This game needs a longer single player mode, and 4 player splitscreen local multiplayer


Senior Squid
Jul 7, 2008
Splitscreen Splatoon is not a good idea. I already have difficulty seeing what I'm doing in Mario Kart splitscreen racing.
So its not a good idea because YOU have a preference against a function you don't have to use?

I guess I should complain that Motion controls aren't the only option in the game.

If that makes sense.

You overestimate the limitations of the games and underestimate the impact adding other options can be. You can't just throw a bunch of stuff that will increase content by 1.5x and not expect a ton of lag and malfunctions. That's not how life works. Every single 2-player online match I've played has severe lag in it. It just won't work.

This is my opinion on your suggestions.
I kinda agree 80%


Inkling Cadet
May 30, 2015
The Squidhole
So its not a good idea because YOU have a preference against a function you don't have to use?
These statements are pretty much all preference and opinion-based, such as whether the lag will be bothersome with splitscreen, whether the screen is too small, whether 60 fps is necessary, etc. I just don't think it's a good implement that deserves the amount of space in the hardware it will occupy.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jul 28, 2014
Switch Friend Code
Battle Dojo has framerate problems already. Trying to go all the way up to 4 player splitscreen is probably too much for the hardware to handle.


Apr 30, 2015
under da sea
It could use a mode like lan where friends can join a private room to play online.

Dual gamepad support would be beneficial for all games.

And also, suport for the nunchuck could be beneficial as an alternate conteol option. Coupled with wii motion plus, and the sensor bar will be minimally needed.


Semi-Pro Squid
May 29, 2015
The lack of manners, maturity and basic logic in this thread disgusts me.

Either way, I'm glad Nintendo didn't add offline multiplayer. It would have been a flop -- just like how MKWii/MK8's multiplayer was a flop. Nobody wants to play at 30 fps in a small screen. If you do... well. I'm glad you enjoy it, I guess.


Jun 2, 2015
So I didn't read every post on this thread, but I will say I can't believe people are complaining about this game ALREADY. It's been like a week. This game is what Nintendo fans always wanted. An online centric shooter that's original. It will be consistently updated with new content for free all summer long. Weekly for that matter. There's already so much content, especially if you have the amiibos, I don't see the issue.


Inkster Jr.
May 26, 2012
Ok, 4 player splitscreen isn't possible without severely downgrading the graphical quality of the game. In Nintendo's eyes for a new IP this is a no no.
This makes no sense. How is this a problem? Mario kart dos it fine, i dont see the issue at all. And nintendo has NEVER EVER EVERRR cared about graphics. They only care about fun. If they dont put something FUN in cause of "graphics" being downgraded, that is plain STUPID. No argument there, anyone arguing against that needs to get off nintendos ****.

And im not directing that comment to you, you're statement was very reasonable. But i still think 4 player splitscreen would work.. Like maybe 4 player ONLY local, and 2 player splitscreen would be the max for local online.


Inkster Jr.
May 26, 2012
So I didn't read every post on this thread, but I will say I can't believe people are complaining about this game ALREADY. It's been like a week. This game is what Nintendo fans always wanted. An online centric shooter that's original. It will be consistently updated with new content for free all summer long. Weekly for that matter. There's already so much content, especially if you have the amiibos, I don't see the issue.
I'm complaining about this game cause I'm NOT buying it cause it doesnt have the features i want. And I think there are others in the same boat.. or others who are buying it cause its a new IP and they feel like they should get it cause its fun/they can deal with the setbacks. I specifically wana play single player and local multiplayer, so this game does nothing for me (even though its general gameplay is soo much fun - based on when i played the demo. But this isnt enough cause i dont play multiplayer online... i only did that cause it was free and i wanted to try it out).


Inkster Jr.
May 26, 2012
The lack of manners, maturity and basic logic in this thread disgusts me.

