Thoughts On Screen’s Design?

Rat L. Boy

Inkster Jr.
Mar 5, 2024
So I’ve seen a lot of hate going around regarding Splattercolor Screen, but I’m not sure if it’s because of the weapon’s design and viability, or because of the accessibility issues. Can someone please clear this up for me?


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Mostly the accessibility. Otherwise, there aren't really any problems with it (I actually think the tradeoff of whether to go around or go through and tank the damage is really cool)


Inkster Jr.
Feb 21, 2024
It’s basically a bigger, but flatter inkstorm with a… side grade in how it effects players that go through it. I’d say the main issue for solo queue was a that you’re blocking your teams line of sight without any warning.

Rat L. Boy

Inkster Jr.
Mar 5, 2024
What if they reworked screen so that it doesn’t grayscale the screen, but makes all of the ink on the stage the same color. I think that could be really cool and awesome. There would also be no sound effects i guess bc idk what to do with it.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 29, 2024
Southeast USA
Oh boy.

This special has by far the most glaring accessibility issues of anything I've heard that's come directly from a Nintendo game. It's insane that they released the special in the state they did, people saw as many issues as they did, they toned it back and people still had issues with both the "fixed" visuals and the unchanged audio. It reeks of a complete lack of testing in a way that just completely baffles me. This is a game that has a huge cultural impact in Japan from the single biggest company in Japan. You'd think they'd find stuff like this important for a game like this, but...I guess not.

On the other hand though it shows me that the developers are still ripe with creative new ideas for this series. Even without the accessibility issues I don't think this idea ended up working out, but there is a lot to like here. I do wish it was a bit harder to see through and that your teammates could see through it without location effects but something that is designed around blocking people's field of vision was awesome and I don't think any other kind of debuff would have worked very well for a punishment if you go through it. And you can also, uh, Squid Roll through it to completely negate the damage, but the thought here was more that the idea was fun rather than it playing out well.

A vision penalty sounds really hard to execute well though... Beyond the obvious accessibility issues, I think things like Mario Kart's Blooper aren't good either. They're WAY more punishing for newer players than anyone else since it's easier for more experienced players to both have the stage layouts memorized and the quick thinking to work around the debuff. You could say that this kind of stuff is a given for, like, everything in the game but I think the gap is way bigger here. Does anyone reading this play games with other kinds of vision debuffs that might work better here? I mostly just play Nintendo stuff so Mario Kart's my only frame of reference LOL


Inkster Jr.
Feb 21, 2024
Oh boy.

This special has by far the most glaring accessibility issues of anything I've heard that's come directly from a Nintendo game. It's insane that they released the special in the state they did, people saw as many issues as they did, they toned it back and people still had issues with both the "fixed" visuals and the unchanged audio. It reeks of a complete lack of testing in a way that just completely baffles me. This is a game that has a huge cultural impact in Japan from the single biggest company in Japan. You'd think they'd find stuff like this important for a game like this, but...I guess not.

On the other hand though it shows me that the developers are still ripe with creative new ideas for this series. Even without the accessibility issues I don't think this idea ended up working out, but there is a lot to like here. I do wish it was a bit harder to see through and that your teammates could see through it without location effects but something that is designed around blocking people's field of vision was awesome and I don't think any other kind of debuff would have worked very well for a punishment if you go through it. And you can also, uh, Squid Roll through it to completely negate the damage, but the thought here was more that the idea was fun rather than it playing out well.

A vision penalty sounds really hard to execute well though... Beyond the obvious accessibility issues, I think things like Mario Kart's Blooper aren't good either. They're WAY more punishing for newer players than anyone else since it's easier for more experienced players to both have the stage layouts memorized and the quick thinking to work around the debuff. You could say that this kind of stuff is a given for, like, everything in the game but I think the gap is way bigger here. Does anyone reading this play games with other kinds of vision debuffs that might work better here? I mostly just play Nintendo stuff so Mario Kart's my only frame of reference LOL
From how important sound effects are to Splatoon, muting sound effects would make it so people want to avoid going through the screen.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
my problem with screen is 1: these devs didn't even try to make a special and 2: these devs REALLY didn't even try to make a special. that sounds a bit mean so let me explain myself. obviously the accessibility issues that they barely fixed (audio is still terrible, it even makes my head hurt and sometimes even my eyes somehow hearing it sometimes and i have never had any sort of issues before in any other game or ever in my life) is #1, but the #2 is that this is the worst possible way to do something like this and the special sucks anyway and it came out at the worst possible time.

