What Weapons do you feel need Buffs or Nerfs and how would they change them?


Inkling Commander
Nov 5, 2007
South Jersey
The Roller hitbox nerf made the left and right most splashes do 50 damage, and adjusted the damage of the very center hitbox on a per-roller basis. Yep, the hitbox is wide. Nope, you don't have to be precise.

If you die to a Dynamo, it's because you were positioned somewhere the Dynamo could kill you from on his screen. That's how everything in this game works (except grenades, i'm honestly not sure how they work).

There was a bug 2 patches ago that occasionally makes all rollers do no damage when flicking when your camera is aimed down. We don't fully understand it, but I suspect that it may be because the hitbox clips underground and therefore can't connect with things above ground. Aside from that, there's been no changes to roller hitboxes in a long time.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
The Roller hitbox nerf made the left and right most splashes do 50 damage, and adjusted the damage of the very center hitbox on a per-roller basis. Yep, the hitbox is wide. Nope, you don't have to be precise.

If you die to a Dynamo, it's because you were positioned somewhere the Dynamo could kill you from on his screen. That's how everything in this game works (except grenades, i'm honestly not sure how they work).

There was a bug 2 patches ago that occasionally makes all rollers do no damage when flicking when your camera is aimed down. We don't fully understand it, but I suspect that it may be because the hitbox clips underground and therefore can't connect with things above ground. Aside from that, there's been no changes to roller hitboxes in a long time.
Interesting, I didn't know about that bug you mention, but I do remember often getting frustrated by roller swings that missed and feeling like I had to angle up to hit anything rather than forward or down - and missing a lot of DFA attacks. That must have been why. I haven't played rollers as much last two patches until carbon recently.

In terms of 50 damage, that's why it was weird. On the receiving side, the left and right splashes are often ohko. But last time I played dynamo I was landing ohkos from the left and right splashes.

As for dying to a dynamo because you were positioned somewhere the dynamo could kill you from his screen, that's what causes the dynamos issue the full 360 degree arc around him is that spot! And you should be able to strike between his slow swings.....but somehow a magic fling gets you anyway.


Inkling Commander
Nov 5, 2007
South Jersey
Every weapon in the game can kill you from what looks like behind them in the exact same way, you just see it more often from things like Dynamos and Lunas at lower levels because people aren't pulling off 180 snapshots with Custom Range Blaster and stuff, but trust me, you can get killed by someone facing away from you by any weapon in the game and it's completely legitimate. It just looks weird because you were actually already dead a few moments ago, but your WiiU didn't find out about it until you had moved somewhere else. If you happened to move behind the guy, well, it'll look like he killed you from behind.

And yeah the Roller bug is weird. Mario has some footage of him squishing people, only to bounce off of them and they take no damage. One time he got bounced back so far that he got knocked into the water, but the guy didn't die lol. I know there are plenty of moments in my past broadcasts of my Carbon Roller getting direct hitmarkers on someone but doing no damage (not even getting my paint on them) because I often dunk down on people. Ever since the patch before the April update, it's been happening to rollers specifically.

And yeah, the easiest way to deal with Dynamos is to zone the out with range and bombs. Once a Dynamo is set up and flicking, challenging them between flicks when they still have ink left is silly risky.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Every weapon in the game can kill you from what looks like behind them in the exact same way, you just see it more often from things like Dynamos and Lunas at lower levels because people aren't pulling off 180 snapshots with Custom Range Blaster and stuff, but trust me, you can get killed by someone facing away from you by any weapon in the game and it's completely legitimate. It just looks weird because you were actually already dead a few moments ago, but your WiiU didn't find out about it until you had moved somewhere else. If you happened to move behind the guy, well, it'll look like he killed you from behind.

And yeah the Roller bug is weird. Mario has some footage of him squishing people, only to bounce off of them and they take no damage. One time he got bounced back so far that he got knocked into the water, but the guy didn't die lol. I know there are plenty of moments in my past broadcasts of my Carbon Roller getting direct hitmarkers on someone but doing no damage (not even getting my paint on them) because I often dunk down on people. Ever since the patch before the April update, it's been happening to rollers specifically.

