Wasabi, Tentatek, or Regular Splattershot?

Which is the best Splattershot?

  • Regular (Burst Bombs|Bomb Rush)

    Votes: 1 2.5%
  • Tentatek (Suction Bombs|Inkzooka)

    Votes: 24 60.0%
  • Wasabi (Splat Bombs|Inkstrike)

    Votes: 15 37.5%

  • Total voters

Miles Logan

Apr 25, 2016
Which do you think is better? I used to play Tentatek, and now I am starting to play wasabi. However, as I am trying to get more competitive, I want to master one before I balance the three and their different subs and specials. Also what abilities do you recommend for these weapons? I use mostly :ability_inksavermain: and:ability_specialcharge: but idk if those are the best for the set.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
The base gun's useful regardless. Being balanced in all stats is always handy, as the FULL old saying goes a jack of all trades, master of none, is often better than a master of one. I'd recommend switching between the lot rather than devoting yourself to one specific kit, you'll be more versatile that way.

Though if you use the Tentatek a lot, invest in some special saver. That special depletion nerf really hurts. I'd also recommend ink recovery for more bomb tossing.

Miles Logan

Apr 25, 2016
Could you tell me which gear to replace/reroll?

My current gear:
  1. :ability_specialcharge:
  2. :ability_specialcharge:
  3. :ability_inksaversub:
:clothes_tel000: |:ability_quickrespawn:
  1. :ability_specialsaver:
  2. :ability_inksavermain:
  3. :ability_inksavermain:
  1. :ability_inksavermain:
  2. :ability_quickrespawn:
  3. :ability_specialcharge:


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Probably the shoes. Do you ambush via super jump enough to make use of it? Besides, opponents can still see you coming by looking skyward.

Miles Logan

Apr 25, 2016
Any other advice? other good abilities to roll for, or clothes to replace? (Also THANK YOU SO MUCH, I LOVE YOU FOR HELPING ME)


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Quick respawn is always handy, especially for frontline fighters like yourself. Just one main (or three subs which is equivalent) like you have chops 25% off your respawn time. More can be beneficial, depending on how kamikaze you are.

Your shirt and hat are fine, especially if you go for the triple sub. Don't be afraid to save scum, some people look down on it but giving Spyke money is virtual gambling, and virtual gambling is a waste of time. I use that same shirt, it's handy, haha.

Glad to help :P


Prodigal Squid
Aug 18, 2015
For the tentatek I'd definitely run two mains worth of special saver.

Two Striped Mesh :head_cap010: :ability_specialsaver:|:ability_swimspeed::ability_swimspeed::ability_swimspeed:
Layered Vector LS:clothes_tly008::ability_specialsaver:|:ability_specialcharge::ability_specialcharge::ability_specialcharge:
White Kicks :shoes_lts000::ability_swimspeed:|:ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed:
This gives you lots of movement speed options, helps counteract the death special penalty, and helps you get your special in the first place.

The vanilla is tricky with the burst bomb changes. You really want two mains worth of sub saver, two mains worth of damage up, and two mains worth of bomb range. You can't get this without shiny gear, so the closest thing I've seen that doesn't use sub saver is:
Sun Visor (no picture) :ability_bombrange:|:ability_inkrecovery::ability_inkrecovery::ability_inkrecovery:
Squidmark Sweat :clothes_swt001: :ability_bombrange:|:ability_damage::ability_damage::ability_damage:
Cyan Trainers :shoes_sht004::ability_damage:|:ability_inkrecovery::ability_inkrecovery::ability_inkrecovery:
Which gives you lots of burst bombs over time. I'm currently trying out different setups with a mix of sub saver and ink recovery to find something not so hard to roll. The playstyle is a bit different without the ability to throw three bombs - bombs become more supplemental than a main pressuring tactic. Nevertheless, a bomb followed by a few quick shots is still an effective way to take people out, and with the buffed radius to burst bombs, bomb rush can be pretty devastating.

For the wasabi, you want to stack special duration because it decreases the end animation for the inkstrike. Something like:
Stealth Goggles :head_met002: :ability_swimspeed:|:ability_specialduration::ability_specialduration::ability_specialduration:
White Inky Rider (no picture) :ability_specialduration:|:ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed:
White Kicks :shoes_lts000::ability_swimspeed:|:ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed:
That way you preserve some of the "sonic" build that many people run, but still have your quick inkstrikes.

In general, I find that the splattershot variants want lots of movement speed to strafe or swim strafe around their enemies (so you could build the vanilla with this in mind as well). You might also consider a few damage subs here and there on the tentatek or wasabi to counter defense builds (sometimes the four shots become a problem).

If you want to go all in on the respawn idea, I'd use:
Squid Nordic (no picture) :ability_comeback:|:ability_quickrespawn::ability_quickrespawn::ability_quickrespawn:
Squid-Stitch Tee :clothes_tes017::ability_swimspeed:|:ability_quickrespawn::ability_quickrespawn::ability_quickrespawn:
Moto Boots :shoes_bot000::ability_quickrespawn:|:ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed:
You respawn in no time, have comeback to get you back in the action, and still have some movement buffs for firefights.