i feel a rant coming on!

im just going to explain #2 because #1 is easy enough to understand. basically, the special is supposed to be used "tactically" as they have stated themselves, and it's main function is disorienting players, the change of colors on your screen and extremely loud chaotic audio is supposed to make it harder to tell what is going on in the game. the first part of this is the route they took to do it, which is what i just said, was a terrible way to do it. putting a blinding effect on the game and what is now just a grayscale overlay is such a lazy way to do it, and it literally hurt people the first time and now it does absolutely nothing. and the way that the colors on each team isn't the same every time makes it vary in value depending on that random factor. it would have been so much better to make the enemy team's ink color change to the same color as your team color, because now it actually does what the function of the special was supposed to be and it doesn't matter what ink color combo the game was being played in. for the audio, they just decided to completely forget that they already play music and there are a ton of sounds that can happen all at once in a game, and instead of muting those sounds they decided to absolutely decimate your ears with a bunch of static or whatever it is so that you can't tell what you are hearing instead. not one person on this team said that sentence out loud and thought "you know what that sounds (get it) like a terrible idea! what were we thinking?". the answer to that would be not. they were not thinking whatsoever when they were making this special. the final part of #2 is that this special came out at a time where we already had a tone of specials in the game and we were getting like 7 - 9 kits every 3 months, which was already ridiculous but this made it even worse. now specials are overlapping in what they do or they are adding useless specials to the game that only doom the next kits we get. and if every weapon doesn't get 3rd kits that would be even worse.

also the wall also makes it harder for both teams to see through, which is probably just so they can say that you have to use it "tactically" even though the real problem is they don't know how to make a game. that is a bit harsh but seriously take a look at how this turned out and tell me the people behind it know what they're doing with a straight face.

maybe it is unfair for these guys to try a new type of special and call them unable to make a game, but this should have stayed in the oven until like splat 4 at the very least so they can properly figure out how to do this instead of crunching all the work to be done by the season reveal and failing this hard. it is so disappointing to see, but who knows maybe they will add it to splat 4 in this exact state, to the dread of many players, and finally change it after putting the special on goo tuber. (missile reference from the very beginning of this game)


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
I have sensory issues, and it somehow doesn’t affect me. if we were to put all of the physical things aside, I would say it just genuinely sucks.


Inkling Commander
Jan 31, 2024
Marooner’s Bay
Switch Friend Code
Screen is another of those creative specials with terrible execution. The concept is great, the issues are just that tanking it doesn't have enough of a negative impact, it still has some accessibility issues, and it also happens to blind your own team.

It's so easy to fix. At the very least they should make it fully transparent to the user's team. That alone would be a huge buff.

Okay, so I'm pretty sure I figured out the origin of Splattercolor Screen's design. It's adapted from Bubble Blower, the main difference between the two being that Bubble Blower produced three bubbles that blocked attacks, and Splattercolor Screen produces a single screen that applies a grayscale effect. Both specials slowly drift forward, partially block vision, and deal a small amount of damage to enemies that they contact. Not to mention that both specials have a clear bubble-oriented design.

This is why Nintendo made the damage low as well as making it opaque to both teams. Those traits are from Bubble Blower.
This is what has become of Bubble Blower.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
my problem with screen is 1: these devs didn't even try to make a special and 2: these devs REALLY didn't even try to make a special. that sounds a bit mean so let me explain myself. obviously the accessibility issues that they barely fixed (audio is still terrible, it even makes my head hurt and sometimes even my eyes somehow hearing it sometimes and i have never had any sort of issues before in any other game or ever in my life) is #1, but the #2 is that this is the worst possible way to do something like this and the special sucks anyway and it came out at the worst possible time.

i feel a rant coming on!

