the .52 Gal

the .52 Gal

NOTICE: This is a guide a friend wrote for me a while back (before the August update). Sorry for anything out of context.
>>>>>>Overview/Key Points<<<<<<
The .52 Gal can definitely be considered a carry weapon. It has the range of the Tentatek (mid), very good accuracy, and does crazy damage, killing in 2 shots. It has the fastest kill time in the game, faster than even the blaster (this excludes carbon roller, which has no range). It may seem like you can recklessly charge head on and expect to survive because of your KO time. However, the most important thing is to have good aim. If you're at full health and you attack someone from mid range, you are GUARANTEED to win the fight if you hit the first two shots. However, if you miss one, it might be too late, and you will lose your huge advantage. Because of this, learning to have good aim with the weapon is of utmost importance. Sacrifice your ranks if you have to, play focusing purely on getting into 1v1s and winning as opposed to ranking up. Learning to have excellent (hopefully even impeccable) aim will allow you to succeed greatly as your rank improves. Because even Tentateks won't be able to beat you.
However, if you're getting flanked, aside from range, which is dealt with below, being attacked while unprepared is a big weakness. Because of this, like I said in another post, you need to have great map awareness. Since the typical player does not use the gamepad as a rearview mirror, they often get flanked and can lose very valuable chokepoints in the process [throwing the game]. By glancing at the map when an enemy is incoming, you can put yourself into a position to ambush them yourself (by hiding around the corner, on a wall, or with the regular .52 Gal, placing a Splash Wall in preparation). This will also allow you to, again, in the regular .52's case, figure out where to take anti-sniper precautions/remove them or wall off the enemy from a time-sensitive section of the map. Because of how valuable the map knowledge is (it's literally an echolocator without them knowing they're being echolocated, even if just by you), I actually might recommend covering a little bit past what you need to guard the tower/zone, because then you have a little bit of time to prepare before they rush in. I'll cover playstyles later on, though.
>>>>>>Range issues<<<<<<
The only other weakness of this weapon is range. Unlike the Tentatek, however, this gun doesn't have a throwable bomb sub. You might think a part of the problem is solved with the Deco because longer ranged people on your ground level will get hit by seekers, but by the time you release the seeker, you might already be dead, and eventually, people will get good at jumping over them, so you'll die anyway. Inkstrikes don't deal with your charger issues well either, since it might not even cover their whole perch, and surprisingly, the .52 gal is rather decent of a weapon at covering the zone, so you don't need strikes there either. Still, for camping-heavy maps (like Moray Towers and Arowana Mall, and probably Camp Triggerfish), Inkstrike and seeker are better because they flush enemies out and can cover zones indirectly, and since there are so many long ranged weapons that will defeat you in 1v1 because they'll see you coming, you will have to cover the zone through your sub and special. However, in general, the normal .52 Gal will serve you better.
>>Tower Control<<
This title is actually kind of deceptive, haha. In Tower Control, even 3k Scopes will have issues with range, because they will have set locations that they can hit on the way to the end zone, and they have to be very focused so they can easily flanked. Again, playstyles come later on, so I won't go into to much detail, but you can either ride the tower or become the flank master.
>>>>>>Playstyles and Their Respective Optimized Gear *<<<<<<
*Optimized gear is gear best suited to a playstyle and where all 3 sub sets, or as close to that as possible, have high rolling odds due to brands.
+ is for .52 Gal
- is for .52 Gal Deco)
In this playstyle, your first objective is to flank or if unable just face-rush (from behind your splash wall, mind you!) and attempt to take out as many enemies as you can without dying. Leave the other(s) to your teammates while you proceed to do what I mentioned earlier: go farther past the zone than normal without over-extending. Use your wall on the narrowest available chokepoint and keep an eye on the map, including behind you, because your teammates could easily fail you, depending on your rank. Continue to stall them and keep them out for as long as long as possible and pray that someone covers the zone. Wail is great to split the map in half for most non-campy maps and will allow you to go back and cover the zone depending on the map. Don't be afraid to shoot then squid form and bait them into an area where you have a movement advantage. Definitely abuse the constant-transform tech where you go squid and kid back and forth as fast as possible while still getting shots off. Don't forget to encourage your teammates to help by constantly pressing "To me!/C'mon" while not fighting (Since I count as EU, I'm 'To me!'). Not recommended until you have above-average aim.

