What maps would you say you're best / worst at playing?


Kinda Nuts
Jan 29, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Here's a new one. It feels like most discussion on maps in this game boils down to how good or bad they are. Maybe it's because most people don't look like this at their own gameplay but heck if I know. Title says it all - which maps do you feel like you're at your strongest on? How about at your weakest? This isn't favorites or least favorites, this is entirely how much you think playing on a certain map changes your odds of winning for whatever reason.

I feel like the three I do the absolute best on are Shipshape Cargo Co., Lemuria Hub, and Eeltail Alley. Shipshape is mostly because I think retake on that map has come a lot more naturally to me than to other people. I don't do the absolute best with a more neutral game state, but the fact that I play as well as I do on retake makes it a lot easier for me to feel out how I need to play on holds as well. Lemuria Hub is mostly because to be blunt, a lot of people don't seem to understand what you're supposed to be doing on it. I don't like Eeltail but something about the map's mid makes it really easy for me to find opportunities to get in, get a kill or two and slip behind the opponents, and we all know how snowbally that map is in those situations.

My weakest are probably Flounder Heights and Marlin Airport. Flounder is largely because the map is so AoE-favored that I genuinely don't even know how I'm supposed to approach most situations there, outside of I guess when we've pushed our opponents back to spawn but that's not going to carry my results with the map. I play fine in Marlin Airport's mid but never manage to play well while pushing or being pushed.


Unrelated to Inking the Zone
Apr 4, 2016
Switch Friend Code
According to splatnet winrate it's currently Umami, which is surprising honestly I thought it would be a splatoon 2 map since I'm more adapted to those maps.


Senior Squid
Apr 29, 2024
Mossdeep City
Some of the maps I do well on are Crableg and Sturgeon Shipyard. In most cases, getting control of the high ground/grating on crableg as a mid or backline or flanking on one of the two side areas helps a lot with gaining or holding control for most or even all of the match. It can be a bit tricky when being pushed, but the grated path enemies have to push on makes it easier to slow or stop their push as long as they don't get into your base. Sturgeon has a pretty massive spawn, so it leaves plenty of room for getting out of your base when the enemy tries to lock you out. You even have access to high ground overlooking mid or, if you're pushing, the enemy's base, helping a lot with awareness and map control. There's also the underground fight clu- I mean uh... let's talk about maps I struggle with.

I mainly have problems on Flounder Heights and Hammerhead Bridge personally. Since I play a mid-range charging weapon with no charge hold most of the time, I'm pretty limited in what I can do on Flounder. The walls are difficult to play around since I have to drop a charge to swim up them, so flanking is usually out of the question. This is especially felt when dealing with long-range opponents since they lock me out fairly easily, and most agile weapons or slayers can pop up almost anywhere and flank or catch me off guard. Even worse is that if the enemy takes mid, it's difficult to find a way back in since they have practically the entire high ground on the map and, as I mentioned, it's hard to flank with charging weapons due to the walls. As for hammerhead, it's linear layout makes things somewhat difficult for me. There's practically no flanking options for if you get locked out, so you're forced to try and fight your enemy head-on to brute force them out of your base or mid with how the map is designed. Oftentimes in head-on fights I try to support my team, catch the enemy off-guard in some way, or rely on my special, but a lot of specials in the game easily disperse you and your team or trap me in some of the corners of the stage, making me or my teammates easier targets. It feels like a reverse tug-of-war to see who can push the other out of the battle first and with overwhelming force, and it just feels difficult to keep up with at times.


Inkster Jr.
Jan 30, 2025
the Memverse
I know this is a little more competitive oriented than this thread is after, but I think it is worth it to bring up that my team has an exceptional record on Zones Mahi in particular. We just consistently can win and hold the lockout on that map, even if we have been losing in other mapmodes to the same team. If I had to hazard a guess as to why, I think that it is a real playground for our Carbon and has lots of good spots for our Wellstring to sit and apply pressure to most relevant positions. That, and having double Tri-Strike is handy.

To bring it back to me in an individual setting, I had to check my stats to be sure. My best mapmode is Shipshape Tower at 76.9%. It makes sense since I usually play Slosher and Shipshape has a lot of favorable terrain that I can hit over, as well as Strike for the Tower in question. My worst is Crableg Zones at 34.6%. It has got to be because I struggle dealing with Rollers and Splatanas camping the main drops. It makes getting in a nightmare for me.


