This may be a weird question, but...


Don't get Cooked!
Jun 30, 2016
Is there anything like tektek in existence anymore? like- probably not but I really don't want to be on Gaia because the fact everything good either is 85049850348 billion gold now or cash shop only is really stressing me out and I don't want to spend money on that awful website. I hope this is an ok place to ask, but I probably won't get very many responses I think.

I'm just really tired of Gaia already.


Inkling Commander
Nov 3, 2015
Is there anything like tektek in existence anymore? like- probably not but I really don't want to be on Gaia because the fact everything good either is 85049850348 billion gold now or cash shop only is really stressing me out and I don't want to spend money on that awful website. I hope this is an ok place to ask, but I probably won't get very many responses I think.

I'm just really tired of Gaia already.
Note: I don't anything about these sites. I just found ones that matched what you described, so click at your own risk (only you can prevent malware). Here are sites with a similar gimmick (called "online doll dress up" or "online paper doll" games):

Avatar Palace

Doll Divine

Dolls Mania

Hero Machine

Hazz sa'eed.

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