im just going to explain #2 because #1 is easy enough to understand. basically, the special is supposed to be used "tactically" as they have stated themselves, and it's main function is disorienting players, the change of colors on your screen and extremely loud chaotic audio is supposed to make it harder to tell what is going on in the game. the first part of this is the route they took to do it, which is what i just said, was a terrible way to do it. putting a blinding effect on the game and what is now just a grayscale overlay is such a lazy way to do it, and it literally hurt people the first time and now it does absolutely nothing. and the way that the colors on each team isn't the same every time makes it vary in value depending on that random factor. it would have been so much better to make the enemy team's ink color change to the same color as your team color, because now it actually does what the function of the special was supposed to be and it doesn't matter what ink color combo the game was being played in. for the audio, they just decided to completely forget that they already play music and there are a ton of sounds that can happen all at once in a game, and instead of muting those sounds they decided to absolutely decimate your ears with a bunch of static or whatever it is so that you can't tell what you are hearing instead. not one person on this team said that sentence out loud and thought "you know what that sounds (get it) like a terrible idea! what were we thinking?". the answer to that would be not. they were not thinking whatsoever when they were making this special. the final part of #2 is that this special came out at a time where we already had a tone of specials in the game and we were getting like 7 - 9 kits every 3 months, which was already ridiculous but this made it even worse. now specials are overlapping in what they do or they are adding useless specials to the game that only doom the next kits we get. and if every weapon doesn't get 3rd kits that would be even worse.

also the wall also makes it harder for both teams to see through, which is probably just so they can say that you have to use it "tactically" even though the real problem is they don't know how to make a game. that is a bit harsh but seriously take a look at how this turned out and tell me the people behind it know what they're doing with a straight face.

maybe it is unfair for these guys to try a new type of special and call them unable to make a game, but this should have stayed in the oven until like splat 4 at the very least so they can properly figure out how to do this instead of crunching all the work to be done by the season reveal and failing this hard. it is so disappointing to see, but who knows maybe they will add it to splat 4 in this exact state, to the dread of many players, and finally change it after putting the special on goo tuber. (missile reference from the very beginning of this game)
i'm gonna be a bit harsh in response to this since it's a rather harsh analysis of the special in the first place so it feels justified:

i absolutely despise posts like this that essentially boil down to "the devs are the stupidest people on the planet for making this". these are PEOPLE that develop this game. as a game dev, it absolutely breaks my heart and infuriates me to see players so casually insinuate that these developers simply do not care about the art form they spend their lives devoted to. do you truly believe the devs added this without thinking? do you think one single guy whipped this special up in 10 minutes and slapped it into the game without checking with other people?
the accessibility issues with the audio are bad, yes, but it's absolutely not a stretch to think that they just weren't aware it would be a problem. a disorientation effect is a brand new thing that they have extremely little data on how it would need to be implemented; splatoon has never had an effect even remotely like it before. of COURSE it's not going to be implemented perfectly first-try. the brightness was an obvious problem, but it's one that they recognized and fixed relatively quickly, being patched less than a month after the special was released. the other issues are more subtle and something they would reasonably want to deliberate on

a disorientation effect isn't an inherently bad idea either, if executed well. i would argue it's actually a very novel way to give the player a choice on whether going through the screen is worth it; if you feel that you would still have an advantage in a fight even with decreased visibility, then you can tank the hit and choose to fight, with no physical impact on the player's movement that could make it significantly more one-sided (eg. a disrupter effect would be significantly worse for the special, imo). i do think there's ways the concept can be executed better, but the approach they took is a completely logical one. greyscaling a game that's all about unique colors is an idea that could only work in splatoon, which i think is the main reason they made it the way they did

outside of accessibility, i honestly think the special's design is extremely well thought-out, if a bit weak (though that can easily be fixed with balance adjustments). blocking visibility is, again, something that splatoon has never really focused on, and i think having a special that does that is really cool and allows for some very unique strategies. if they made it so your own team can see through the screen then i think it's design would be, conceptually, perfect, but i understand the logic behind making it so your own vision is blocked by it

your post just hurls a huge amount of insults towards people that are genuinely just trying to make an interesting game. it demonstrates to me a complete disregard to not just the real human people that have to balance a competitive game (which is not an easy task! it never has been easy and there is no such thing as a game that does this perfectly), but to game design as a whole, by refusing to actually thoughtfully analyze why choices were made, instead choosing to believe that the devs are just bumbling idiots stuck in C rank or something

sorry if this post is overly pissy but like. i'm imagining myself in the shoes of the devs here. this is a concept that is completely reasonable to come up with; i could see myself coming up with the idea if i had to think of a special based on a smokescreen. it's so easy to understand that the devs did think this through. game design is a fascinating, intricate, and often subjective medium that we need to experiment with to learn from. i can't imagine how frustrating it would feel to conceptualize and design splattercolor screen with a team of friends and developers, and to be met with people saying that you don't know how to make a game and should never have touched splatoon 3