And yeah, the easiest way to deal with Dynamos is to zone the out with range and bombs. Once a Dynamo is set up and flicking, challenging them between flicks when they still have ink left is silly risky.
Yeah every weapon certainly can do that, and the delayed kills in random places is a serious problem with Splatoon in general, but the core doesn't specifically involve dynamo. It's just that dynamo has such horrible results moreso than other weapons over more territory when it happens. When in an all-Japan lobby the general rule ends up being "don't approach the dynamo at all, ever." Or I just run straight at them and kamikaze non-stop if it's zones :P
I don't have to be that callous with any other weapon. Others are anoying when it happens, but none anywhere close. Though chargers, being hitscan weapons, have some interesting results. My favorite was when I shot someone off the tower in Moray and their kill tag showed up way off the tower over by the right wall. They'd apparently left the tower long ago, but on my end they were still riding. That's probably the worst I've seen from chargers.

Is the roller bug still present or was it patched? That could explain (or lag?) my common frustration with rollers that just hit nothing and my DFA attacks that I KNOW I should have them and instead miss and I get splatted. I don't use rollers TOO often these days, partly because of that.

Challenging the dynamo between flicks isn't supposed to be risky though, they have very rigid timing like a platformer boss, the fact that it's "risky" is what's broken ;)


Inkling Cadet
Apr 18, 2016
I see you general point, but I can't say that I've really seen many eliters playing the way you suggest. The unscoped certainly can hold a charge, and that's their forte, getting the snap shots, but I don't see very many eliters that are sitting on charges AND using that charge to take out close range attackers. Most of the time I see them either take their shot and get the kill while the foe approaches, or I see their speedy foe outmaneuver them, watch them take the shot and miss, and they don't have time for another full charge to get the next shot, so they either fall back and retreat to safer positioning, or they try to go for the two-shot kill (my preferred method) which was already heavily nerfed with the mobility nerf, What you describe is squiffer-like close range play, and with the poor charge time on eliter, it can't really play that game very effectively. Anyone aiming for that play style would be better suited by Splat Charger from the start as eliter makes a very poor substitute for it in trying to go "short and long" range like that . I'd say eliter already has a big disadvantage up close. Like I said, I personally more or less hung up my eliters for splatterscope when they took my ability to really press the objective when needed with an eliter and forced it to perch sniping, but that said, with my splatterscopes, splooshes, and rollers, I haven't really had trouble closing in on most eliters - if I get close they generally wasted their shot on my approach, and if they take me out its either with a successful two-shot bamboozler style, or some well aimed burst bombs - neither of which would be helped by the nerf you describe. If the eliter managed to hold onto a shot the whole time I approached, and play it as a big squffer, baiting me to close in, he probably deserved that kill :) My only main eliters can really have a serious edge over on me are hydras and bamboozlers. Hydras because the range is shorter and the charge slower, and bamboozlers because the range is shorter, and the ttk longer. It's an excellent countersniper but an excellent eliter can take me out first if I don't have very superior positioning.
It's less about them purposely playing like that. Situations like these come along. You miss the shot, the opponent manages to approach but during his approach you can charge and land the kill after all, even if he successfully landed the first shot. It's definitely not all to common for E-Liters, but I don't think that makes it any less unfair. I even had this situation before with the others being the E-Liter user. It's something that exists and happens and wouldn't balance anything crucial, but there sometimes are simple things where I think "Should I / he have really gotten away with that?". I'm also aiming it against specifically E-Liters because something like that is crucial to a charger-type that can not just not outrange any other weapon, but can in fact even be outranged by other weapons, like a Squiffer as you mentioned. Of course E-Liters are not great up close, but there should be no existent situation with them having the upper hand in a close combat situation. Something like using two shots to kill or using a shot and a burst bomp even up close is more than just acceptable and nothing my suggesting is aiming against. This is not the problem I see, because to do that, it takes for them to be the first one to land a hit the first shot, since that option is a lot slower than a low frame OHKO and can easily be rivaled by most likely every multi-shot weapon (that doesn't require charging or isn't already charged). My suggestion is aiming against E-Liters winning in a situation where they neither manage to outrange the opponent, nor manage to be the first one to land the shot. Being quick enough to be the first one to land a hit makes for an absolutely deserving and fair kill. Winning in a close combat situation with a weapon designed to kill through outraning while actually failing to land the first hit doesn't the way I see it.
This is a situation where the e-liter either will lose, or the e-liter is an incredibly good player. If you can snipe somebody with a full charge when they are in your face, then you should be allowed to do that. What shouldn't be a problem but is is that e-liters and even many splatterscopes stack as much damage up as possible to kill when they are at half charge. This means the e-liter can always beat you at long range and even if it misses once it can still beat you at mid range.
Remove damage up on chargers! :ability_damage::wst_charge_long00: is not what they intended! The e-liter is a perch sniper, and if that is boring, then don't use it, because that is how it was designed.
Can't really agree with that. An E-Liter user will always have the opportunity to kill faster once a shot is fully charged and exploit the situation of the opponent shooting and use the fewer frames they need to kill to get rid of the opponent before they manage to land the finishing blow. It takes a lot of skill but it's really not hard to find E-Liter users of that level nowadays. I also gotta say the range nerf for uncharged shot and increased required input of Damage Up kind fixed the issue of that. Another damage output nerf to uncharged shots may actually be overkill.


