Weapon(s) You Struggle To Play With?


Senior Squid
Apr 29, 2024
Mossdeep City
Not sure if there was already a thread for this, but lmk if that is the case!

I thought it would be interesting to have a thread where people could discuss weapons they struggle with using. It could be for any reason, like maybe the playstyle or role isn't what you're used to, or it's simply not fun. An explanation isn't required or anything, but feel free to leave one if you'd like!

This probably goes without saying (and I'm sure all of you will have no issues,) but be sure to keep things civil (every weapon has at least one dedicated main out there!)

Personally, my struggle weapon is the dualie squelchers, which is rather ironic considering how much I liked its shooter class predecessor. My explanation is a bit lengthy, so I'll just keep it in this spoiler button if you're interested.

So today I attempted playing dualie squelchers (DS) once again. Some matches went really well, others not so much, but reflecting on today's session did make me realize something. I used to main dual squelcher in S1 but could never get into the dualie variant. Of course, the dualie variant is not the same as the shooter: it's more technical given its wider array of movement options. It's also different from some of the other weapons I'm accustomed to playing. However, I feel that my inconsistency with this weapon is not simply caused by the different play style. Though I've played splatoon for a while, I feel that the weapon punishes some bad habits that I've never truly addressed before such as neglecting to consider team comps or my poor judgement in picking fights or just how I engage opponents in general. I also find at times that I lose track of mobile enemies, especially in close-range engagements. The weapons I've played have typically had enough range (ballpoint, explo) or power (roller, edit) to accommodate for these weak points, and they usually aren't all that complicated. However, DS seems more involved than what I'm used to. It has decent range, but can't overpower it's opponents as well as most other weapons and relies more on its movement and spacing to be self-sufficient. On top of that, it's poor ink efficiency creates additional concern. With how DS is strong at drawing out engagements and supporting its team, I realize I have to be much more aware before, during, and even after engagements than I was before. Instead of putting the weapon down as I usually tend to do, I feel that it might be beneficial to learn more about how it plays so I can become a stronger player overall. It might also help to play weapons with similar requirements for a bit of diversity.

I was originally going to leave a profile post about this, but I felt it could be an engaging topic (and it was too long lol.) Feel free to ask for or share advice/resources with anyone if you'd like! Anyway, I'll leave the rest to you guys!


Kinda Nuts
Jan 29, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Simple answer - scoped Chargers. Even if you didn't have a charge hold that alone would cause massive problems for me compared to regular Chargers, which are already some of the more difficult for me. Removing your eyesight though? And effectively changing your motion sensitivity while scoped??? That's not a good combination for me LOL


Inkling Cadet
Mar 26, 2024
I don't really want to name any chargers since chargers are a hard weapon for a good bit of people so I'm going something different with slosher deco. This weapon gives out no mercy for the user the sub weapon is dart which is already a hard sub to hit and combo with the main, on top of that you have the special zipcaster which is not only the hardest special in the entire franchise and it's not even close you also have to know how to properly use it on bucket. This weapon is fun, but unforgiving.


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
The Chicken pen
Switch Friend Code
Dualies are easily my worst weapon class in the game. I can pick up at least one weapon for every class and do perfectly fine, but Dualies and me dont really mesh. And it's not even their playstyle I don't mesh with necessarily. I know how to be a rat and I do enjoy it a fair bit.
The reason Dualies and I don't work is because of the dodge rolls. With Splatlings I walk side-to-side and jump sideways a lot. It's how I move through little patches of enemy ink while charging, how I dodge Charger shots (do not try that at home, kids! I am a profreshional), how I reposition and all that jazz. I'm sure you can imagine how dodge rolls mess with that muscle memory.
Wanna jump over a puddle? Oops, dodge roll. Wanna climb a block while shooting? Oops, dodge roll.

it's not all hopeless though, I have gotten better with Dualies. Nice thing about Salmon Run is that I can try out different weapons without taking away time from my Splatlings. After all, the chunks benefit my beloved spinners as well. I still have issues dodge rolling when I dont mean to, but not nearly as often. I'm not completely hopeless with them anymore.