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
i'm gonna be a bit harsh in response to this since it's a rather harsh analysis of the special in the first place so it feels justified:

i absolutely despise posts like this that essentially boil down to "the devs are the stupidest people on the planet for making this". these are PEOPLE that develop this game. as a game dev, it absolutely breaks my heart and infuriates me to see players so casually insinuate that these developers simply do not care about the art form they spend their lives devoted to. do you truly believe the devs added this without thinking? do you think one single guy whipped this special up in 10 minutes and slapped it into the game without checking with other people?
the accessibility issues with the audio are bad, yes, but it's absolutely not a stretch to think that they just weren't aware it would be a problem. a disorientation effect is a brand new thing that they have extremely little data on how it would need to be implemented; splatoon has never had an effect even remotely like it before. of COURSE it's not going to be implemented perfectly first-try. the brightness was an obvious problem, but it's one that they recognized and fixed relatively quickly, being patched less than a month after the special was released. the other issues are more subtle and something they would reasonably want to deliberate on

a disorientation effect isn't an inherently bad idea either, if executed well. i would argue it's actually a very novel way to give the player a choice on whether going through the screen is worth it; if you feel that you would still have an advantage in a fight even with decreased visibility, then you can tank the hit and choose to fight, with no physical impact on the player's movement that could make it significantly more one-sided (eg. a disrupter effect would be significantly worse for the special, imo). i do think there's ways the concept can be executed better, but the approach they took is a completely logical one. greyscaling a game that's all about unique colors is an idea that could only work in splatoon, which i think is the main reason they made it the way they did

outside of accessibility, i honestly think the special's design is extremely well thought-out, if a bit weak (though that can easily be fixed with balance adjustments). blocking visibility is, again, something that splatoon has never really focused on, and i think having a special that does that is really cool and allows for some very unique strategies. if they made it so your own team can see through the screen then i think it's design would be, conceptually, perfect, but i understand the logic behind making it so your own vision is blocked by it

your post just hurls a huge amount of insults towards people that are genuinely just trying to make an interesting game. it demonstrates to me a complete disregard to not just the real human people that have to balance a competitive game (which is not an easy task! it never has been easy and there is no such thing as a game that does this perfectly), but to game design as a whole, by refusing to actually thoughtfully analyze why choices were made, instead choosing to believe that the devs are just bumbling idiots stuck in C rank or something

sorry if this post is overly pissy but like. i'm imagining myself in the shoes of the devs here. this is a concept that is completely reasonable to come up with; i could see myself coming up with the idea if i had to think of a special based on a smokescreen. it's so easy to understand that the devs did think this through. game design is a fascinating, intricate, and often subjective medium that we need to experiment with to learn from. i can't imagine how frustrating it would feel to conceptualize and design splattercolor screen with a team of friends and developers, and to be met with people saying that you don't know how to make a game and should never have touched splatoon 3
oh yeah i was trying to be brutal especially in the beginning and end because i think its kind of funny but maybe i didn't do a good job making it a joke so it just looks kinda mean, also if calling these devs unable to do anything after 1 mistake is common than it would look even worse. i probably should have focused on how i think it should have been handled instead as well as why i actually think they dropped the ball on it so hard. now that im reading it back i explained every single one of those times i was saying something stupid about the devs which probably makes it look more genuine (i always say way too much and sometimes i think i need to explain explain explain even though it might not be necessary, kind of like what im doing in these parentheses, isn't it...)
a few of the lackluster attempts at humor
1: these devs didn't even try to make a special and 2: these devs REALLY didn't even try to make a special.
i feel a rant coming on!
"you know what that sounds (get it) like a terrible idea! what were we thinking?". the answer to that would be not. they were not thinking whatsoever when they were making this special.
even though the real problem is they don't know how to make a game.
but who knows maybe they will add it to splat 4 in this exact state, to the dread of many players, and finally change it after putting the special on goo tuber.
i don't like making people mad on the internet so im sorry for being unfunny, i think over the top, purposefully exaggerated anger is hilarious because i'm mentally a newborn so my bad
obviously there were a few problems since i was (trying to be) making the rage a joke and i was also trying to tie in what i actually thought and im not that funny. clearly all of those are not a good combo because maybe this post didn't go so well...
anyway i actually think they were just running out of time while trying to make the special even work, because this isn't something they have done before so they likely had no time left to playtest and develop this special into an actual thing, supported by how all they did was put a blinding effect and after that a grayscale effect for the visuals, and the fact that we know how good they are at making specials by simply looking at the other ones. seriously they did an amazing job making jetpack not feel terrible to use and tenta missiles not feel annoying to play against anymore.

