Interesting that I see this thread today... I took a like two-week hiatus from Splatoon due to time constraints and all, and tonight I came back to turf war, expecting to reach level 47, but nope... suddenly me and the rest of my teams are getting destroyed time and again, no matter which lobby I join. Really, wtf? Being a "semi-casual" player, so to say, this is kinda annoying and frustrating. I'm not a terrible player, not a pro either, but I just can't figure out what the hell is going on. Of course, having at least one disconnected member on my team every two matches or so doesn't help, but that's an entirely different topic...
In any case, I also feel like Turf has gotten a lot more aggressive. Sure, being level 46 I get paired with 50s and stuff like that, but I usually hold myself fine...? It's kinda weird and frustrating, I just want to level up, level my new gear, have some entertainment. If I want to get destroyed regularly, I can go play Ranked :/ (actually I don't believe your rank absolutely determines your skill, considering Turf War is the "main" way of playing this game - it just means that you're good at taking down people and surviving on your own while escorting something from place A to B or holding the line in a very enclosed space, all methods that have hardly anything to do with said "main" game style)
I also do have the feeling that players seem to concentrate on a small handful of weapons nowadays, which means that at some point or another, you will be put on a team with nothing but Chargers or facing a whole Charger team and things like that, making matches feel horribly unbalanced. I understand that it's probably impossible to team up people based on their weapons,but... I don't know, I feel like these walls of one or two types of weapons within one lobby have gotten a lot more recently.