Unfortunately for Dualies, none of them tickle my brain even a little bit, so I doubt I'll ever put in the effort to be more than OKtm at them. But hey, I'm sure all the Tetras out there are happy they get to keep me on Hydra. Ours is an enduring allyship <3


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Switch Friend Code
The only weapon I want to play but can't, Splash-o-Matic. The only short-range shooter I actually respect, since its kit is actually focused on helping its team with chip damage and the suppressive fire of Crab Tank rather than, Paint. Area Denial. More Paint.

The problem is very simple. The weapon doesn't have enough range. There is zero chance you'll be chip damaging anything with the main weapon, and Burst Bombs are expensive. I don't feel like I'm able to do enough when the main gun is only good for shredding opponents that don't manage their distance properly. I may try it again soon just because I miss playing its kit, but the kit is really the only reason I find the weapon worth coming back to.

And note that this is only the one short-range shooter I like playing. Forget the spray shooters entirely.


Inkling Cadet
Oct 10, 2024
Santa Barbara/Inkopolis square
Switch Friend Code
1: anything where you have to be good at aiming
Honestly I can’t aim simple as that

2: anything that has more range than clash
I dont know why but i just can’t use long range weapons even if they arn’t that long like the zap just can’t use it all weapons are fun but i have trouble

3: charge weapons (chargers splatlings and splatanas)
Sorry but yeah


Unrelated to Inking the Zone
Apr 4, 2016
Switch Friend Code
Only weapon I really... really can't play is Recycle.

It's both, really weak on pretty much every axis and a new to Splatoon 3 weapon. Which means I have barely had anytime to interact or play with the weapon compared to the thousands of hours I played of 5.0.0 Splatoon 2. Even weapons like Decav and Wellstring were quicker to acclimate to since they actually exist in pvp.

I don't even know what you are supposed to do with it. It can't flash shield nearly as well as vbrella since a single splatana horizontal breaks it. It doesn't have good paint, It has some truly cursed kits. Are you supposed to deploy shield and walk behind it. I don't know..? this is the only weapon in the game I just have no clue about. The shield refreshes really fast. but like. it doesn't... do anything... I just don't get it.
Mar 25, 2024
He/Him But Any Is Fine
Switch Friend Code
For a weapon that's considered the most easy, most braindead, and most hated, I really don't understand how the .52 Gal works. I'll go back to it every now and then, trying to figure out what the fuss is with it, but can never wrap my head around it. The RNG on this thing is atrocious, with that being the thing that balances the weapon, making it not fun, and jumping just kills any chance of hitting anything with this thing. You can use wall to stall out people but people don't wanna approach you for fear of being two shotted, and I don't wanna approach either because I don't feel like my range is good enough and the rng will screw me over, so it creates this situation where I'm more scared of the opponent than the opponent is scared of me.

Overall I'm constantly left miserable when I go back to the weapons I play because for a weapon that seems so simple on a surface level I find it so difficult to work with it, thus this weapon for me is one that I respect a lot to those willing to put their time into it, and though it doesn't feel great on the receiving (or even playing end for me) I still think this weapon is at least well balanced enough. I wouldn't complain if it was nerfed, but I wouldn't complain if it was left as is either.

People can dunk on the .52 Gal for being the most buffed weapon in Splatoon 2 all they want but to me, I feel as if in some twisted way it was at least somewhat justified on Nintendo's part.

Smash Arena

Pro Squid
Dec 11, 2014
Chargers just aren't my forte. I can use most classes, but Chargers are totally off the table for me in all times and ages. My friend specializes in Chargers though, so we cover each other's bases! In fact, each of my squadmates excels with different weapons, giving us great coverage when we hop into a match together.

It's not like I haven't tried Chargers before, but my play style just doesn't really work with them, as I really prefer to be more mobile and get a piece of the action all over the map. In fact, I generally just prefer short range weapons to long range weapons, with Shooters/Dualies/Rollers being my favorite classes.

I can't use the Sniper Rifle in Halo either, actually! Give me an Assault Rifle and I'm off to the races though.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Personally, I have the hardest time getting adjusted to chargers.
It's not a very unique answer but I will say that I'm sure it wouldn't take me too long to get adjusted to using them, I just have no reason to practice chargers besides maybe Bamboo.
The playstyle typically associated with most of them isn't how I want to play either.
If I'm going to play a backline I rather go with something like Explo or RPD.

