What's Your Salmon Run Records?


Inkling Cadet
Jan 31, 2024
Anywhere, Everywhere
Switch Friend Code
I think Salmon Run is probably the mode I play most often nowadays, since I find it more reliable to get my daily wins on for the days where I don't feel like committing myself to more than a single play session. So, I ask you, what's your record? Highest EVP, highest egg counts, any particular rotations you remember really fondly?

My personal record for EVP is 940, during the Golden Rotation on Sockeye Station. I was really aiming for 999, which would've been my first ever 999 score, but unfortunately due to some poor timing (I had to take a break in the middle of my grinding to go help with something else in the house), hand cramps, and the fact I'm definitely not the best Salmon Run player out there, I wasn't able to make it. However, that was also the rotation where I managed to get Hazard Level Max cleared for the first time, so not all was lost!

For egg counts specifically, I can't find my exact records of my highest egg counts, but I believe my best shift was somewhere in the 160s. though my best individual wave was also during the Sockeye Golden Rotation, where I got 79 eggs on a wave of Mudmouths. My best Big Run score specifically is 154, which I got on Barnacle & Dime

While not a record nor my greatest achievements, I'd be remiss to make an entire post about Salmon Run achievements without saying that for a very long time, my highest achievement was having gotten Top 5% in the first ever Big Run. That one was especially a big deal to me at the time, as not only was it the first Big Run and therefore no one really knew what the scores were going to be, but because I was a much worse Salmon Run player at the time lol. I was barely managing to stay afloat in EVP at the time, so getting Top 5% was absolutely astonishing to me at the time. Of course, since then I've yet to reach Top 5% again (I did get the gold trophy in the last Big Run, but my percentage was around top 11%), but it was still really cool for me!


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
Northeast US
My friends are better at salmon than me, so my records are not really my own achievement because typically they carry me, but my highest on normal maps is currently EVP 300 on sockeye, followed by 200 on gone fission. The rest I haven't managed to get any badges for. My first big run I didn't place in top 50%, the next three I got bronze, and this more recent one I was gold with 137 eggs at EVP 500, but I'm not sure what that actually translates to percent-wise, since they pre-set the egg thresholds for that one. Also I was with a full group who knew what they were doing and Barnacle & Dime was an easy map all things considered. We grinded the heck out of of that big run hoping for scales (and still only got 4 gold scales out of the whole thing, hah, but it was still so much fun).

I really hope to see HLM one day! Just gotta keep working at it. I just wish there was a way to do private jobs on your own so that I could get more practice without dragging people down with me, lol. In the beginning for a while I was grinding the "Not basics" tutorial bit and summoning bosses over and over to practice but it was sooooo slow and you only get to practice on one map with one weapon and one boss at a time, it's just not even worth it. Oh well.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 31, 2024
Anywhere, Everywhere
Switch Friend Code
My friends are better at salmon than me, so my records are not really my own achievement because typically they carry me, but my highest on normal maps is currently EVP 300 on sockeye, followed by 200 on gone fission. The rest I haven't managed to get any badges for. My first big run I didn't place in top 50%, the next three I got bronze, and this more recent one I was gold with 137 eggs at EVP 500, but I'm not sure what that actually translates to percent-wise, since they pre-set the egg thresholds for that one. Also I was with a full group who knew what they were doing and Barnacle & Dime was an easy map all things considered. We grinded the heck out of of that big run hoping for scales (and still only got 4 gold scales out of the whole thing, hah, but it was still so much fun).

I really hope to see HLM one day! Just gotta keep working at it. I just wish there was a way to do private jobs on your own so that I could get more practice without dragging people down with me, lol. In the beginning for a while I was grinding the "Not basics" tutorial bit and summoning bosses over and over to practice but it was sooooo slow and you only get to practice on one map with one weapon and one boss at a time, it's just not even worth it. Oh well.
If you can, you can check the Nintendo Switch Online app, under "Work" it'll show what exact percentage you where for Big Run for the preset scores (Hence where I got the stat that I was in the top 11% specifically)!

Also wow, 500 EVP with only 4 scales in a Big Run is... unlucky, to say the least! Here's to hoping you can get more scales next time lol, 500 EVP is nothing to sneeze at! I definitely agree with wanting private jobs on your own though... honestly not even because I want to really practice much (I know I'd just get impatient with practicing and want to start doing shifts anyways lol), I want to admire the maps without being swarmed with enemies!! Let me have recon for Salmon Run, Nintendo!!


