Why Splatoon 3's story mode might be the last one in which we fight a version of the Octarians


May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Finally, back on theory and speculation, something was probably forgotten ever since the announcement of Splatoon 3's story mode: DJ Octavio being revealed too early.

This could be chalked up to the fact that he's already a known character. However, something about the promotional artwork seems different. The fact that DJ Octavio is actually shown in a hero mode promo art, that sort of thing has never happened before. Not only that, but he is depicted beside Cap'n Cuttlefish, another important character that started the first ever hero mode. It should also be noted that the two used to be friends, maybe even best friends before the Great Turf War was forced upon the Inklings and the Octarians.

There are also no fuzzy Octolings (or at least we haven't seen them yet) shown at all. This is also strange given that enemy Octolings are always shown in the previous games' singleplayer promos whether by posing the model or through gameplay screenshots. This remained true for Sanitized Octolings as well, so it's definitely strange that the enemy version of what is essentially the most important Octarian subspecies in lore hasn't shown up at all in any of the promos.

This can only mean one thing: There are no fuzzy Octolings, instead, there is an Inkling-like fuzzy enemy that we're going to fight instead, perhaps it's the first introduction of what I would call a Mechaling, a robot that fights and splats like Inklings and Octolings (and also has a humanoid shape and its own swimming in ink form fitting for the antagonist who uses it.)

As for the fuzzy Octarians, they are likely to be the last Octarians we are going to fight given DJ Octavio will be helping us and (probably) learn a lesson about co-existence from Cap'n Cuttlefish, or perhaps DJ Octavio finally tells the truth about why he was going after the Zapfish in the first place (most likely because the Octarians needed sources of electricity because the domes are running out of power). Either way, there is something about Splatoon 3's story mode that will continue Octo Expansion's idea of closing chapters of the lore. First was the idea of Octolings co-existing with Inklings (Octo Expansion), now it's the rest of the Octarians' turn to come to the surface and co-exist with the Inklings (possibly because of DJ Octavio having a new, more positive view on the Inklings).
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May 1, 2018
Octo Valley
Looks like I was wrong on there not being fuzzy enemy Octolings. Still, something about them doesn't sit right, as if they were possibly genetically altered to keep themselves from suffering the safe fate as the normal Octolings.

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