Either way, I'm glad Nintendo didn't add offline multiplayer. It would have been a flop -- just like how MKWii/MK8's multiplayer was a flop. Nobody wants to play at 30 fps in a small screen. If you do... well. I'm glad you enjoy it, I guess.
If you are referring to my manners at all, i apologize. Thats just how i talk when i get into something.. and its all jokes.. i never mean to really offend anyone...

ANYWAY... What are you basing this local multiplayer "flopping" on? Does anyone record who plays things in local multiplayer? I ONLYYYYYYYYYY play local multiplayer for mario kart and its perfectly fine. In fact i say SCRAP online multiplayer so ppl can only play local. Whats with this trend of people wanting to not socialize and play with faceless people. Doesn't anyone have friends any more? Dont people wana get together and shoot the ****? It makes no sense. Society is getting worse and worse cause of the internet... yes i realize im using the internet right now please dont state the irony lol.

Anyway i digress.. Adding all of the options is not an issue. Its never been an issue in the past. Every game used to be 4 player split screen and it was absolutely 100% great. People definitely still play online multiplayer - and nintendos goals have always been to be "family" oriented", so this game makes no sense. Like why would you revoke someones ability to play a specific mode cause you think the graphics arent 100%. Gimi a break.


Semi-Pro Squid
May 29, 2015
If you are referring to my manners at all, i apologize. Thats just how i talk when i get into something.. and its all jokes.. i never mean to really offend anyone...

ANYWAY... What are you basing this local multiplayer "flopping" on? Does anyone record who plays things in local multiplayer? I ONLYYYYYYYYYY play local multiplayer for mario kart and its perfectly fine. In fact i say SCRAP online multiplayer so ppl can only play local. Whats with this trend of people wanting to not socialize and play with faceless people. Doesn't anyone have friends any more? Dont people wana get together and shoot the ****? It makes no sense. Society is getting worse and worse cause of the internet... yes i realize im using the internet right now please dont state the irony lol.

Anyway i digress.. Adding all of the options is not an issue. Its never been an issue in the past. Every game used to be 4 player split screen and it was absolutely 100% great. People definitely still play online multiplayer - and nintendos goals have always been to be "family" oriented", so this game makes no sense. Like why would you revoke someones ability to play a specific mode cause you think the graphics arent 100%. Gimi a break.
1) Lower quality of the game. Less fps, smaller screen (not necessarily a bad thing, but it's there). Split screen in 2p is fine; Split screen in 4p is usually mayhem and I severely dislike it. It's an opinion, of course. But I think it's an extended one.

2) Why would you limit it to only offline? Online implies up to X (depends on game) friends can play together instead of 2/4 players. Sure, playing in the same room is a lot more exciting. But you aren't always meeting up to play. And the quality of the gameplay increases vastly due to a bigger screen, no fps drop and all these things that make games look good and not look like you're playing with limited hardware.

3) It's an issue because it would be a flawed game mode. You would have to change the controllers (which is something I agree you should do to begin with, but with the current setup it's unviable) so you can super jump/use inkstrikes (if you remove the specials as you suggested, what in the hell are those weapons going to have? i'm not up for changing the loadout of a weapon just for a game mode), etc. You would no longer be able to control the map, either. Too many cons for a very weak pro, if you ask me.


Inkster Jr.
May 26, 2012
Splitscreen Splatoon is not a good idea. I already have difficulty seeing what I'm doing in Mario Kart splitscreen racing. How will it be any better in a shooting game that requires a larger visual range? Plus, splitscreen drops the frame rate severely, probably to 30 fps. 60 fps is now crucial for shooting games in order to keep things tight and upright.
I have zero problem seeing in mario kart.. If you have problems seeing, maybe its time for a new tv, or perhaps glasses? Not trying to be rude at all, just saying. If anyone has problem seeing mario kart in 4 player split screen i duno what to tell you. Its not a problem for me or anyone ive played with, therefore its not a problem at all... i dont think my friends and I are the only ones on the planet that are fine with mario karts 4 player split screen lol.