Inkling Commander
Jan 30, 2024
Northeast US
If you can, you can check the Nintendo Switch Online app, under "Work" it'll show what exact percentage you where for Big Run for the preset scores (Hence where I got the stat that I was in the top 11% specifically)!
Hmmm, am I missing it or do I need to tap something else? This is all the info I can find:


(Also I guess it was EVP 505, hah)

Let me have recon for Salmon Run, Nintendo!!
Yesss pleeease I want this so much too!! Especially for the newest one because it looks like there's so much fun stuff there but I don't have a chance to explore!


Jan 30, 2024
I don't really remember some impressive shifts or egg counts or anything, I got EVP 999 on 2 maps which I basically had to pull all-nighters for (wouldn't recommend, take care of your sleep schedule folks!)

But I think my favourite one was getting 167 eggs with a few friends on the umami ruins big run. Some of them hadn't gotten top 5% yet and I was really happy we managed to do so well together!


Inkling Cadet
Jan 31, 2024
Anywhere, Everywhere
Switch Friend Code
Hmmm, am I missing it or do I need to tap something else? This is all the info I can find:

View attachment 9788

(Also I guess it was EVP 505, hah)

Yesss pleeease I want this so much too!! Especially for the newest one because it looks like there's so much fun stuff there but I don't have a chance to explore!
...huh. I. I don't know why it isn't showing up for you? That's... bizarre. Mine is directly below "highest pay grade" and is listed as ranking. I have... genuinely no clue why it isn't showing for you. I'd guess you're probably around top 15% or so, though I'm unsure


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Jan 31, 2024
I don't remember a lot of specific peaks but I did just get EVP 999 for the first time today so that would be my highest score. Usually I get too tired grinding Salmon Run to continue a rotation for long which is why I was very glad the stage badges were made to work like checkpoints for when you play on that stage again but Bonerattle has been so fun that I didn't get as tired so I'm happy about that.
Besides that, I don't remember any specific games that aren't from today but I do remember having a lot of fun playing Eggstra work and two Big Runs in VC with some people on Discord. I have a hard time going out of my way to play with people so it's nice knowing that I did manage to try a few times.
Also noticed that Eggstra work was taken a lot more seriously than Big Run.
Not a bad thing though, just think it's a funny contrast.


Full Squid
Jul 7, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Marooners Bay at EVP 600, Smokeyard at EVP 680, the rest at EVP 999. I think my easiest EVP 999 freelance was for Gone Fission, not golden rotation.
Not sure about highest egg counts but my highest for Big Run is 177 in Um'ami Ruins. Hmm, unfortunately the NSO doesn't have the Eggstra Work stats, but I had gold for all but the last one since I barely played it.
I think my greatest achievement was getting silver from the first Big Run and then I actively improved my Salmon Run skills to get top 5% the second Big Run. And then I got my first 9's on Spawning Grounds. I also got the easiest HLM badge from that by getting easy waves like Mudmouth and Mothership, with only high tide being the difficult wave.


Inkling Cadet
Jan 31, 2024
cali gang
i have evp 999 on junction, fission and yard + evp 600 on all other maps (including bonerattle arena which i got this morning LOL). my highest egg score is 188 which i got with 3 other friends during barnacle big run, and i think my freelance high score is 179 on yard. my eggstra work scores have generally been a couple eggs off of top 5% but i did get 222 eggs/top 5% on the grounds eggstra so that was really fun ^^


Senior Squid
Jul 1, 2023
Switch Friend Code
Getting top 3% in the previous big run with 177 eggs. I also have 999 on sockeye, gone fission, jammin Junction, smokeyard and bonerattle.


Full Squid
Mar 6, 2024
Tennessee, USA
Switch Friend Code
My peak wasnt a specific round, but during eeltail big run, i got my first silver, 10,000+ points, and went from go-getter to eggsecutive (only managed to max out at EVP 50)


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Feb 22, 2024
Inkopolis square
Switch Friend Code
All I could remember is that I am at professional but had some down turns due to sucky weapon that should never be in salmon run and/or bad coworkers


Jan 31, 2024
I've got 9's on every normal map and on the latest big run (didn't hit it on past bigruns either because overfishing at lower hazards for big scores was easier or I just wasn't at that level yet)

For egg score I think my highest ever is 204 on junction with some really good salmon friends. I've hit 200+ maybe one or two other times?
Not sure about highest individual wave though, I've never kept track of those lol

Last big run I hit top 2% with 176 eggs, which was pretty exciting, and also my highest big run score+percentile. I had the same 176 for Barnacle & Dime's big run too, but that was top 3% instead.

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