Brushes would be a close second but not because I find them particularly hard to use, I just don't like the constant mashing that's required to attack.
It wasn't a big deal when I was first getting into Splatoon but nowadays, my hands would rather not deal with that.


Kinda Nuts
Jan 29, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Chargers are seeming to be a common answer in this thread and I know my first post was a little different but I still want to go back to say my other, possibly also very common response to this.

I'd like to imagine that I can pick up most weapons in the game and while getting used to their aim might be difficult, and while some are definitely more difficult to actually use than others, I can at least understand what I'm supposed to be doing and try my best to actually hit shots and get things done. The one, single exception for me has always been Tenta Brella. I for the life of me cannot wrap my head around this weapon's basic game plan.

Where am I supposed to be firing the shield? What kind of things am I supposed to be looking for and what should my end goal be for a successful Tenta Brella play? And what should I be doing when I'm faced with one of the weapon's bad matchups or a special weapon breaks my shield? The basic outline I try to follow is keeping the shield safe until it's launched and shoot it into an area where I expect to see one or two enemies tops. Then I hope I can annoy them even if they normally just move out of the way and I'm left clueless from there on out.


Full Squid
Mar 8, 2024
haunted physics lecture hall
Switch Friend Code
I used to be a brush main back in my first years of splatoon 2, but once I got used to rollers and splatlings, I haven't been able to go back to them, especially the octobrush.
I can still play alright with the inkbrush since it's mostly dependent on how much you can button mash and it fits a very fast-paced playstyle, but octobrush is just So Slow compared to inkbrush and feels so clunky when playing. I feel a bit bad since it used to be one of my favorite weapons.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 30, 2024
eastern time
Switch Friend Code
At this point I pretty much only play s-blast with stamper thrown in there every once in a while, but my journey to find that as a main took me through quite a few weapons, notably including dualies, chargers, rapid deco, and splatlings. I've messed around with other weapons too and I'd say I can use a fair amount of them with some degree of competence, but I just don't know what to do with myself with anything short-range. Brushes, sploosh, roller, et cetera. You mean I have to be right up next to someone? How am I supposed to back up if I need to? What if there's no cover? And how on earth am I supposed to aim when they're so close? You'd think aiming would be easier up close. But no. They move seven inches and boom, now you have to turn your controller around. And the further away you are, the more chances you get to hit them. Up close, if you miss, you're just dead. If I could get that close in the first place.

I'm sure if I practiced playing those weapons, I'd learn how to get around these issues. But I really have no interest in doing so. S-blast exists.


Kinda Nuts
Jan 29, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I just can't use the Mint Decavitator very well. How is it so popular?
From what I've gathered there are a lot of even very talented players who may find it either really easy or really hard. If you find it easy then it's an insanely good weapon too so chances are you'll win more with it, plus the kinds of options it does and doesn't have are really fun for a lot of people. Apparently it's wayyyy less popular in Japan but I wouldn't be the right one to comment on why that might be.


Inkling Cadet
Oct 10, 2024
Santa Barbara/Inkopolis square
Switch Friend Code
Try taking height And get them from above
At this point I pretty much only play s-blast with stamper thrown in there every once in a while, but my journey to find that as a main took me through quite a few weapons, notably including dualies, chargers, rapid deco, and splatlings. I've messed around with other weapons too and I'd say I can use a fair amount of them with some degree of competence, but I just don't know what to do with myself with anything short-range. Brushes, sploosh, roller, et cetera. You mean I have to be right up next to someone? How am I supposed to back up if I need to? What if there's no cover? And how on earth am I supposed to aim when they're so close? You'd think aiming would be easier up close. But no. They move seven inches and boom, now you have to turn your controller around. And the further away you are, the more chances you get to hit them. Up close, if you miss, you're just dead. If I could get that close in the first place.

I'm sure if I practiced playing those weapons, I'd learn how to get around these issues. But I really have no interest in doing so. S-blast exists.

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