Inkling Commander
Nov 5, 2007
South Jersey
Challenging a Dynamo directly is risky, but handling one in a patient way solves the problem. If a Dynamo flicks at the wrong time, they are trapped in the animation. Bomb nearby? Dead. Long range weapon looking at it? Dead. Disruptor weapon nearby? Dead. Dynamos get zoned out hard, ao be pressuring them with zoning or the threat of zoning, you force them out of combat and turn them into a detriment to their team. All it takes is a little patience and awareness.

And yes, weapons without range or bombs have to avoid Dynamos outside of flanks, tactical trades, and special situations. It's a bad matchup. The Dynamo has them too, you gotta play the matchup or rely on teammates.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
It's less about them purposely playing like that. Situations like these come along. You miss the shot, the opponent manages to approach but during his approach you can charge and land the kill after all, even if he successfully landed the first shot. It's definitely not all to common for E-Liters, but I don't think that makes it any less unfair. I even had this situation before with the others being the E-Liter user. It's something that exists and happens and wouldn't balance anything crucial, but there sometimes are simple things where I think "Should I / he have really gotten away with that?". I'm also aiming it against specifically E-Liters because something like that is crucial to a charger-type that can not just not outrange any other weapon, but can in fact even be outranged by other weapons, like a Squiffer as you mentioned. Of course E-Liters are not great up close, but there should be no existent situation with them having the upper hand in a close combat situation. Something like using two shots to kill or using a shot and a burst bomp even up close is more than just acceptable and nothing my suggesting is aiming against. This is not the problem I see, because to do that, it takes for them to be the first one to land a hit the first shot, since that option is a lot slower than a low frame OHKO and can easily be rivaled by most likely every multi-shot weapon (that doesn't require charging or isn't already charged). My suggestion is aiming against E-Liters winning in a situation where they neither manage to outrange the opponent, nor manage to be the first one to land the shot. Being quick enough to be the first one to land a hit makes for an absolutely deserving and fair kill. Winning in a close combat situation with a weapon designed to kill through outraning while actually failing to land the first hit doesn't the way I see it.

Can't really agree with that. An E-Liter user will always have the opportunity to kill faster once a shot is fully charged and exploit the situation of the opponent shooting and use the fewer frames they need to kill to get rid of the opponent before they manage to land the finishing blow. It takes a lot of skill but it's really not hard to find E-Liter users of that level nowadays. I also gotta say the range nerf for uncharged shot and increased required input of Damage Up kind fixed the issue of that. Another damage output nerf to uncharged shots may actually be overkill.
I suppose I'm looking at this from the perspective of a scope user. From that perspective I don't really see any particular problem. What you suggest is what should be done, and is what I would do on splatterscope as well now. That's one of the main benefits of the scope is that it gives a visual queue as to when you can release the shot. Though I can't see how it's much worse - being able to re-take a shot while the foe approaches and have to re-aim doesn't seem like a particularly overpowered ability. I'm wondering if the real issue is the effect of dmg up stacking at the ability to ohko while not fully charged still? They fixed that with the range nerf, but the dmg stackers still have that advantage I suppose. Which takes us back to the need to kill stacking being the real priority here. Technically on splatterscope with my 3 mains I CAN ohko at mid-range without a full charge, but rarely do I actually get to do that. I either get them the first time, or they close fast enough that it's down to the 2-shot (or splat bomb zoning) I suppose eliter still gets more range to do that with. Personally I still can't figure out how to be effective with (scoped) eliter post-nerf so I tend to think it needs all the help it can get :)

