again - want a detailed map? Bring your gamepad!
As i mentioned about ink strikes.. remove them completely if they require a map so badly (or bring a gamepad to play with ink strikes). Although, i think it could work fine without the gamepad. You can jump in a beakon and then your screen (only your screen) can have a map pop up on it and you can use the wiimote to point and click what part of the map you wana hit or whatever. Then when you click it switches back to the normal screen. And thennnn, give us the.. uh oh theres that word again.. OPTION of turning (modified) ink strikes ON or OFF.
Heres ANOTHER option. If you or the developers don't think that keeping the same game modes would work in splitscreen multiplayer, how about create different game modes? How about an every man for himself game mode where you simply have to paint the most ground by the time the clock gets to 0? How about 2 on 2? How about "who can cover X amount of land first"? How about a deathmatch/team deathmatch? How about first to X amount of kills? How about a sort of tag game with a paint spin to it? How about a racing mode where you can race in paint and then shoot your paint into the opponents paint screwing them over? How about your team vs the cpu? I just came up with those all right now. A game developer can sit down and think of great game modes that would be different from the MAIN game, but still would be fun to play in the living room. The main goals would be slightly different from what you would be playing online, but it would still be a lot of fun. And then you can also have the OPTION of playing normal turf wars and other modes, with whatever modifications are needed. Unless everyone brings a gamepad - then everyone can play the game the way its "meant to be played" locally.
I definitely dont think making those adjustments would water down the gameplay that much (or at all), and also adding those features would be minimal work compared to the other work put into the game, so i dont think "resources" are an issue. As a game company you should be ALWAYS giving your customers as many different avenues to play and have fun as possible. My favourite shooter games are the ones that have tones of game modes to play. When you get bored of one, theres always another to try out. And who says people would only mess with local multiplayer for a week? A large number of people would ONLY play local multiplayer and/or local X online multiplayer. Thats all I would do, and I'm pretty sure im not the only one on the planet that would prefer that.
And lastly, i dont think you argued against this, but single player absolutely needs more to it. It looks like a lota fun, but im not gona pay 70 bucks or whatever for 4 hours of gameplay.