Will people be nice with voice chat


Inkling Cadet
Apr 23, 2015
All you would find on voice chat are prepubescent children and others that feel the necessity to use derogative slurs because they are trying to be dominant. Voice chat would have never worked and doesn't work at all tbh.

Just A. Hunch

Inkster Jr.
Apr 28, 2015
I believe that it would definitely be bad. How bad? I don't know. But I am sure that at least once every few matches something bad enough that most responsible parents would probably not want their children playing the game would happen. It would have been a ticking controversy bomb and I think it was wise of them to sidestep that issue altogether.


Full Squid
Apr 24, 2015
There is a common stereotype that everyone online is a ****wad. Everyone isn't always like that. I met people who play online games on the Wii U and they rarely met those type of people. Our online community is a tad more different than the rest. I remember the only issues I had with Black Flag multiplayer on the Wii U was the kids. And not the "I did your mother last night" type. They were just talking friendly. I found them annoying, but it was still different.

Online gaming is known to be social. People always say that not talking to strangers is a good thing. If that was the case, none of us would be able to make friends......
Apr 23, 2015
Bikini Bottom
There is a common stereotype that everyone online is a ****wad. Everyone isn't always like that. I met people who play online games on the Wii U and they rarely met those type of people. Our online community is a tad more different than the rest. I remember the only issues I had with Black Flag multiplayer on the Wii U was the kids. And not the "I did your mother last night" type. They were just talking friendly. I found them annoying, but it was still different.

Online gaming is known to be social. People always say that not talking to strangers is a good thing. If that was the case, none of us would be able to make friends......
Online Voice Chat is pretty much a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get.


Senior Squid
Apr 29, 2015
I played a whole lot of Mario Kart Wii. Played it for many years. The game had no voice chat what so ever. We all had to use skype after either meeting on mariokartwii.com or through a mutual friend. Players were never bad in skype, there was no hostility, only the best in voice chat. There was the fact no one was anonymous either. I mean if you did act poorly it'd be very likely a whole bunch of people would know. Games other than that? Hahaha, the experiences were pretty much bad. Way more bad than good.

How I would go about fixing it.
I think if Nintendo had some software similar to skype and a solid community online like a forum, this could easily clean up a lot of the negativity we see in voice chat. I think this could be done with Nintendo working hard to create a really good Parent forum that connects all the Child forums (being the forum for that specific game) You want a strong solid community there.

The game's respective forum will need to be tied to the game itself. Kind of like how Bungie.net is directly tied to Destiny. Their WiiU screen names and NintendoIDs are linked to this forum.

Keeping that in mind. Nintendo will need to create a voice chat for the system that can be used in their games. Not all of the games, just the games that patch/create there games to allow this feature. It will have to work like its apart of the actual game and not separate. This same voice chat will also be the same feature that will allow you to send/accept/reject friend requests online using the NintendoID systems.

All players are auto muted in the beginning regardless. You can choose to then un-mute/mute them via a speaker icon that pops up in the very top right of your game pad. This will pop up all the players in your match. Showing their Screen Names, Tribunal system, Mic for muting/unmuting, and a + to send friend request, and Their avatar which will be clickable to view what their NintendoID name is.

Similar to League of Legends. Nintendo should incorporate a Tribunal System. Happy Face, Frowny Face. Happy if they were nice, Frowny if they are not so nice. All players can see the number of Happies and Frownies that person has. So if he has 20 Happy faces and 4593 Frowny faces that player will quickly know "hey I'm not a nice person, you would be wise not to un-mute me"

Now for the reason you tie voice chat to the forums. A forum is a community. By tying the game to these forums. Giving players a Good community. You will instantly eliminated anonymity for a lot of the players out there. You will want to in the pre loading screens for online. Bring up reminders that "check this feature out at a forum" "don't forget you can reconnect with friends at this forum" "meet an incredibly naughty player do something about it at the forums" "interested in playing competitively? come join a clan at the forum" Constantly remind people that said forum exists. Its a place you go talk about the game, meet friends, help further bring attention to negative players, join a clan, etc, BE KNOWN*

Just like real life. A lot of people don't want to associate with criminals or jerks. So no one would want to do so here. Maybe you are playing and you meet Jimmy. He is a jerk of legendary proportion. You don't feel a simple frowny face is enough. That is why you head to the forum. There a list of recent 16 people you have reported will show up in the options page. You go select them. Pick one of the options of why that person was bad, and if needed write in the comments section for further clarification. Perhaps jimmy was so bad he should be banned from said console after enough of these kinds of reports. That is when your actions online begin having consequences for those that don't even care about that community. Let alone by those that somewhat do care that people don't want to talk to them because people know that they are "jerks"

Next to the mic will be a small outline of a player. This will pop up and show friends playing your game, and invitations. On the right will display an avatar and your friends name. Next to the avatar a + symbol to invite that player to your game. on the left are invitations. Same format but this time an O and X. O accept and X decline.

That should be a small step in the right direction for fixing all this negativity with voice chat as well as building a solid community for players to go to.

My experiences online in other games
As far as regular voice chat goes. I have not had much experiences where it was a positive experience. The only positive experience I had was in Soul Calibur 4 on Xbox 360. At the time only a handful of people actively played that game online and there wasn't much negativity. The bad times were mainly from background noises.

