"Unpatchable" Exploit Makes Switch Hackable

kunoichi squid

Inkling Cadet
Apr 23, 2015
So I was surfing around the web yesterday, bored as always; but I was also doing some research on why some third party companies won't put their games on the Switch. Anyway, I found this article. So I guess even if no one has (or will own up to) hacking our beloved game Splatoon 2, it is possible at the very least to hack the system and I can sort of understand a bit more about it. Just thought I'd share this article with everyone and see what your opinions are.


Inkling Commander
Jun 7, 2016
I've been following this. I'm really glad a local (not remote) perma-exploit is available. I didn't expect it this quickly though. Consoles inevitably lose support, games become rare, etc. Having hacks available for local play keeps the console usable forever. I hack a lot of my consoles for convenience
-PS2 because I got tired of scratched, unplayable discs
-DS and 3DS because carrying 1 cart is more convenient and SNES emulators rock
-PSP is hacked because UMDs suck and so do low-capacity proprietary memory cards

Once some emulators are available I'll be able to convince my friend to get a Switch. I think the barrier-to-entry on the exploit will make piracy and cheating will be rare. I'm glad that my Switch is future-proof.


Squid Savior From the Future
Community Ambassador
Feb 3, 2016
Another ArsTechnica reader? Hmm, nice.

Yeah, I won't be surprised if we see a hardware refresh in the near future (maybe sooner than they intend?) due to the exploit becoming public knowledge and it being hardware based. Personally, I'd have some considerations based on whether or not we eventually get local saves like we always should have, but that's just me.


Octarian Storyteller
Site Moderator
May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
I'm fine with people doing this as long as they don't do anything online with it and only use it for local things like private matches. The current situation with Splatoon 2 makes me scared that someone will mess with my Super Sea Snail count, level and rank.

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