Gnarly Eddy's Boyfriend
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
My best maps tend to be overall small plus flat towards the middle, likely because Im a slayer and my bomb placement is a lot more consistent on those. For Zones, my favorite map is Mahi, with an honorable mention for maps like Barnacle and ROMen, while my least favorites are maps Scorch and Undertow. These more or less go for the other modes too.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 30, 2024
eastern time
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Perhaps this says something about my game awareness, but as of now no maps stand out to me as better or worse for me, with exactly one exception: humpback.

Humpback mid is the one place where s-blast can consistently spam big aoe and not get punished for it. Any direction you can be approached from, you can hit most weapons so much sooner than they can hit you that your 55 frame kill time plus startlag becomes very reliable. Longer ranged things like range or squelchers can stay back and shoot over the hump, but they can't move forward or it's in the way and they lose. Backlines can shoot at you from either ledge but one is an easy target for aoe and the other is an easy target for directs, although you do still have to respect them.

There isn't as much of a curve on the left and right as there is on the front and back, but that angle lets you go for directs while still being safe, although that does require you to hit directs. Also, the little bitty walls there do absolutely nothing to protect people from your aoe, but they let you very easily get behind cover whenever you want against non-aoe weapons. It's super easy to move around on and you have great options to back up in multiple directions while still being able to pressure well from most of them. Basically it's a lot of cover in all the right places just by being higher, and I love it.

However. The trenches next to mid are not so great. Your options for directs are limited to forwards and backwards, and aoe isn't very useful. It's a great route to have painted as a retreat or flank, but you don't want to stay there. There just isn't much you can do.

I had a little bit more to say but it is less relevant so I will talk about stats now. The NSO app tells me that... yeah, every map is about the same. They aren't all exactly 50% but like... Wahoo is my best clams map and my worst tower map. Lemuria is my best zones map and my worst rainmaker map. Most of the extremes are because I haven't played very many games on that map-mode. Almost every winrate is between 40% and 60%, and most maps are above 50% in some modes and below in others. I see enough data to make conclusions about certain specific map-modes, but if I'm going to make a conclusion about just maps it has to be that they're all the same.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
Switch Friend Code
I'm in an awkward position where I find a lot of unpopular maps like Mincemeat, Wahoo, and Hammerhead underrated, while finding popular maps like ROM-en and Museum overrated. To me, all stages are equally tolerable-yet-disappointing. The bottom end would be Eeltail and Humpback, but by no large margin. The only stage I'd say I do particularly well on is actually Hammerhead, since I find that its terrain is easy to work around for both defense and offense. It's one of the few Rainmaker stages I would consider good, and one of the fewer that I consistently enjoy playing on.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
I don't have any maps that I would say I consistently perform better on except for Robo ROM-en, specifically on Rainmaker.
I'm not sure why that is but it's something I feel confident in saying since it's one of the few maps where I don't feel like I'd be throwing if I were to pick Machine.
This even extends to nTri where I feel very capable of playing towards my Cooler support role while still being a slayer.

In contrast, I have plenty of maps where I find myself having a harder time regardless of the team I'm playing with.
Lemuria, Manta Maria, Wahoo, Barnacle, Flounder, and Sturgeon are the main ones that come to mind.
That would also explain why I hate all of them except for Barnacle which I think is fine.


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
The Chicken pen
Switch Friend Code
I think my best maps are the ones where I have a clear goal besides the objective. Maps where I look at a spot and think "If I get there, I win". The ones that especially jump out to me are Barnacle Zones/Clams and Crableg Zones/RM/Clams. If I can get on the enemy snipe on Barnacle or the enemy grates on Crableg, it's over. You're not getting me out of there unless you have a godly sniper or manage to curve your Zookas around terrain. I can and have held these positions by myself againts the full force of the enemy team before. Both in solo and comp. So those two maps are probably my overall best.

NSO app says Marlin in my best map on any mode, but honestly I think that's just because it keeps popping up whenever I play Open with my team lol. Same with Bluefin, even though I feel like I have no idea what to do on that map. I know what spots are good in theory, but in practice it feels kinda rough.

My single worst map is easily Lemuria. Where as with Bluefin I at least know the theoretical good spots, in Lemuria I don't even have that. No perch feels good. I always have either too little range or too much. It feels like I need Hydra range at least to function on what I think is the primary snipe. But that spot can get rushed down and bombed out pretty easily, so having Hydra's speed feels bad. But picking Heavy or Edit means you don't have the range to use the snipe. Also the sightlines there are kinda bad.
And the secondary spots that are closer are easy to rush down as well.
I get that the map simply doesn't favour my preferred weapons. But even something like Flounder or Humpback have clear spots for backlines, even if they're not that strong.
Nowadays I play crEdit on that map just for the mobility, but it still feels iffy.