Now as far as every other game has gone. Voice chat is pretty horrible. I have heard the worst and most vulgar fights I have ever heard in my life in voice chats. People constantly play music and their own game through their mics. A lot of other various background sounds plague the voice chat. People are very rude, love to just constantly tell you "you are bad" in far less polite ways. Times where people are just talking about stuff you can't even participate in. Be it, it's personal stuff about them, you simply have no frame of reference, or they just won't talk with you. Then a lot of times there is the language barrier.

Hahaha. Even if you play League of Legends. People will become so toxic with just normal text chat. It is only recently that is happening less. I don't know how many times someone will just type over and over how bad I am for every single thing I do wrong. After a while it gets to you. It will affect your game negatively as you might be getting frustrated.

So long story short. The negative far far far out weighs any positive experiences I have with voice chat. Voice chat that is included in the game has a very long ways to go until it is any good.


Semi-Pro Squid
Apr 23, 2015
Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada
I have never really had voice chat(except in Mario Kart, which is probably not as good as it could be. Not so much the language as the quality of the speakers/mic on the gamepad). Saying this though, I know lots of people who would love voice chat in their games, but disregard the negative aspects such as vulgarity, putdowns, and slurs. I am the type of person who dislikes using these and only uses them on rare occasions. They are there for ***holes to use, and makes everyone feel uncomfortable. That's why I like how these forums are probably going to use mumble, or whichever voIP we decide to go with. Since most of the people communicating will be on here, it directly links that person's personality with how they behave in the chat room. I also believe that most people using the voIP for this forum, for Splatoon will be directly communicating with their teammates and not their opponents, so all the negativity will not be as bad(and better co-ordination with fellow squad members). Anyways, it's getting to be lunch time(wow, it's already 1 pm here....), so I'm leaving this where it is for now. Keep the discussion happening and maybe one day, there will be a time when we don't have to be negative towards other human beings.


Pro Squid
Content Team
Apr 27, 2015
I think it would be a little better than XBL and PSN but not by much. No, people would not be nice. People aren't nice when talking to complete strangers in a game.

They just aren't.


Pro Squid
May 7, 2015
Switch Friend Code
It will probably be just as bad I think kids will probably just be yelling in the mic thats how it was when I tried online racing in watch dogs with the wii u gamepad's mic on at least so probably would be same in splatoon


The Artist
Site Moderator
Apr 23, 2015
There are loads of games with no voice chat in it (most that do are complete crap). honestly if people really care that much it takes like two minutes to make a skype or raidcall account and trust me its better to have that then to get voice chat that ends up being total trash


Senior Squid
May 7, 2015
Nothing complements a shooter like having three 8 year old kids talking to their moms while you're trying to pay attention to audio cues


Inkling Commander
Apr 23, 2015
voice chat will definitely not be in the game in any way, not unless the majority of the audience does nothing less of demanding it from nintendo

hypothetically? maybe... there are actually nice communities. most of them are not, just pop in any popular game like counter strike, dota, halo, and everything else and it becomes an outlet for everyones vitriol. anonymity will always encourage people to say whatever they want since there's no consequences for their actions.
but as i was saying, there ARE nice communities... private servers in tf2 are actually really friendly (not valve servers,) as are smaller communities, like insurgency or world of tanks off the top of my head. they are not outstanding communities, they have their own problems, but i actually don't rush to mute everyone in those games because people don't rush to scream slurs like a delinquent by default.

so, just hypothetically? it could definitely have people that are nice on voice chat. i think its safe to say splatoon is going to be a moderate success, and after a few months or a year after most interest dwindles, we're going to be left with a tightly woven community (at least for the casual online, we have no idea how competitive splatoon will take off.) i would argue that if a player is here to have fun with the game that long after launch, if they're not going to stay silent, they might actually have something helpful to say. the majority? probably not. enough to justify leaving voice chat on? possibly!

again, this is just hypothetical. nintendo and the developers have made it clear they have no intention of including voice chat in any form, because they don't want any toxicity in the community at all

Litagano Motscoud

Inkling Commander
May 4, 2015
Temple, Georgia
I honestly feel like it wouldn't be too bad. We only have that mindset cause we remember the bad experiences more than the good or average ones.


The Artist
Site Moderator
Apr 23, 2015
Honestly its not the end of the world, we can adapt and let nintendo do the best they can do. Every company and system is different this should not be surprising. and you guys are talking as if voice chat will change the way we play splatoon. It wont, just dont over complicate the situation.


Full Squid
Apr 24, 2015
Just getting tired over the fact that we need to keep using a second device just to speak. Adding the fact that I also like to talk to those strangers as well. I just hope they add in party chat in their next system and not that crappy Wii Chat U.


I am a leaf on the wind - watch how I soar.
Dec 15, 2011
You will get the good ones, and the bad ones online, but worst of all, you will get the ones who stream the sound of their tv into the mics. So yes, no VC is good.


Inkling Commander
Apr 24, 2015
West Virginia
It doesn't really matter to me, when I play Call of Duty I just mute everyone anyway. I hardly ever talk myself. For the most part I'm glad it's not in, but I can understand why some people would want it.


Inkling Commander
May 4, 2015
Surrey, UK
The best part about being made to use third-party clients is that it will be possible to moderate it, so everyone has to be nice and no one will get away with streaming annoying noises down their mic. :rolleyes:

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