More options also cause a disruption in CPU processing and hardware and also undercut the overall quality of the game. That's the exact same reason why Smash didn't have a story mode; it wanted to use that space to implement more unique modes.

I have difficulty playing with Wii Remote controls for Smash; what's going to be different for Splatoon? The D-Pad can be used to move, but that'd be uncomfortable, and there's no second analog stick to control the camera, and motion controls wouldn't work for camera controlling. Even if we use motion controls, 1 and 2 will be taken for turning into squid and shooting. But we also have to make buttons for subweapons, special weapons, recallibrating controller, pausing, etc.
Why are u playing smash with the wii remote? Game cube controller is the only logical option. Splatoon is an FPS type game... you use the wiimote as a mouse.. not a controller, and then the buttons on the wiimote and nunchuck all do other things as well. No one complained about the wiimote with metroid prime. It was perfectly fine. And again if you dont wana play with a wiimote i stated endless other options :)

A longer single player campaign simply isn't necessary as of now. It's meant to be a multiplayer online game. It originally wasn't even going to be included. The campaign is really just for practice and learning moves. Future DLC may be possible, but it's really focused on the online multiplayer.
Id be fine with DLC, as long as it does happen eventually. The game mechanics are fantastic though for a full single player campaign, so it really should have more.

You overestimate the limitations of the games and underestimate the impact adding other options can be. You can't just throw a bunch of stuff that will increase content by 1.5x and not expect a ton of lag and malfunctions. That's not how life works. Every single 2-player online match I've played has severe lag in it. It just won't work.
as i opened.. it would be fine. Slow down isnt that big of an issue. I get there may be limitations of some kind.. but i dont think theyre things that cant be worked around. Were talking about things that have been done repeatedly in the past. Suddenly now there are too many limitations? Nonsense.


Inkster Jr.
May 26, 2012
1) Lower quality of the game. Less fps, smaller screen (not necessarily a bad thing, but it's there). Split screen in 2p is fine; Split screen in 4p is usually mayhem and I severely dislike it. It's an opinion, of course. But I think it's an extended one.

2) Why would you limit it to only offline? Online implies up to X (depends on game) friends can play together instead of 2/4 players. Sure, playing in the same room is a lot more exciting. But you aren't always meeting up to play. And the quality of the gameplay increases vastly due to a bigger screen, no fps drop and all these things that make games look good and not look like you're playing with limited hardware.

3) It's an issue because it would be a flawed game mode. You would have to change the controllers (which is something I agree you should do to begin with, but with the current setup it's unviable) so you can super jump/use inkstrikes (if you remove the specials as you suggested, what in the hell are those weapons going to have? i'm not up for changing the loadout of a weapon just for a game mode), etc. You would no longer be able to control the map, either. Too many cons for a very weak pro, if you ask me.
1. Not actually an issue - for same reasons ive been arguing the past 10 minutes

2. i wasnt completely serious about this. I always say give us all the options in reality so people can choose what they want.. I just personally believe online things are literally ruining society.

3. I dont see how it would be flawed. You tweak it to be NOT flawed. And it might not be absolutely 100% perfect, but neither is playing smash bros with a wiimote on its side. Or a wiimote with a nunchuck... or even with the pro controller. Anyone who doesnt have a bunc of good gc controllers around is basically screwed lol. I came up with many game modes and alterations that would make the game still super fun and amazing for local multiplayer. And more game modes - especially via dlc - will not affect your precious online game, so no problems.. Also the dlc can be optional.. if u dont want it, dont get it.


Inkster Jr.
May 26, 2012
These statements are pretty much all preference and opinion-based, such as whether the lag will be bothersome with splitscreen, whether the screen is too small, whether 60 fps is necessary, etc. I just don't think it's a good implement that deserves the amount of space in the hardware it will occupy.
This is why options to do EVERYTHING are important. so that everyone with different opinions all are happy


Inkling Cadet
Jan 28, 2014
Converting divine weaponry to shoot ink
It would work fine.. and i think my method is awesome, i duno why it hasnt been implemented yet (press a button to stop reading the movement of the wiimote).

