What do yall think about splatting people right after they superjump?


Deleted Member

I personally think it's really dumb but ig thats what that one gear ability is for.


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
It's an intended part of the game, otherwise, there wouldn't be markers telling the location of where people would land. The game provides two ways to already bypass that: The gear ability and the ability to use Splashdown as you land.

This wouldn't be a team game if you weren't forced to rely on your teammates for at least some of the things. And any good teammate would protect that landing spot if he or she has the capability to do so.
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Oct 2, 2015
Switch Friend Code
I don't really think anything for them splatting me. If at all I get more frustrated with myself.

Learning when and when not to jump is an important skill to develop.
I can sulk about players not giving me the same courtesy of a fighting chance (which is out of my control) or I can accept that's how the game goes even with the hide-landing skill on my shoes and instead try to focus on what is under my control. What can I do to minimize finding myself in that kind of situation.

When I started playing it happened to me so often and I felt powerless because it felt random. It felt like there was no way I could know before jumping but I was mistaken. Here's what has helped me minimize the occurrence:
  1. Your map is a very important tool. I know the heat of the match compels us to jump to a spot at first glance, but trust me, pausing and taking a bit of time to see what is going on helps heaps!! Since the map updates in real time you can see the ink exchange near the target spot and get a quick assessment.

  2. Is there's enemy ink chasing your target spot? That's a risky jump. You can wait for a bit to see if the enemy ink stops or you can seek another alternative that is not being engaged by the enemy.

  3. The furthest position from your base is usually the highest risk. Even if it seems "clean" of enemies at the time, consider is the one closer to the enemy's base. That friend going guns blazing all over there by themselves can and possibly will be eliminated while you're jumping and you'll land to one or more enemies giving you the "howdy?" greeting. I know you want to help them but I'd suggest to either find a second spot and then catch up with them or really wait and make sure they haven't been noticed before jumping.
There is still no guarantee. This is a frantic game and the super jump is by design a gamble. You are choosing to shave some seconds landing further rather than making your way there, so you have to strategize if it's worth the risks, but I hope these can help anyone that was on my spot very frustrated over dying over and over every match.


Full Squid
Jun 8, 2022
The abyss
Switch Friend Code
I find it annoying but it is just a part of the game, and abilities and smart jumping could prevent it from happening. So its just the neutral reaction since I’ve been playing for so long

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