Undertow “revamp”

Is the undertow revamp good or bad

  • Good

    Votes: 4 22.2%
  • Mid

    Votes: 8 44.4%
  • Bad

    Votes: 6 33.3%

  • Total voters


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
sorry if im being negative but i don’t know if you can even call this a revamp. they changed barely anything. I want to see actual changes, maybe add some inkable walls at least? or a flank? I’m not saying the map itself is bad, i’m just sad how much better they could’ve made it

But thats just what i think
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Semi-Pro Squid
Jan 30, 2024
i wish they got rid of that one wall so it could be a flank (i think you guys know what i mean, that one big glass panel by the snipe)


Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
they made left side rainmaker route better by making it all inkable which is ok, it was already a good route, so i don’t really understand why this is the part they made a big change to. the little pocket areas around the 2 zones are nice (on all modes, i just said zones for location). they made the drop from far side of spawn a small uninkable area for some reason, making it even less worth it to go all the way over there. they cut a bit of the middle separator which i think is a good change. oh yeah they also made the close side of spawn a bit bigger, which is also ok.

that’s kinda it. i don’t think this can be called a rework, it’s just a few nice additions and a few that don’t make a ton of sense, and even the good stuff doesn’t really do a lot. i would have rather not gotten this at all, and waited until they do patches entirely dedicated to fixing the maps so that they have more time to make better changes. oh well, it still is technically positive but it’s like a sandwich without anything actually in it, just the bread. not even toasted, either.

i don’t know, it is a bit disappointing getting teased with a stage “rework” only for it to be a few very minor changes.


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
I hate to be negative but I don't like it.

I played zones and it does feel a bit better in that mode, mostly because mid is wider, the zones are slightly bigger, and the little route they added below snipe is pretty fun. But I feel like your court (the area in which you drop to go to the zone) and the ramp to the right of the giant glass wall are more cramped then before. Is that just me? I could have sworn they were a bit wider before but now they feel way more awkard to hold since you don't have many great positions to take

I think tower and clams are neutral, clams is a bit worse because of your court feeling cramped but a bit better because mid is larger, and I already liked tower so I don't mind it too much

But man, I hate to say it... but I think rainmaker's worse. It was my favourite rainmaker map, arguably the best one in the game, but they didn't change anything about the right route (the one going over a glass ramp), which had the problem of being very vulnerable but was arguably worth it to score really fast. They didn't change the route going over grates after the left checkpoint (the one going around the... other giant glass thing?), which had the advantage of being a bit safer and being the best route to use if you wanted a slower ko... BEFORE the rework.

They made the left route inkable. They even added cover. Why. It was already the best path before but it was balanced by it being a bit more vulnerable and going over an uninkable floor, so the rainmaker was easy to stop but you could score a lot of points really fast if you had good momentum.
Now it's so disproportionately better to use it, I don't see a good reason to pick another path: it's fast, it's safe, and it has even more safe positions for your teammates to take. Before the checkpoint, you even have the path going under snipe that's safer, and further away from the enemies, so it's a lot more awkward to defend.

This map might feel way more linear now, and it really sucks, this was one of the few really fun rainmaker maps were all paths had reason to be used, I'm genuinely really bummed
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Inkling Cadet
Jan 30, 2024
I hate to be negative but I don't like it.

I played zones and it does feel a bit better in that mode, mostly because the map is wider, the zones are slightly bigger, and the little route they added below snipe is pretty fun. But I feel like your court (the area in which you drop to go to the zone) and the ramp to the right of the giant glass wall are more cramped then before. Is that just me? I could have sworn they were a bit wider before but now they feels way more awkard to hold since you don't have many great positions to take

I think tower and clams are neutral, clams is a bit worse because of your court feeling cramped but a bit better because mid is larger, and I already liked tower so I don't mind it too much

But man, I hate to say it... but I think rainmaker's worse. It was my favourite rainmaker map, arguably the best one in the game, but they didn't change anything about the right route (the one going over a glass ramp), which had the problem of being very vulnerable but was arguably worth it to score really fast. They didn't change the route going over grates after the left checkpoint (the one going around the... other giant glass thing?), which had the advantage of being a bit safer and being the best route to use if you want a slower ko... BEFORE the rework.

They made the left route inkable. They even added cover. Why. It was already the best path before but it was balanced by it being a bit more vulnerable and going over an uninkable floor, so the rainmaker was easy to stop.
Now it's so disproportionately better to use it, I don't see a good reason to pick another path: it's fast, it's safe, and it has even more safe positions for your teammates to take. Before the checkpoint, now you even have the path going under snipe that's safer, and further away from the enemies, so it's a lot more awkward to defend.

This map might feel way more linear now, and it really sucks, this was one of the few really fun rainmaker maps were all paths had reason to be used, I'm genuinely really bummed
yeah it was actually cool having to fight through that area but now you can just run the rainmaker through it. it definitely was something that made the map actually better that they removed. it honestly felt like a splat 1 route, i'm gonna miss it... it's weird because it was an area that was like "if you can't fight you won't make it past, and the other team will when they get rm over there", like a skill check almost. all of the routes were, it felt like it actually made you play the game. now, this is just the best route, and the carrier can just run through. it might just actually still feel fine to play on but i didn't get to yet, i'm hoping that we are just scared for the best mode on this map to be brought down to the level of the others (i think that's the opposite of what a rework is supposed to do, but what do i know) and that it won't actually be that bad. hopefully. i said in my first message that it's ok, just a strange thing to make a big change on, but that was honestly just how i was hoping for it to turn out

small side note though, i see 3 good votes and nobody talking about the rework being good, i want to see something im wrong about and see that this rework is actually a rework


Senior Squid
Mar 26, 2024
I played it a bit and yea I think it’s kind of mid

let start with the positives: I like how mid is a bit more open, the left side of spawn is a nice addition, and the part of mid that is slightly lower is good.

Negatives: it’s not enough to make the map good. Yea it’s an improvement and it feel slightly better to play but the map still don’t feel good.

I still think the mahi rework is the best one as it fixed my main problem with the map being too small and how the enemy can easily get into your spawn.

maybe If I play it more it will grow in me IDK


Inkling Commander
Jan 31, 2024
Been meaning to give my thoughts on the map rework so I guess I'll do it now.

I'm actually impressed by how little they managed to change. Mincemeat already barely had any changes and I feel as if this rework did even less. At the very least Undertow was already okay so it didn't need as many changes but I also think that makes the rework more disappointing since there were some very simple ways to drastically improve the map that just didn't end up happening. My favorite change is the little cover they added to mid, which also appears to be wider in general. I do also like that the zones are a little bigger and despite the fact that I wish we got a path in the middle to get to the other glass section, I do think having an easy way to cross both sides of mid is a positive change.
For the negatives though, I really hate that they added another uninkable section as if Undertow didn't already have enough of those. I'm also not sure how good it was for them to make the floor on the left path in RM inkable while keeping the right side exactly the same. I want less uninkable floor and walls but taking the left path was already the better option and now that you can quickly swim to the final checkpoint, it gives less of a reason to ever take the right path.

Overall though, this was a pretty disappointing rework. Undertow was already decent before but what about future reworks on maps that do need drastic changes? I think this just confirms to me that my theory on the devs not wanting to add new routes to stay close to their original vision of a map might be true.

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