What's been the most difficult for you so far?


「Pavor Nocturnus」
Mar 16, 2016
So, after my first days of Spla2n the hardest thing has definitely been picking up the charger again. I used to main chargers of all kinds back in Splatoon 1 but the first Splat Charger just felt...off to me right off the bat. I felt robbed of kills so often and it's still happening here and there and I keep wondering if that's just me still adapting or if they in fact did change something about hit-registering, dunno....

On one hand I'm....glad? they removed the power ups to avoid 3/4 charge kills, on the other hand it's beyond frustrating that your damage fall-off for even missing a 0.01 second on your charge is HUGE. Also, I'm not a huge fan of the kit. The stingray feels incredibly underwhelming. It doesn't even have a crosshair for better aim. What good does it have if I can "wall-hack" for a brief moment if I can't move my imaginary crosshair right where they stand? As of writing I've finally managed to secure a few kills with it but even with the ability to interrupt and re-fire it I still feel VERY immobile and vulnerable while using it. And yeah, the good old basic ink bomb. Oh well, I'll be waiting for the firefin Splat Charger (and MAYBE Splatterscope, the now-forced complete tunnel-vision seems pretty iffy for that little bit of extra range).

Another thing that makes it more "difficult" to just go and snipe are the maps I suppose. They feel very much different from the ones in Splatoon 1 and overall ... same-ish? Still hoping that I'll become better with time. Basic rapid-fire rate weapons bore me, I can't button-mash well enough for brushes even though they seem fun to play as, and rollers feel very frustrating to play as, even with the new vertical flick. (And blasters..well... I prefer playing turf war and they are bad at inking. )


Not being able to use rollers like in S1. I feel as if all the roller strategies have been completely taken away due to the vertial flick, which is not nearly as powerful.as I thought it would be. If I'm gonna pick up rollers again I'm gonna need a lot more practice now. Like, it's a full on strategy and I need to suppress my natural instinct to jump every time I flick.


Senior Squid
Aug 28, 2017
Switch Friend Code
Hardest for me is the same as in Splatoon 1: crappy teammates in pick up games. Also the fun added bonus of people being in game, getting kills, using specials, disconnecting and getting zero.


Give me all your Vodka
Jul 21, 2016
For me...it is mostly trying to figure out what weapon I'm best with all over again...

Which is kinda more of a pain to the fact that I want to be able to use longer range weapons like the squelcher now(I was always short ranged minus aerospray and rollers in 1)

Another is moving to worse internet due to moving out and having days of no connection because spectrum suuuuucks

Lastly I still forget to roll and what specials and subs are(dont kill me please, I only do turf rn anyways ahaha...)


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