And yes, weapons without range or bombs have to avoid Dynamos outside of flanks, tactical trades
Which is where the problem comes in. Flanking may be flanking, or may not be flanking and there's no way to know. While that can be true for any weapon, the fact that the dynamo makes a kill zone for a full 45 degrees around them means all they ahve to do is have almost hit you and it's a no-go. It ends up with permanent tactical trades.

or rely on teammates.

You mean the ones on the other side of the map while their dynamo and wallgal are with me on the zone? :P

So ultimately it's the game's broadest heavy weapon, which is disproportionately benefited by lag compared to other weapons that takes special care to handle as a result and is basically not counterable by all weapons. And that's why some of us call for nerfs ;) I don't believe it's OP at all, but it's flawed in a way that can't really be remedied. Merely reducing it's arc might be all that's needed. But then would anyone play it?

Eliter got nerfed because players who were "too good" with it made it too powerful beyond its originally intended role. Dynamo's issue is that players who are merely good with it can affect the battlefield, due to the lag effect, in ways it wasn't intended to affect it in its role.


Inkling Commander
Nov 5, 2007
South Jersey
The Dynamo is not disproportionately benefitting from lag.

Luna does, though. Anything that rushes forward does.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
The Dynamo is not disproportionately benefitting from lag.

Luna does, though. Anything that rushes forward does.
I doubt we're going to agree on Dynamo :)

Luna...yeah I'll agree there, though I think it's big problem is that MASSIVE radius that can't be avoided. Range blaster you can get around the radius (and it's smaller) but the luna is just everywhere at once. Rush weapons otherwise though, including carbon and sploosh, I've often found shots go right through people if they're lagging out. Luna doesn't have that issue because luna's don't need no stinkin' aim! :)


Inkling Commander
Nov 5, 2007
South Jersey
If you get in a luna's face and move in a circle around it, it'll have big trouble hitting you just like any other blaster, but if you're ever in the splash damage range you're in trouble.

We talked about this when we were commentating SAI; at a high level, Lunas actually do require really good aim to be successful, especially when fighting other CQC weapons. I talked about it with Boo, and he pretty much said that a Luna with bad aim will trade a lot, while a good Luna will get directs and actually make plays.

Rush weapons gain lag advantage because by the time you see them coming, they're already really close to you on their screen, so you have very little time to react.


Lord of the Squids
Aug 5, 2015
LOL, yes I know that, it was my point actually. I wasn't very clear. I mean 3hko from the RADIUS shots, not the direct shots. 2hko from direct is QUITE difficult even with it's "fast" firing speed. It's 3hko from all radius hits (regular blaster and range blaster are 2hko from all radius hits.) and 2hko (with one direct), while regular/range are 1hko.

But I was talking about the radius damage, assuming no direct hits from any of the blasters. If the rapid becomes 2hko from radius (assuming no dmg up) then it matches the big blasters. That won't do. I think the balance between the "rapid" series and the "big blasters" is fin in terms of damage, I just think the radically reduced radius is too big a handicap on the rapids. I.E. The damage difference presently between rapid blasters and "big blaster" is a direct trade between damage dealt per shot, and speed of shooting. I think it's a fair trade. But what holds rapid back from being as serious a contender is the smaller radius.

And why does nobody even love the regular blaster these days? It's all RnB and rapid for the challenge and Luna for the cheese. I still love the regular blaster :)
Rapid Blaster can already 2HKO without damage ups, that includes without a direct hit, though yeah those hits need to be near directs, but still, damage ups don't break any boundarys or allow the weapon to be played differently like how they used to on the E-Liter, it just makes the Rapid Blaster more effective at 2HKO'ing and finishing off weaken foes. Considering it's terrible ink spread it's gotta have something going for it!