also yeah it is a good idea, the game is all about paying attention to your surroundings and keeping control of your color, so what if there was a unique special weapon to make it temporarily harder to do that? i can 100% see that idea getting cooked up but where they fell short was actually putting it in the game. they probably had amazing concepts, we know they always do, again, because we can simply look at their past concepts and even old trailers for splatoon 3. they wouldn't even try putting it in this game if they didn't think it'd be good (unless they have to follow a strict schedule for content that isn't actually decided by the people developing the game but that is another topic. dammit im always distracting myself from what im trying to actually say). i wasn't trying to say these people are a bunch of bumbling idiots, i just think its funny to see (literally one of the only) thing they failed on, the part i messed up was 1: making the fake rage actually funny and seem fake (i know my immaculate humor can be so subtle sometimes) and 2: focus more on what i was actually thinking and wanted to say. i usually only do things when im interested in it, and the attempts at humor are actually to keep myself interested in what i am saying, but a small issue was that only i got the jokes... because.. i made them (and didn't really think about them). i'm also bad at keeping what i talk about short which is why i didn't say more about what i actually thought. i am extremely scared of yapping out an entire documentary and like, ruining the space everybody else was perfectly fine in before i showed up? it's just that i just so happened to leave in all the stuff that made that post terrible instead of what would have made it good. also what i write can be extremely incoherent and completely impossible to understand which also likely played a role in this.

if you have had to deal with people genuinely raging about silly things in our squid games i can see how you can get upset from this, so your reaction is totally fine even if you think your post was
overly pissy
and i don't want to just invalidate your feelings that my post was being really mean. it really just told me that i was being an idiot, my intention was not at all to make anyone upset or portray the devs like a bunch of hooligans and i'm sorry


Inkster Jr.
Feb 16, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Based on my experience lurking in splatoon discussions in discord n whatnot, It's mostly the accessibility, but there are also people that just don't feel like the special is that satisfying to use, nor is it fun to fight against.

If you want my opinion on screen, I think they did the best they could on paper, designing something like this in a game that's already so busy is perilous in the first place. Something like this hasn't really been explored in this series, and while you can technically smokescreen with something like Tri-Strikes or a Booyah Bomb because the big ink explosions last a considerable time, I think a dedicated special for that kind of thing that leans into it more with disorienting effects sounds interesting. The way it is right now, I think it works pretty okay for the weapons that have it, though I've only played a small bit of Foil Flingza and 52 Deco myself so someone could probably correct me on that. It also gives stuff like Point Sensors and Wavebreaker more value because of their location effects counteracting the not-seeing part, so that's neat.

All that being said, the accessibility issues definitely gave me a bad first impression, particularly because it was like I was being greeted by god the first time I got hit by it. Even with patches it's still a problem for some people, and I think they should have just not gone as crazy with the effects in the first place. As the Screen user, it has the inkstorm problem where I just don't feel all that great about throwing it out. It has an impact and my main can be used in kinda cool ways with it, but the actual act of using the screen is just kinda meh. In terms of fighting against a Screen, I like that it brings a decision to where you either take it and try to fight through or avoid it and give up space. That's not really exclusive to this special, though, so I dunno if I can give it too many points for that. I'm also not really a big fan of how the special changes in effectiveness based on the team colors you get at the start of the match, with some color combos being a lot more distinguishable from others in Screen. It's one of those things where it makes sense but doesn't feel intuitive in the moment, y'know? If my teammate has a Screen and throws one down while I'm trying to track an opponent I get annoyed, especially if I'm playing something like Dousers that plays at longer range, but if I'm good enough at following somebody it's not too big of a deal. Probably just a skill issue on my part :P

