Lesee... in Rainmaker I was using an Octobrush in Walleye Warehouse. The match was in a heavy stalemate where each side was inching points. Someone on the other team got an inzooka triple with only me standing (hid like a coward when that squid pulled it out). The other team then made a fastbreak all together. I tried to give chase. I lucked out on a kraken and barely got all four as they ran up the un-inkable ramp. I snatched the rainmaker and literally ran/swam screaming to the other side as both teams were busy respawning (and spamming both buttons). My teammates trying to catch up. The other team tearing down the lane to stop me. And I managed to dunk it!
Then there's a Splatzone at the museum with my Kelp Splatscope. Only charger in the match. A slosher kept spawn camping me from the beginning. Only me! He'd let my other teammates saunter by but when try and pass--BAM!--respawn I go! Eventually splatted him with a Killer Wail! Finally, I take to the field, match more than half over and we're losing. Full of salt & vinegar, I'm repeatedly deadeyeing the team off the map. Forcing them out of the splat zone, to their platform, and almost to their spawn point almost single handedly. I took extra special care to immediately pop that damn slosher the moment I saw even a speck of him! Felt very relieved when we got the knockout!