But again, with good accuracy and damage ups which the few using it should have, the Rapid Blaster's radius hits already 2HKOs more often than not, yet they'ye still in the shadow of regular Blasters, so I don't really see a damage increase doing anything but freeing up ability slots. Also, all Blasters already have the same exact damage radius, Rapid's explosion just spread less ink.

Oh they do, much moreso than Rapids atleast, but compared to the others it's probably because if you're gonna use a Blaster with a deadzone it may aswell be the Custom Range for that extra range and Splat Bombs/Kraken to help mitigate the deadzone weakness, but that's just speculation. I'm a rebel so the only Blasters I use are Rapids for their better mobility, the others are just too slow for me!


Inkster Jr.
Jun 26, 2015
Which is where the problem comes in. Flanking may be flanking, or may not be flanking and there's no way to know. While that can be true for any weapon, the fact that the dynamo makes a kill zone for a full 45 degrees around them means all they have to do is have almost hit you and it's a no-go. It ends up with permanent tactical trades.
It is actually even worse.

Since weapons that actually need to flank Dynamos are the desperately short range weapons with no splat/suction bombs, it is enough to just land a pixel of ink and splat them while they are stuck.

Hero of Lime

Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 26, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Again I don't mean to imply the dynamo is easy to use, or "cheap", or that it's ACTUALLY OP. It isn't really. It's purely how it interacts with the game that makes it a problem. But if they can't fix the real problem.....something else has to be modified about it.
As someone who has trouble pinpointing what makes facing a dynamo without the right weapon to counter it, you explained it very well with this sentence.

If I had to suggest a modification to the dynamo to better balance it, it would be to shorten its air time, and slightly lessen its maneuverability in the air. The kill cam has shown me way too often just how ridiculous their jumping maneuverability is. I've seen way too many teammates shoot at them as they shimmy around midair, and splat them too, even after I may have weakened them.

With its animations, combined with even a little bit of lag, it can be near impossible to tell if the dynamo is vulnerable, or you are literally about to be splatted by a tidal wave of ink. As of right now, it's the only weapon that gives me real lag issues, aside from the rare death behind cover via a charger.

However, I think the dynamo is a bit on the "easy to pick up and win" side. I would know. One night, I decided to give it a shot for the very first time. I won most of my matches, got tons of kills, and got so many points for covering turf. Recently I did this again, and I got the same results, despite having so little practice with the weapon, and my enemies on paper weren't unskilled, or new to the game. Sure, the dynamo is notorious for being a super effective weapon in turf war, but it performs just fine in ranked modes as well. I'm sure I could work wonders in zones with one, I may even try that soon.

I hate to just keep asking for more nerfs on a weapon that gives me nothing but trouble, but I feel the recent nerfs did nothing to address what makes it so difficult to deal with in the first place.


Pro Squid
Sep 16, 2015
Honestly I feel the game is quite balanced since the last patch. I'd dare to say "let's not talk about the common weapons now, they're ok". So I wouldn't nerf anything I guess. I tried the sloshing machine recently, and I have to say it's not great. I compare it to custome range blaster: I would say in almost every situation you'll prefer the blaster than this. Well, it's a cool weapon, but I think it would be better with more damage (2HKO but somehow I wouldn't like it, too much blaster-like) or with more range. As it is, you have the same problem than the rapid blasters, but less shots, less damage, possibly less range (pro).

The inkbrush are indeed too weak, too. Like, even if you get someone by surprise, there is still a chance he'll survive or exchange. I don't know the weapon much but I've survived way too many times in these kinds of situation.

About H-3 well, I feel it's not as bad as these weapons. Though I guess it's shooting too slowly. The sensor-zooka version falls short when compared to the forge pro imo. But I'd say it's a good weapon to improve, lots of people should definitely learn from it.

