Mr. Squidward Tennisballs
Full Squid
People will be nice on voice chat..
...The Day Ridley gets into Smash
...The Day Ridley gets into Smash
Online Voice Chat is pretty much a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.There is a common stereotype that everyone online is a ****wad. Everyone isn't always like that. I met people who play online games on the Wii U and they rarely met those type of people. Our online community is a tad more different than the rest. I remember the only issues I had with Black Flag multiplayer on the Wii U was the kids. And not the "I did your mother last night" type. They were just talking friendly. I found them annoying, but it was still different.
Online gaming is known to be social. People always say that not talking to strangers is a good thing. If that was the case, none of us would be able to make friends......
AKA playing L4D with Random peopleNothing complements a shooter like having three 8 year old kids talking to their moms while you're trying to pay attention to audio cues