This kinda just turned into my thought spaghetti and it's way more than you asked, but I don't particularly like Screen that much. I think there are plenty of valid reasons for other people to not like Screen that much, either. It's an interesting approach to a special and there was clearly a lot of thought put into the gameplay interactions, but I think they fumbled this one. Even ignoring the obvious issues, I just don't find it that fun. Experimentation is still valuable, even if I don't find the results of this one that fun, so hopefully this blossoms into a more appealing idea in the future. Screen has its fans right now, so clearly there's something to work off of.

Admittedly a lot of my spite comes from wishing Foil Flingza had something else (I really want Inkjet on a roller please god) so take everything I said with a grain of salt.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
oh yeah i was trying to be brutal especially in the beginning and end because i think its kind of funny but maybe i didn't do a good job making it a joke so it just looks kinda mean, also if calling these devs unable to do anything after 1 mistake is common than it would look even worse. i probably should have focused on how i think it should have been handled instead as well as why i actually think they dropped the ball on it so hard. now that im reading it back i explained every single one of those times i was saying something stupid about the devs which probably makes it look more genuine (i always say way too much and sometimes i think i need to explain explain explain even though it might not be necessary, kind of like what im doing in these parentheses, isn't it...)
a few of the lackluster attempts at humor

i don't like making people mad on the internet so im sorry for being unfunny, i think over the top, purposefully exaggerated anger is hilarious because i'm mentally a newborn so my bad
obviously there were a few problems since i was (trying to be) making the rage a joke and i was also trying to tie in what i actually thought and im not that funny. clearly all of those are not a good combo because maybe this post didn't go so well...
anyway i actually think they were just running out of time while trying to make the special even work, because this isn't something they have done before so they likely had no time left to playtest and develop this special into an actual thing, supported by how all they did was put a blinding effect and after that a grayscale effect for the visuals, and the fact that we know how good they are at making specials by simply looking at the other ones. seriously they did an amazing job making jetpack not feel terrible to use and tenta missiles not feel annoying to play against anymore.

also yeah it is a good idea, the game is all about paying attention to your surroundings and keeping control of your color, so what if there was a unique special weapon to make it temporarily harder to do that? i can 100% see that idea getting cooked up but where they fell short was actually putting it in the game. they probably had amazing concepts, we know they always do, again, because we can simply look at their past concepts and even old trailers for splatoon 3. they wouldn't even try putting it in this game if they didn't think it'd be good (unless they have to follow a strict schedule for content that isn't actually decided by the people developing the game but that is another topic. dammit im always distracting myself from what im trying to actually say). i wasn't trying to say these people are a bunch of bumbling idiots, i just think its funny to see (literally one of the only) thing they failed on, the part i messed up was 1: making the fake rage actually funny and seem fake (i know my immaculate humor can be so subtle sometimes) and 2: focus more on what i was actually thinking and wanted to say. i usually only do things when im interested in it, and the attempts at humor are actually to keep myself interested in what i am saying, but a small issue was that only i got the jokes... because.. i made them (and didn't really think about them). i'm also bad at keeping what i talk about short which is why i didn't say more about what i actually thought. i am extremely scared of yapping out an entire documentary and like, ruining the space everybody else was perfectly fine in before i showed up? it's just that i just so happened to leave in all the stuff that made that post terrible instead of what would have made it good. also what i write can be extremely incoherent and completely impossible to understand which also likely played a role in this.

