WMW Newsletter #8 - A Fresh Start with Old Friends and New!


The REAL SwimShady
Jan 9, 2016
Hello everyone!

I hope you're all having an excellent day! A LOT is happening with the Whiprays lately! So let's get right into it!

1. New Members!
2. A Big Announcement!
3. Going Forward
4. Upcoming Tournaments
5. A Note From Me!

1. New Members!
I want to give a huge warm welcome to our newest members: Corey, Pita, Jerboodles, and Spinny! We're super happy to have you all! Only 2 more members to our magic number of 12!

I realize adding so many new people all at once can get a bit confusing and change is hard and things might be a little weird right now and feel a bit disorganized. Don't worry! We'll fall into the swing of things soon. :)

2. Big Announcement!!

With so many new additions and with the prospect of having 3 separate teams, we wanted to have an extra set of hands around. Not another captain per say, but someone who can both run the 3rd team, and also help Tony and I really spread the word about The Whiprays. So we appointed a manager!

From now on, Eric (XCuber2) will be the official Watch Me Whiprays manager!! His natural talent for leadership and making connections made him the clear choice for the job! Tony and I feel like Eric exemplifies what we want our squad to become and we know that he will always put his squad and his individual team mates in a positive light.

Eric will be the functioning "captain" of the 3rd team (Tony and I running the other 2 of course) and he will also be acting as the "face" of the Whiprays in the community. He's like a PR man. We're super excited to share this news and I have literally INFINITE faith in Eric's abilities in this new role!

3. Going Forward
Well, we've had some pretty hard bumps in the road to get to this point. We've hit some low points, we've lost some important games, and we've lost some important players. No matter our opinions on them, they were team mates. They were Whiprays.

But we are not without a plan. Obviously we're not lost without them. We'll move on. We already have, in a way. So here's what's going to happen over the next few practices:

For the next little bit, we're going to be mixing and matching our new players in with our veterans and working on creating the perfect 3 teams; One lead by me, one lead by Tony, and one lead by Eric. Once our 3 teams are formed, we're going to practice with them a LOT. In fact, the team you're on is the team you'll play with for pretty much every practice from here on out.

When LUtI season 2 gets off the ground, Tony and I will be entering the teams we run into the League with the title of Div. C champion being our only goal.

At the same time, Eric will lead his team in a tour of other smaller tournaments. This way, none of our players are left not doing anything.

We're really excited to get all this going! :D

4. Upcoming Tournaments:

Genroku Legends is on April 23rd.

FUTA Cup is on May 1st.

We'll finalize the rosters for these tourneys soon.

5. Guys, I just really want you all to know how important all of this is to me. All of you, even our newest members, feel like family to me. The past few months have been CRAZY. We've met a ton of new people, made some new friends, and created something really cool together. I'm sorry I haven't been completely together lately. I'm working on getting better at juggling everything.

I want to give a huge thank you to Tony. Tony, when you approached me back in January, I had a really good feeling about you, but I had no clue just how incredibly helpful you would be on this loopy-*** journey or how good of a friend you would become. And I seriously look forward to working and playing with you on this (now HUGE!!) team for quite a while! I can't say it enough. Thanks for all your support, man. U da real MVP.

Cam, Eric, Seth, you guys have been with me and Tony almost since the beginning. Your dedication and presence are what keep us going in the rough times. Thanks for sticking with us through all the ups and downs. We hope you stick around. <3

Tyler, you already know how I feel about you bae. ;)

Nah but f'real, thanks for hopping aboard this crazy train with me. I knew I picked you for good reasons. <3

To Spinny, Jerboodles, Corbo and Pita, you guys have just become part of the coolest group of people I have ever known. I have so much faith in you guys and I am SO excited to see you tear up the competition in the name of the Whiprays!

Welcome aboard, everyone. It only gets better from here.

I'll see you guys at practice. ;)


Pro Squid
Dec 3, 2015
Cleveland, OH
Hey ya'll. Other Captain, here. If you're new, you will soon learn that Sam is the artistic one of the two...I don't use pretty colored letters because it's just too much damn work. Case in point, I just tried to make "pretty colored letters" a different color and couldn't figure it out, lol.

Welcome to all of our new members! This squad has been going strong for just over 3 months now and I couldn't be happier with how things have been turning out lately. I believe that all of us are a great fit for the team and I'm ready to wreck some newbs together!

Congratulations to Eric, and for those who aren't quite sure how our team is run right now, here's a quick rundown...

Captain Overlords: Sam and Tony
Manager Overlord: Eric
Video Footage Overlord: Tony
Discord Overlord: Cam
Twitter and Social Media Overlord: Seth
Bae Overlord: Tyler
Regular Overlords: Corey, Jenelle, Pita, and Spinny (sorry for the last two I don't know your irl names yet...) also if you think of something that you want to do, please ask and we can getcha more involved!

When Sam and I originally combined recruiting forces to start this team, a main point that we had was that we wanted naming to be a community thing. So in that regard, I would like to open up the naming process for the individual three teams to the people who will have to live with those names...ideas Sam and I have been tossing around are:
Let us know if you have any suggestions...

Also, I think we should try to participate in SCL 15 on April 30th, so if we can get that going as well that'd be great.

So the next big things on our agenda are to fill out our two remaining open spots and to talk strategy. We'll be working on both of those things this week, as well as fiddling with team comps to see where we can go with that. The future looks bright, fellow Inklings! Splat Bombs away! See you all soon.

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