Since this banks on them not knowing where you are, you'll need Coldblooded.
Definitely go with Swim Speed Up; you'll be moving a ton-not Run Speed, because you'll be using the transformation tech.
Since you need to battle very often, it is absolutely required that you use Ink Resistance.
This is true for all sets: You'll need Dmg. Up to counter the .52 gal issue.
And if, like me, you LOOOVE the Takoroka Mesh, it's OK to have some style points since Special Charge Up definitely is useful for a little breathing room and as an anti-sniper strat (which can cripple this strategy unless you have the wall by you). And defense up can counter weapons such as your own and just survive that little stretch longer.

Fully Optimized Gear:
Takoroka Mesh-DefenseUp [Main] + 3x Special Charge Time Up [Sub] (Upgrade x2)
Anchor Sweat-Cold-blooded [Main] + 3x DamageUp [Sub] (Upgrade x1)
Red Hi-Tops-Ink Resistance [Main] + 3x Swim Speed Up [Sub] (Upgrade x1)

Kamikaze Rampager-
I think you can tell what the objective of this one is. There's this one Japanese guy that has really high winrate with Krak-on roller-he is stacked on quick respawns and has no concerns about trading-it's his advantage. As long as you have decent aim, this would work great with the Gal, which has longer range and has a faster kill time. And always superjump in, no stealth required! Did they see you coming? Too bad! Mash the sub button on your way down (seeker) then transform and swim in its trail. If they don't die, they have to at least stop shooting, and by then you're in the trail! Use seekers to advance quickly or avenge yourself right before you die! I made some modifications to his own set. This can be easily done right now, as your aim doesn't have to be good. You're basically just going 'YOLO!' the whole game.

You'll be using seekers often to rush in people's faces, so Ink Saver Sub is important. DamageUp is always there. Run Speed Up is so that you can rush right into them as you shoot as well as just generally increase mobility. And of course, you need your Quick Respawns.
Fashion/Streetstyle Cap (Fashion for you)-Ink Saver Sub [Main] + 3x Quick Respawn [Sub] (Upgrade 2x)
Basic Tee-Quick Respawn [Main] + 3x DamageUp [Sub] (Upgrade 2x)
Biker/Moto Boots (Biker for you)-Quick Respawn [Main] + 3x Run Speed Up [Sub] (Upgrade 1x)

The key to this one is to use Seekers to rush around the back and sneak attack the enemy from behind efficiently. Your primary objective, however, is to stay alive, and when your teammates die, ping them to come from behind as well. If they aren't listening, give up for the match and do it on your own. You will be able to use inkstrike to deal with snipers temporarily or to cover your approch, whether by giving yourself more movement options, making it hard for everyone to aim (like a sandstorm), or by putting it in a chokepoint that you see any enemy coming from. Again, map awareness is critical. You can proabably pull this strat now as long as you learn to have excellet movement-learn to use splatterdashing to dodge and seekers to move out fast. And then use the transform tech to keep yourself hard to hit. Sometimes, it might better to be in enemy ink, because they'll be thrown off long enough for you to pop them.

Damage up is, as always, mandatory for countering.
Cold-blooded is extremely important, as you can't afford to wait a full 13 seconds to flank.
Swim speed up is also important to get the job done.
Ink Recovery Up is absolutely critical for keeping the seeker track going. An interesting thing to note is that 2 subs is basically the same as 3 subs, so if you can't get 3, get 2 and one extra slot of one of the either important perks (Swim speed up/Ink Saver Sub/Special Charge Time Up).
And it needs to be paired with Ink Saver Sub, as well.
Lastly you'll want Defense Up to give yourself a little more time to live. If you're confident in your team but not in yourself, use inkresist, but honestly if you get caught you need that splatterdash anyway, which won't be affected by inkresist.
This leads to optimized gear being (no resist):
Lightweight Cap-Swim Speed Up [Main] + 3x Defense Up [Sub] (Upgraded 2x)
Dark Urban Gilet/Vest (Gilet for you)-ColdBlooded [Main] + 3x Ink Saver Sub [Sub] (No upgrade!)
Cyan Trainers-DamageUp [Main] + 3x (or 2x, see above) Ink Recovery Up [Sub] (Upgrade 2x)

In this set, your objective is to guard the zone. Set up the Splash Wall and spend your time keeping track of the map and challenging anyone who you know you can sneak up against, while hiding from snipers and preventing other enemies that outrange you from taking the zone. Use wail to wall of sections that the enemy is coming from or to remove a long-ranged threat, even if temporarily. Be sure to pull back a little when your teammates die, and then ping them to let them know they can jump to you. As long as you have great awareness both in battle and on the map, you can succeed in this set.