And if theres NO local multiplayer now, ANY local multiplayer will be an improvement. Again, you have the choice to play it or not. Me and my friends will play, while others wont.

Finally, you can get around the touch pad.. plus - you know thats a gimmic too right? lol
Like I've been saying, they lack touch screens and wouldn't be able to use Inkstrikes and Beakons properly. That's like if Luigi couldn't use his recovery moves in certain modes of Smash and only Luigi. You don't own the game, correct? The main gun, subweapon like grenades and Beakons, and special like the Inkzooka and Inkstrike are all a packaged deal. You can't choose them separately whatsoever. Which, if you even wanted to go online with two players and one Gamepad, would put the TV player at a significant disadvantage because they can't use them. Especially Beakons since they can be put down by other players so they can be used by teammates.

But what if I wanted the online multiplayer to be bigger? Nope, sorry, they wasted their time on a bogus side mode five people would play.

No you can't. And people generally don't care about the Gamepad because it's a controller with a screen, like the DS. As long as it's not shoehorned in people generally like it. MK8 lets us use it as a map to declutter the TV and gives us the item spy from the recent handheld games, which is huge with how the items were balanced. Hyrule Warriors gives us the allied commanders' status and a quick subweapon select. Wind Waker HD gave us a quick item equip screen and pauseless and detailed maps. And now Splatoon gives us a pauseless, detailed map in a hectic online shooter and several unique weapon abilities that wouldn't work otherwise.


Inkster Jr.
May 26, 2012
Like I've been saying, they lack touch screens and wouldn't be able to use Inkstrikes and Beakons properly. That's like if Luigi couldn't use his recovery moves in certain modes of Smash and only Luigi. You don't own the game, correct? The main gun, subweapon like grenades and Beakons, and special like the Inkzooka and Inkstrike are all a packaged deal. You can't choose them separately whatsoever. Which, if you even wanted to go online with two players and one Gamepad, would put the TV player at a significant disadvantage because they can't use them. Especially Beakons since they can be put down by other players so they can be used by teammates.

But what if I wanted the online multiplayer to be bigger? Nope, sorry, they wasted their time on a bogus side mode five people would play.

No you can't. And people generally don't care about the Gamepad because it's a controller with a screen, like the DS. As long as it's not shoehorned in people generally like it. MK8 lets us use it as a map to declutter the TV and gives us the item spy from the recent handheld games, which is huge with how the items were balanced. Hyrule Warriors gives us the allied commanders' status and a quick subweapon select. Wind Waker HD gave us a quick item equip screen and pauseless and detailed maps. And now Splatoon gives us a pauseless, detailed map in a hectic online shooter and several unique weapon abilities that wouldn't work otherwise.
I duno man. I See what you're saying, and I do see how some of these things can be "problematic", but there can be solutions to these issues. Would the game be a bit different when doing local multiplayer? Yes. But that doesnt mean it should be ignored.

And what exactly do you feel needs expanding in the online multiplayer? They've already said they're releasing a bunch more modes for online. So i really dont think that's anything to worry about.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 28, 2014
Converting divine weaponry to shoot ink
I duno man. I See what you're saying, and I do see how some of these things can be "problematic", but there can be solutions to these issues. Would the game be a bit different when doing local multiplayer? Yes. But that doesnt mean it should be ignored.

And what exactly do you feel needs expanding in the online multiplayer? They've already said they're releasing a bunch more modes for online. So i really dont think that's anything to worry about.
No, if we had more local modes then we wouldn't have as much online modes, stages and weapons. Putting effort into one thing directly takes from another.