About dynamo, I'd say they have bad reputation because short and mid range weapons are very common. And dynamo is kinda good against them. I'm pretty sure snipers don't care much about dynamos for instance. When I play custom range I feel they're weak, too. So I don't think they need any nerf. Plus I tried one recently and discovered it was kinda hard to kill from afar, and never experienced missed shot to 1HKO (or they were weak already). So well, I agree with Hitzel. I would even say it would be hard to make them more balanced than this. It's just about learning to play aginst them - and not forgetting to anticipate them flying.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
Rapid Blaster can already 2HKO without damage ups, that includes without a direct hit, though yeah those hits need to be near directs, but still, damage ups don't break any boundarys or allow the weapon to be played differently like how they used to on the E-Liter, it just makes the Rapid Blaster more effective at 2HKO'ing and finishing off weaken foes. Considering it's terrible ink spread it's gotta have something going for it!

But again, with good accuracy and damage ups which the few using it should have, the Rapid Blaster's radius hits already 2HKOs more often than not, yet they'ye still in the shadow of regular Blasters, so I don't really see a damage increase doing anything but freeing up ability slots. Also, all Blasters already have the same exact damage radius, Rapid's explosion just spread less ink.

Oh they do, much moreso than Rapids atleast, but compared to the others it's probably because if you're gonna use a Blaster with a deadzone it may aswell be the Custom Range for that extra range and Splat Bombs/Kraken to help mitigate the deadzone weakness, but that's just speculation. I'm a rebel so the only Blasters I use are Rapids for their better mobility, the others are just too slow for me!
I'll have to test RB with no dmg up in the firing range. I've never seen a 2hko from indirect hits on one, though I haven't tried one the last patch or two so if they buffed it I missed that. I've always experienced 2hko with DIRECT hit, and 3hko otherwise. Which makes it a VERY slow ttk weapon, more useful for interfering than killing.

Also, are you sue the radius is the same? I've always understood that RB had a smaller radius than Blaster and the Luna had a larger radius than Blaster? :confused:

Honestly I feel the game is quite balanced since the last patch. I'd dare to say "let's not talk about the common weapons now, they're ok". So I wouldn't nerf anything I guess. I tried the sloshing machine recently, and I have to say it's not great. I compare it to custome range blaster: I would say in almost every situation you'll prefer the blaster than this. Well, it's a cool weapon, but I think it would be better with more damage (2HKO but somehow I wouldn't like it, too much blaster-like) or with more range. As it is, you have the same problem than the rapid blasters, but less shots, less damage, possibly less range (pro).

The inkbrush are indeed too weak, too. Like, even if you get someone by surprise, there is still a chance he'll survive or exchange. I don't know the weapon much but I've survived way too many times in these kinds of situation.

About H-3 well, I feel it's not as bad as these weapons. Though I guess it's shooting too slowly. The sensor-zooka version falls short when compared to the forge pro imo. But I'd say it's a good weapon to improve, lots of people should definitely learn from it.

About dynamo, I'd say they have bad reputation because short and mid range weapons are very common. And dynamo is kinda good against them. I'm pretty sure snipers don't care much about dynamos for instance. When I play custom range I feel they're weak, too. So I don't think they need any nerf. Plus I tried one recently and discovered it was kinda hard to kill from afar, and never experienced missed shot to 1HKO (or they were weak already). So well, I agree with Hitzel. I would even say it would be hard to make them more balanced than this. It's just about learning to play aginst them - and not forgetting to anticipate them flying.
H3, I think it was always a difficult weapon. It doesn't do anything terribly unique but does it all slower and with more handicapped than other weapons. HOWEVER used well it can be very cool - close it's a fast sploosh, and far it has some pressuring ability. shun_one got me into it back in 2.6 for RM and I was really liking it there, however what happened is 2.7 buffed a lot of weapons that do similar things that were always a bit easier and more efficient than H3 at those tasks. This meant that comparatively H3 is now very much less practical with unnecessary handicaps versus most other weapons with similar range and damage, especially Pro. You can't pick H3 because "it does X, Y, and X better" you pick it up because it's an intriguing challenge, and that's not a good place for a viable weapon to be.

Dynamo...it's not that it's not "balanced" though to a degree it is. It's, like I said, that it clashes with the games structural issues. I think if we were all playing on LAN (or Japanese internet :P ) it wouldn't be a problem at this point. But we're not, so it's a problem.

