Don't worry Garchomp-kun~, it was all ok. ;)No gif avatars
You know better
Don't worry Garchomp-kun~, it was all ok. ;)No gif avatars
You know better
LOL it's a Taco@Macchiato What is your avatar gorl ? It looks delicious. lol
Mmmm....LOL it's a Taco
What the **** is a Falco?This thread has been around for 5 months less than the Falco social and it still has 14 more pages than it, LOL
What the **** is a Falco?
Lavani from SWF Zelda Social said:5/6 of a Falcon.
somethingsonethingsquidandsomethingsomethingsomethingmikusomethingsomething.Hello friends
suggest me an avatar
I went back to Kurisu.All I found was Coastward-approved material so this is the best I could do
sadHi gorls. How ya'll doing?
I'm just squidding along. :3
My apologies. Too used to Smogon.No gif avatars
You know better