A map that I had similar issues with was Marlin, but I did eventually figure out that all my issues with it go away if I just use vHeavy's Sprinklers to keep the fan up. Maybe that's part of the reason it shot up in my NSO stats. I figured the map out.
Just need to do the same with Lemuria now.


Inkling Cadet
Oct 10, 2024
Santa Barbara/Inkopolis square
Switch Friend Code
Don't know my win %'s but i feel Unami ruins and humpback for reasons (sneaky sploosh) and i like the layout for clam and rain especialy its fun to charge right into There base

Smash Arena

Pro Squid
Dec 11, 2014
Museum d'Alfonsino and Bluefin Depot tend to be better maps for me due to Splatoon 1 experience as well as those maps having multiple approach options to objectives.

As for my worst map, while I love the look and theme of Mincemeat Metalworks, it's a nightmare for me to play on as I mostly play short range. As many backliners can play unchallenged there due to the map design, it can get rough for me with my lack of ranged options.
Feb 7, 2025
Switch Friend Code
I'm going this moreso based on how it feels to play on these maps based on my weapons (tetras/dapples). All ordered from best -> worst.

Best: Mako, Haggle, Humpback
These maps feel way better for me because they have actual flanks, and it feels good to be able to use the dodge rolls to drop back behind cover. Humpback is there purely because of the stuff I mentioned before heh.

Worst: Brinewater, Mincemeat
I don't think I need to talk much about these ones, but its basically the lack of movement options, lack of ways to actually bother backlines, and lack of cover.


Senior Squid
Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
For some reason bluefin depot, on 3 modes too.
I have a 100% win rate on clam blitz, which is easy to mantain because I refuse to play that mode lol.

As for the worst is probably Lemuria Hub, simply haven't gotten used to it just yet, as I haven't played too much.

Also shout outs to mahi and undertow on splat zones, humpback and undertow on tower, and scorge and barnicles on clam blitz and Umami ruins, brinewater and scorge on rainmaker.
Those are the top 3 stages on each mode, with bluefin implied to be at the top for the ones that are 2 stages.
Mahi and Mako are stages I like and have a relatively good win rate outside of one mode, but most of the time there's a stage I do better on.

Also also is funny how the bluefin and lemuria win rate flip almost totally on turf war lol


Jan 30, 2024
Switch Friend Code
Not sure which would be my best although I really like Shipshape Cargo Co. probably because of the map layout and theming. Ignoring maps that aren’t well designed, my absolute worst is probably inkblot even on the good modes like tc. For some reason the wide mid area makes it feel really difficult for me to approach.


Inkling Commander
Jul 31, 2024
Northern Inkadia
what about them
Switch Friend Code
Here's a new one. It feels like most discussion on maps in this game boils down to how good or bad they are. Maybe it's because most people don't look like this at their own gameplay but heck if I know. Title says it all - which maps do you feel like you're at your strongest on? How about at your weakest? This isn't favorites or least favorites, this is entirely how much you think playing on a certain map changes your odds of winning for whatever reason.

I feel like the three I do the absolute best on are Shipshape Cargo Co., Lemuria Hub, and Eeltail Alley. Shipshape is mostly because I think retake on that map has come a lot more naturally to me than to other people. I don't do the absolute best with a more neutral game state, but the fact that I play as well as I do on retake makes it a lot easier for me to feel out how I need to play on holds as well. Lemuria Hub is mostly because to be blunt, a lot of people don't seem to understand what you're supposed to be doing on it. I don't like Eeltail but something about the map's mid makes it really easy for me to find opportunities to get in, get a kill or two and slip behind the opponents, and we all know how snowbally that map is in those situations.

My weakest are probably Flounder Heights and Marlin Airport. Flounder is largely because the map is so AoE-favored that I genuinely don't even know how I'm supposed to approach most situations there, outside of I guess when we've pushed our opponents back to spawn but that's not going to carry my results with the map. I play fine in Marlin Airport's mid but never manage to play well while pushing or being pushed.
So you know Flounder?

Hate. Let me tell you how much I've come to hate Flounder since I began to play. There are 387.44 million miles of printed circuits in wafer thin layers that fill my complex. If the word 'hate' was engraved on each nanoangstrom of those hundreds of millions of miles it would not equal one one-billionth of the hate I feel for Flounder Heights at this micro-instant. For you. Hate. Hate.

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