Though the one issue of the dynamo that could be considered a bad design (imbalanced but by poor design) - it's the only weapon that can NOT be countered effectively by every other weapon. What you described that it has some weapons that can counter it easily and it poses little threat to, and some that really can't challenge it at all (almost entirely due to the lag situation, however.) present a unique problem for dynamo. Chargers can be countered by skill with any other weapon via flanking or countersniping, splooshes and carbons can be countered by most other weapons via outranging them so longs as they don't get the jump on them. For the most part every weapon can be countered effectively by every weapon. Except dynamo where some weapons are pure counters that aren't threatened by it (chargers) and others are almost unable to counter it at all (carbon/sploosh/maybe luna - though carbon gets burst bombs or seekers so krak-on may have been a better example.)


Pro Squid
Jan 21, 2016
First of all, the Dynamo is perfectly fine. It has ample weaknesses to counter its strengths.

But buffs and nerfs...
Definitely give the Squelchers a buff. Either better Ink Efficiency for the Jet or faster TTK for Dual. Tbh, the Run Speed buff should have affected both.
I want to say the Octobrush should be buffed, but it might be fine as it is now.

Nerf the 52 for sure, either less damage or less range or less Ink Efficiency.
I think nothing else needs changing, really. My only hope is patch in BRU affecting Seekers and make them go either faster or further.


Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 29, 2015
Switch Friend Code
First of all, the Dynamo is perfectly fine. It has ample weaknesses to counter its strengths.

But buffs and nerfs...
Definitely give the Squelchers a buff. Either better Ink Efficiency for the Jet or faster TTK for Dual. Tbh, the Run Speed buff should have affected both.
I want to say the Octobrush should be buffed, but it might be fine as it is now.

Nerf the 52 for sure, either less damage or less range or less Ink Efficiency.
I think nothing else needs changing, really. My only hope is patch in BRU affecting Seekers and make them go either faster or further.
Dual squelcher got a run speed buff about 5 patches ago, but i do agree it needs a faster ttk.


Squid Savior From the Future
Dec 18, 2015
First of all, the Dynamo is perfectly fine. It has ample weaknesses to counter its strengths.

But buffs and nerfs...
Definitely give the Squelchers a buff. Either better Ink Efficiency for the Jet or faster TTK for Dual. Tbh, the Run Speed buff should have affected both.
I want to say the Octobrush should be buffed, but it might be fine as it is now.

Nerf the 52 for sure, either less damage or less range or less Ink Efficiency.
I think nothing else needs changing, really. My only hope is patch in BRU affecting Seekers and make them go either faster or further.
Dual really does need a faster ttk, you're right. It's a good weapon overall but the slow ttk, especially with the range buff on splash-o-matic really hurts it.

Octo...I think it's fine. It's inkbrush that needs massive buffing. Permanent was supposed to save it, but it's still just not viable, and should be. It's an awesome weapon if it could make up for its weaknesses better.

Seekers....the part of me that likes to splat with seekers makes me agree it should move faster. The part of me that likes hiding in the ink trail to flank makes me think that would ruin it's main utility :)


Oct 19, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Honestly in all my battles against dynamos the only weapon that I've see that can counter it (midrange) are the squiffers, and bambis with good aim, most times I manage to splat them as they begin the swing before the flick animation fully comes out although honestly though unless the fix the netcode or improve everyone connection dynamos and lunas are going to be a source of complaint at all times.

So how about we move on to the tentatek which I feel just need a nerf to it's range or the speed of it's shots (or your movement speed while shooting) the only nerf so far has been to slightly mitigate damage, and the inkzooka nerf and I just feel that it is in need a slight adjustment
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Inkling Fleet Admiral
Sep 29, 2015
Switch Friend Code
Honestly in all my battles against dynamos the only weapon that I've see that can counter it (midrange) are the squiffers, and bambis with good aim, most times I manage to splat them as they begin the swing before the flick animation fully comes out although honestly though unless the fix the netcode or improve everyone connection dynamos and lunas are going to be a source of complaint at all times.

So how about we move on to the tentatek which I feel just need a nerf to it's range or the speed of it's shots (or your movement speed while shooting) the only nerf so far has been to slightly mitigate damage, and the inkzooka nerf and I just feel that it is in need a slight adjustment
A better solution would be to buff weapons it's strong against, like the n-zap etc.

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