And don't worry about all these triples I keep posting. Pick a build you want, save up your coins and snails, then roll. It isn't so hard when you focus on one build at a time. Also, there is nothing wrong with save scumming.

Hope this helps.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Considering all-in quick respawn is my playstyle as a whole, I'll be stealing that build, just gotta re-roll the boots :D Thanks for the idea!

Miles Logan

Apr 25, 2016
ok, I changed my boots and so now I have a kind of hybrid between you two's recommendations with the quick respawn and special saver.
Its: Moto Boots:shoes_bot000::ability_quickrespawn:|:ability_specialsaver::ability_specialsaver::ability_specialcharge:

Overall I have: 6 (2 Mains) Quick Respawn, 5 (1 main and 2 sub) Ink Saver Main, 3 Special Saver, 3 Special Charger, and 1 Ink Saver Sub (which once i start to save scum I'll get rid of and replace with quick respawn probably)

My play style is a kind of kamikaze style, but I like being able to quickly charge up my special so i can get an inkstrike. Is my build good, or should I go all out quick respawn?


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
I think you could get by with 1 main or 3 subs of ink saver. The splattershot isn't THAT ink hungry, and that'll give you a decent boost. Outside of that, sounds fine to me.


May 12, 2016
i use every splattershot and consider myself good enough to carry with both the wasabi and tentatek, so hear me out on this.
you don't need any ink saver for the splattershot at all, really. if you're going into the ink enough to make actual use of swim speed on the frontlines, you'll find yourself able to go without it. in fact, if you're good enough, you won't even need the speed ups to be fast with the splattershots.

my builds that I switch through on the tentatek splattershot/octoshot replica are as follows:
Defense Up Build - an amazing build to use. it might not be as fast as the others upon first glance, but as I said before - if you can swim strafe well and know when to use it, it can easily compensate for not having the speed ups.
Here's the actual build.
1 - Takoroka Mesh: Pure Defense Up
2 - Dark Urban Vest (CB): 3x Defense Ups
3 - Rockenburg ink res boots: 3x Defense Ups.
Ink res is a must for the tentatek in its nature. you will always find yourself covering enemy ink, and fighting multiple enemies in their ink. ink res helps you out a ton if you need to escape or you need to swim somewhere to get better positioning.
cold blooded is still great. if there's a dynamo, e-liter, or dual squelcher in ranked, chances are you're gonna be getting echo'd. don't kid yourself.

Run Speed +CB build (also my main Wasabi build):
Golf Visor or Hero Headset: Pure run speed, golf visor always looks better.
Krak-on CB shirt: 3x swim speed
Red Hi-Tops (ink res): 3x swim speed.

This build is for when I want equal run speed and swim speed with cold blooded. Speeds help with flanking before the enemy can react, and rolling out at the beginning of a game. They can also help with strafing, positioning, and movement on grates.

Speedy build (more run speed):
Same headgear as the last build
Black Baseball LS: Swim speed main and 3x run speed subs
Red hi-tops: 3x swim speed.

I always try to have at least 6 subs of run speed and swim speed on my speed sets. Having only one main or 3 subs isn't a lot at all, and sometimes barely makes a difference. This build has more run speed if you find yourself swimming less.

kM Cody's Build:
I stole this build from PixelatedCody, a top-level tentatek.
Camo Mesh or Hairclip: Pure Swim Speed
(forgot the name for this piece of gear, but it's squidforce): 1 Run Speed Up Main and 3 damage up subs.
Red hi-tops: 3x swim speed.

I know this goes against my "6 subs of both speeds!!11!!" rule of my builds but
1. I stole this build lol
2. The swim speed makes up for the lack of 6 subs of run speed here, similar to the last build.
3 subs of damage up counters any defense up, so it's pretty good to use.

As you can see, I rarely use special savers or quick respawns or anything like that. The reason for that is because while I am very aggressive, I am intelligently aggressive. I play in a way that gets me lots of kills and also keeps me alive - rarely do I ever get more than 7 deaths in a game. I don't play like a kamikaze player, because rollers are better for that kind of stuff. Instead, I find that trying to stay alive with the tentatek will help you and your team out much more than playing super recklessly. When I get my inkzooka, it's after putting down turf at a safe distance or getting a double/triple/wipe. I then back off a bit and get to a position where I can see the enemies better. For a general rule, wait 'till you see some of their heads. That's when I fire at them. By following this rule, I rarely miss long range shots unless they are interrupted by the stages.
If you are any splattershot, you will often be either the main source of map control or the secondary source of map control. You will, if you play your roles correctly, get your specials in no time.