if you have had to deal with people genuinely raging about silly things in our squid games i can see how you can get upset from this, so your reaction is totally fine even if you think your post was "overly pissy" and i don't want to just invalidate your feelings that my post was being really mean. it really just told me that i was being an idiot, my intention was not at all to make anyone upset or portray the devs like a bunch of hooligans and i'm sorry
no worries about it, sorry you had to deal with the brunt of my frustration since this is definitely something that's just always bubbling under the surface for me when it comes to discussions about splatoon's design. lots of people don't tend to recognize the effort that goes into making games, and we all know humor is hard to distinguish through text, i don't fault you there at all. i'm particularly not very good at distinguishing when someone is trying to state an opinion versus trying to argue something more objective, which probably also came into play here. 'tis something i mean to work on but hard to recognize when it comes up

my whole rant wasn't intended to make you or anyone else feel bad about it; the nice thing about forums to me is that i can write a mini essay like that and people will actually read it and understand what i'm going for without taking it too personally, compared to something like twitter where all nuance is lost. i knew you were ranting in good faith, and you make good points in your original post too. i just get defensive about stuff that implies game dev is easy and that other people could do it better, which so, so many people seem to believe genuinely

Rat L. Boy

Inkster Jr.
Mar 5, 2024
The screen design of Thoughts On is sleek and intuitive, enhancing user experience. The minimalist layout prioritizes content, ensuring clarity and easy navigation. The color scheme is pleasing to the eye, creating a harmonious viewing experience. Overall, the design effectively complements the app's purpose, facilitating seamless interaction and encouraging engagement.
Makes me want to run through the screen


Inkster Jr.
Feb 5, 2024
Switch Friend Code
This is why I love forums-actual productive conversation takes place as opposed to twitter


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
no worries about it, sorry you had to deal with the brunt of my frustration since this is definitely something that's just always bubbling under the surface for me when it comes to discussions about splatoon's design. lots of people don't tend to recognize the effort that goes into making games, and we all know humor is hard to distinguish through text, i don't fault you there at all. i'm particularly not very good at distinguishing when someone is trying to state an opinion versus trying to argue something more objective, which probably also came into play here. 'tis something i mean to work on but hard to recognize when it comes up

my whole rant wasn't intended to make you or anyone else feel bad about it; the nice thing about forums to me is that i can write a mini essay like that and people will actually read it and understand what i'm going for without taking it too personally, compared to something like twitter where all nuance is lost. i knew you were ranting in good faith, and you make good points in your original post too. i just get defensive about stuff that implies game dev is easy and that other people could do it better, which so, so many people seem to believe genuinely
i feel that, i actually understand that people not recognizing how much work really goes into making games can be really annoying. it always sucks when a ton of hard work goes into something and people who don’t know what theyre talking about say that there was actually no work being put into it

also, no i probably just did a bad job at writing my post, and even if it was understandable as a joke, what you said was a legitimate concern you had with good intentions behind it. you just said it very passionately, that’s all, and that isn’t something to hold against anyone. i think i needed someone to tell me im being a dumb stupid idiot anyway. so i don’t like that you are apologizing when you were right, it makes me feel like youre trying to say i did nothing wrong which was not the case. you were understandably upset at a post that is un-understandable unless you are and english professor and have read thousands of unwell written essays, and you were understandably calling me out for being unreasonable which was very unfair, even if it was a joke

and by feel bad about it i think you were talking about when i said
i am extremely scared of yapping out an entire documentary and like, ruining the space everybody else was perfectly fine in before i showed up?
i didn’t mean to keep this in.
i got your intention of your post immediately, that’s the thing about being able to actually write, it only made me feel bad about not taking into account that people rage about the devs all the time without thinking about how much work they put in, so i should have made the fake part of fake rage less subtle (and by less subtle i mean i should have probably just explained that it was a joke). and it also made me feel bad because of how much it made you upset, because obviously that wasn’t my intention, that’s the thing about not being able to actually write. also you were right and i was wrong you were reasonably getting defensive about it because again, it brought up a legitimate concern you had about how i might have just been being very mean and portraying the devs in a negative way, which is completely understandable to take that from my post because i kind of did a terrible job writing it and people genuinely do what i was doing as an incoherent completely incomprehensible joke so it makes even more sense to take it that way. making a joke about that might not be good faith especially when it is done wrong.

don’t worry im just gonna go into my corner and listen to sonic R ost until i stop crying so ill be fine

i might as well add this for clarity because i have literally just made this mistake:
i am not upset that you called me out please you did nothing wrong

a hot mess

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Dec 24, 2023
painfully and slowly rotting in my bed <3
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