I'm not competitive, but I would never turn the music off for this game. It's fun to listen to and complements the feel of the game well. It's not generic techno or unspecified rock like with
Marvel vs. Capcom 3 where I DO substitute in music (albeit music from other video games).
The only regret about
Splatoon's soundtrack is that Nintendo never went to Hideki Naganuma. Maybe for the sequel.
No. In fact, I don't trust people who turn off music in video games. Video game music is life.
Heh, do you collect video game music too? I even have plenty of songs from games I've never played.
Heck no! I might not like all the tracks, but Splatoon has some of my favorite original game music in quite some time! Of course I guess it might be interesting to ink up the place to some Jimi Hendrix or Tool... Hmmm.
Just don't put it up online, because the Jimi Hendrix estate is one of the most sue-happy music estates there are.
This is by far my favorite response! It reflects on how I feel, could you imagine doing homework while listening to music? I know some students who can, but there are definitely the ones who can't. This kind of applies to Splatoon as well.
I don't listen to music when I'm trying to concentrate, but video games are near-unbearable to me if there isn't some music playing. It gets a lot more drab.
yes, i'd never have to listen to the defeat theme ever again, pure bliss
I honestly don't mind the lose theme very much. It reminds me of "Patrol Knob" from
Jet Set Radio:
I'd love to play my favorite music outside of Splatoon, so yeah, I'd like the option.
Meanwhile, I'd put music from
Splatoon into other stuff.