The Villain You Need
May 28, 2015
The game would be unplayable in split-screen, if you'd actually bought it and played it you'd realize why screen real-estate is at such a premium in this game. Your field-of-view is everything, and you need a map to know exactly how much ground you've covered. Considering you could only have one gamepad at a time, you'd also completely break the super-jumping system, which is a key feature that prevents gameplay from becoming a simple, stale tug-of-war.

Also, literally half the gameplay is based around the stealth mechanic in squid form. Splitscreen invalidates that entire concept. Screencheating in other FPS doesn't necessarily ruin the experience. It absolutely would here. It's not just a bit different, it fundamentally changes the nature of the game.

The single player took me about 4 hours to beat, and I was fine with that. I didn't play CoD4 for the campaign, and I don't play Splatoon for it either. The campaign was fun, short, and introduces some really fun platforming mechanics that they will probably bring to their more advanced maps later on. Plus, they can always just introduce more content if they want to in an expansion.

I'm all for local multiplayer options in games, but Splatoon can't really be changed to make it accommodate that, unfortunately. I like Splatoon for what it is. It's not the perfect local multiplayer game, but I have Smash, Mario Kart, FIFA, and a whole bunch of other games to fall back on, so I don't mind. Instead of wishing the game was something it can't be, I choose instead to enjoy it in the capacity it was designed for.


Senior Squid
May 14, 2015
To add on to the single player comment, I honestly believe this game is better off being a short campaign as opposed to being a padded out experience. A shooter can only offer you so much beyond it's basic mechanics - the single player is applauded as it is now for having short, quick stages that introduce a new concept every level. It reminded me of Portal, which is praised for the same reasons - the focus is on dealing with simple mechanics and items, and there's no reason to make 10 different enemy types just to test you when they could make stages and puzzles that really test your ability to use your weapon and abilities without dragging on.

The focus of the game is multiplayer, with the single player really just giving you an idea of how to utilize the mechanics better. It's actually very well polished for what is basically an extended tutorial, especially since it has elements you can't even find in multiplayer, making it a unique experience from playing online. If this game was based on its single player, I'd ask for more, but 5-6 hours that doesn't overstay it's welcome in an online shooter is pretty good.


Inkster Jr.
May 26, 2012
No, if we had more local modes then we wouldn't have as much online modes, stages and weapons. Putting effort into one thing directly takes from another.
How about this.. we're paying good money so do everything you lazy developers!

Have you ever played a game developed by a good developer.. like any game by rare? They had EVERYTHING in their multiplayer games. (Except online cause that wasnt a thing on consoles yet).


Inkster Jr.
May 26, 2012
The game would be unplayable in split-screen, if you'd actually bought it and played it you'd realize why screen real-estate is at such a premium in this game. Your field-of-view is everything, and you need a map to know exactly how much ground you've covered. Considering you could only have one gamepad at a time, you'd also completely break the super-jumping system, which is a key feature that prevents gameplay from becoming a simple, stale tug-of-war.

Also, literally half the gameplay is based around the stealth mechanic in squid form. Splitscreen invalidates that entire concept. Screencheating in other FPS doesn't necessarily ruin the experience. It absolutely would here. It's not just a bit different, it fundamentally changes the nature of the game.

The single player took me about 4 hours to beat, and I was fine with that. I didn't play CoD4 for the campaign, and I don't play Splatoon for it either. The campaign was fun, short, and introduces some really fun platforming mechanics that they will probably bring to their more advanced maps later on. Plus, they can always just introduce more content if they want to in an expansion.

I'm all for local multiplayer options in games, but Splatoon can't really be changed to make it accommodate that, unfortunately. I like Splatoon for what it is. It's not the perfect local multiplayer game, but I have Smash, Mario Kart, FIFA, and a whole bunch of other games to fall back on, so I don't mind. Instead of wishing the game was something it can't be, I choose instead to enjoy it in the capacity it was designed for.
All good points. But if i wana play it splitscreen i should still have the option.

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