For regular splattershots, literally just spam bomb range up and damage up.

opinions opinions and more opinions


Mar 18, 2016
For the wasabi, you want to stack special duration because it decreases the end animation for the inkstrike. Something like:
Stealth Goggles :head_met002: :ability_swimspeed:|:ability_specialduration::ability_specialduration::ability_specialduration:
White Inky Rider (no picture) :ability_specialduration:|:ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed:
White Kicks :shoes_lts000::ability_swimspeed:|:ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed::ability_runspeed:
That way you preserve some of the "sonic" build that many people run, but still have your quick inkstrikes.
Thank you for this. I seriously never thought of the special duration. Always tried to only max out swim- & running speed. Gonna try this out right now!


Prodigal Squid
Aug 18, 2015
@Dobar Yeah, I think with all that special duration the end animation of inkstrike is almost non-existent. I haven't tried this exact build (as I'm working on other things...with burst bombs), but I did try a build with a bunch of special duration and it did help. You can almost inkstrike in the middle of battle now (although still not recommended).

@Dessgeega how is the quick respawn build working for you? I don't have the boots rolled either, so I typically use my choco clogs for more swim speed. I do find run speed helpful with the splattershots though.


Egyptian Goo God
Feb 23, 2016
Switch Friend Code
@Dobar Yeah, I think with all that special duration the end animation of inkstrike is almost non-existent. I haven't tried this exact build (as I'm working on other things...with burst bombs), but I did try a build with a bunch of special duration and it did help. You can almost inkstrike in the middle of battle now (although still not recommended).

@Dessgeega how is the quick respawn build working for you? I don't have the boots rolled either, so I typically use my choco clogs for more swim speed. I do find run speed helpful with the splattershots though.
Hmmm? Oh, it works pretty well. 4 seconds is an eternity in this game, and lopping that off your respawn timer is very useful, particularly on ranked stages where the spawn is close to the front.


Inkling Commander
Nov 5, 2007
South Jersey
kM Cody's Build:

For regular splattershots, literally just spam bomb range up and damage up.
FYI, Cody changes up between many builds depending on what the opponent is doing and what the team comps are.

Since I'm pretty much the only active high-level Splattershot, here's my build:

I use it on Neo Splash, Carbon, and Splattershot in tournament (still working on L3D). If we're talking about Splattershot specifically, t's also viable to cut some damage in favor of things like ink recovery, sub saver, comeback, etc. Here's a random build I like for example:

More or less, you want Bomb Range, Sub Saver, and Damage, then you need to decide how you want to allocate them and if it's worth fitting something else in.

Do note though that playing Splattershot in the current patch means committing to Burst Bombs more so than the gun itself, and if you want to master it you need to learn multiple Burst Bomb-centric weapons in order to be able to pick the best one for the current situation. Enjoy!


May 12, 2016
FYI, Cody changes up between many builds depending on what the opponent is doing and what the team comps are.
I know. That was the first set I saw Cody use in a video and it was one he got his custom inkling plush based on, lol.

With the Splattershot now I use more speeds and some dmg/bomb range ups since I'm way better with the actual gun.

Lord Zeppelin

May 31, 2016
I haven't tried this set out yet but how's this for Tentatek?
Snorkel Mask (damage up) with max special duration subs
Sage Polo (cold blooded) with max ink savor (main) subs
Red Hi-Tops (ink resistance) with max swim speed subs
You could replace Sage Polo with Gray College Sweat (swim speed) with max ink savor (main) subs if no one is using echo. Overall a pretty balanced set.


Prodigal Squid
Aug 18, 2015
I haven't tried this set out yet but how's this for Tentatek?
Snorkel Mask (damage up) with max special duration subs
Sage Polo (cold blooded) with max ink savor (main) subs
Red Hi-Tops (ink resistance) with max swim speed subs
You could replace Sage Polo with Gray College Sweat (swim speed) with max ink savor (main) subs if no one is using echo. Overall a pretty balanced set.
It's not bad. 3 special duration subs gives you an extra shot with the inkzooka. Damage counters defense users (which can be annoying). Cold blooded is pretty useful, although not as needed with the echo nerf. I love ink resistance and I use it a lot, but I know people who think it is superfluous (and I've stopped using it on my burst bomb builds because I don't have space).

You probably don't need the ink saver main, but I've used it for turf war with success. Actually I had a similar build for the tentatek and .52 with the gray college sweat and red hi-tops (sometimes the blue moto boots for run speed) that I used to get to A rank. I'd probably opt for the gray sweat over the sage polo.


Jun 1, 2016
I main all three of them. Personally I use the one that works best with each rotation, or the one that works best with my team. :ability_inkresistance:,:ability_runspeed:, :ability_damage:, and :ability_quickrespawn:are good with all three of them. :ability_bombrange: is good with the normal and :ability_specialsaver: is good with the tentatek.
Last edited:


Inkling Commander
Nov 5, 2007
South Jersey
There's absolutely no reason to run ink saver main on any splattershot, outside of some wonky "shots after 3 burst bombs build" with one sub that is probably still not needed anyway.

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