Worst Weapon Sub and Special?


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Oct 19, 2015
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Okay I am here to defend the inkmines
Many people hate this sub because it is so predictable but honestly it just mean you need skill before you go around using it, unlike with other bomb types this weapon is under your ink and isn't seen so mind games are such a viable tool spaming the bomb button even after you placed the inkmine will cause enemies to be more cautious on their approach even though there is nothing there
Inkmine cover a large amount of ground, if placed right this will scare enemies to move and since they are moving most time they too busy to notice both you and the inkmine leading to easy splats of the inkling who fell for the trap, or even can allow your team to push as enemies move outside the large bomb radius of the inkmine or even delay the timer in splatzones for a few seconds (if you are good that's all you need)
Where inkmines shine the most however is with the reads... honestly no matter how many times you play this game there are always some common practices, player will jump to snipers on ledges and jump down to attack on morray towers, people always flank up walls on flounder heights, and people always will run straight up to the rainmaker and defend it until somone picks it up.
The inkmine just requires you to play tactical and predict where the enemy is coming from and place the mine it not always going to guarantee a splat, but neither will any other bomb for that matter, however it will guarantee to buy you time and catch enemies off guard which is good enough for me

However I feel that the worst sub are sprinklers, which waste a ton of ink and although they cover the area as long as you don't die and can potentially splat player, it can easily be stopped and only covers a limited area, though it has great potential in some areas, it's ink consumption make me prefer other subs over this tool and the worst special is the inkstrike because although you can move (unlike with the killer wail) it doesn't do as good a job of pressuring enemies or even splatting them
If you are caught on outside of the inkstrike during a superjump during the last 4 (+or -) active frames you can squid tech and dodge the inkstrike making it the absolute worst special of them all

NNID: Saber1698
Rank: S
Main weapons: New Squiffer, Splat charger, .52 gal, tentatek splattershot, L-3 nozzlehose, Rapid blaster


Inkling Commander
Sep 28, 2015
The Ink Mines are the worst sub in my opinion. They're far too predictable. Once you learn about them, you usually won't have any problem keeping an eye out for them and dodging them before they go off. I'd like to see the Ink Mine get buffed with either a quicker detonation or larger blast range. As it stands right now, they're too slow so it's easy to slip just out of their blast range to avoid them.

The worst special in my opinion is the Inkstrike. It doesn't have a lot of strong points for most modes. The only mode it really excels in is Splat Zones - and it wouldn't matter for much of a second if the team has complete control of the zone and easily covers it up. It's a great use if you can use it offensively but that's usually impossible unless you know where your opponent is and know exactly where to place it.


Semi-Pro Squid
Jan 25, 2016
That's actually a very tough question, because in my opinion none of them are terrible/unusable. Some are definitely more situational than others, but most skilled players can make solid use out of each one in different scenarios. Ink Mines and Sprinklers are maybe the most situational subs, but in the scenarios where they're useful they can be very useful. Ink Mines are a huge nuisance in Tower Control, and can actually be difficult to flee from when used as a Super Jump kill parting gift. Sprinklers, meanwhile, can be great for passive pressure, distraction and meter building. The enemy is forced to deal with them if they're tossed on key areas, which you can't say about many subs.

As for worst Special, I'm really surprised by all the Inkstrike hate. Yeah, it's probably useful in fewer situations depending on the mode, but it is honestly the best Special, period, in both Splat Zones and Turf Wars. It is also the ONLY Special that can be reliably used to push an obnoxious sniper off their perch, instantly burst a Rainmaker bubble (aside from Killer Wail), or provide a huge wall of pressure/protection to a tower from anywhere on the map.

For ages I actually thought Echolocator to be the least useful Special, but man oh man has that opinion changed. It gives huge benefit to virtually every attack strategy in the game. It literally hands you on a silver platter exactly where to go for any given flank/snipe/pressure/defense. When it's utilized properly it's so horrifying to deal with. That being said, it's a lame pairing with certain weapons. How on earth anyone thought it would give much benefit to the incredibly short range Tri-Slosher, I'll never know. But the benefit it provides teammates is almost always welcome.

Bomb Rush and Killer Wail are also what I would consider situationally useful, but again, when they shine they really shine. Bomb Rush can cause devastation to zones, while Killer Wails can completely clear a tower's path. It's really a matter of knowing when and where to use them. Once you've got that down, I wouldn't say any one sub/Special is that bad.


Inkling Commander
Jan 6, 2016
Tokyo, Japan
The worst special in my opinion is the Inkstrike. It doesn't have a lot of strong points for most modes. The only mode it really excels in is Splat Zones - and it wouldn't matter for much of a second if the team has complete control of the zone and easily covers it up. It's a great use if you can use it offensively but that's usually impossible unless you know where your opponent is and know exactly where to place it.
I don't think it's terribly difficult to anticipate where traffic will be on a given map/mode. I usually get at least one KO per ink strike, which is enough to justify it in my opinion. I think, like my case with Ink Mines, I am quite confident in my Ink Striking skills, moreso than Killer Wail, but I can understand why people tend to agree that it is the worst.

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