Again, damage up is critical for pretty much guaranteed 2-shot kill. Ink resist is absolutely important, as you're constantly dealing with enemy ink. Ink Saver Main is extremely important to cover the zone for as long as possible without running out of ink. (BTW, did you know this thing is as ink efficient or more ink efficient than the Dual Squelcher?) You'll need to get back into the action fast to get things back on track, so Comeback is a great idea for this set. Lastly, I'd actually highly recommend Run Speed Up to stay alive even longer in skirmishes. Since the only Comeback brands are Special Saver, Special Duration, and Ink Recovery Up, I'd recommend recovery up for bonus efficiency. Again, 2 recovery ups still works great, so having an extra saver main or defense/damage up is fine.
This leads to:
Tennis Headband-Comeback [Main] + 3x (or 2x; see above) Ink Recovery Up [Sub] (Upgraded 2x)
Black Layered LS-Ink Saver Main [Main] + 3x Damage Up (Upgraded 2x)
Blue Biker/Moto Boots-Ink Resistance Up [Main] + 3x Run Speed Up (No upgrade!)
>>Tower Control<<
Note: Flanker- and Kamikaze Rampager- still work in this mode.
The objective of this set is to follow behind your teammates who are pushing the tower and to prevent the enemy team from pushing back when they inevitably lose the point. Set up the Splash Wall when you see one drop off and prepare to take the enemies on yourself. The Wail, should you have it, is excellent in preventing the enemy team from pushing until your friends come back. Don't forget to remind your teammates to jump to you if you are in a safe enough position. If you are killed, do not super-jump in, and do your best to build your special or find a secure position to cut them off with the wall. Don't be reckless if your team counter-pushes, as the enemy will still have some momentum and a movement advantage. Stay behind a little longer until you're sure you are safe to advance. You will need excellent aim to succeed in this set, as well as excellent movement. Use splatterdashing, transforming, and don't forget ambushing by using the walls! And if your team hasn't returned and you suspect an enemy is coming, swim on the wall of the tower where the can't see you unless they go around. This is probably the hardest set, and requires immense skill, as you're constantly forcing yourself into 3 or 4v1 situations.
Your special is your best friend in this set. As such, you're going to want Tenacity and Special Charge Time Up. Since the only Tenacity options are Special Saver, Special Duration Up, and Quick Respawn, I'd say Quick Respawn is an excellent choice to prevent the opposing team from gaining too much momentum. Next, you definitely won't want to be running out of ink in such an uphill battle, so Ink Saver Main is important as well. Lastly, you'll obviously still need Damage Up, and Cold-Blooded is extremely precious, as you can't afford to ever lose stealth, or it could easily lose the match.
Fully Optimized Gear:
Sporty Bobble Hat-Tenacity [Main] + 3x Quick Respawn [Sub] (Upgraded 2x)
White Anchor Tee-ColdBlooded [Main] + 3x DamageUp [Sub] (No upgrade!)
Orange Arrows-Ink Saver Main [Main] + 3x Special Charge Time Up [Sub] (Upgraded 2x)
Tower Rider+
In this set, your job is, evidently, to ride the tower. The .52 Gal has a great set to ride it, as it has a great ability to 1) Approach the tower; 2) Remove threats on and around the tower; 3) Stay safe on the tower; and 4) Attack those approaching the tower from your perch on the tower. Please do note that it is a TERRIBLE idea to start riding the tower right away. Wait until your team has an advantage (it can be 1 person advantage if you wish, but that's risky, because they can still sweep your team and give a very dangerous counter-push). Once you believe you have a sufficient advantage, get on the tower and begin riding it. If you can, try to bounce your splash wall off a wall and put it in front of you for defensive measures. Killer Wail can be used most effectively by getting behind the tower before using it :p Hopefully, someone else will be ahead of you, scouting the area out-as soon as one of your teammates dies, start keeping extremely close attention to sound and map clues. If you unfortunately have no scout, go ahead and take it upon yourself to shoot in a max-range arc around you so you can see the enemy coming. If you do see them, remember that you can JUMP OFF THE TOWER and kill them then get back on. In fact, I highly recommend it. One common tactic you'll need to be aware of is throwing splat or suction bombs onto the tower. An interesting and often unexpected counter is to jump off and hide on the tower wall. They'll assume it's safe to get on, then you can get back on and take them out. If instead they just spread normal ink on the tower, you can use the same strategy or just re-ink yourself. For snipers, remember that the tower pillar can, in fact, block charger shots. Lastly, remember that it's important not to push to the last second unless you're in a desperate last-minute scramble or trying to pass a certain score by a very small margin. You're better off getting off and stepping back a little to let your teammates jump in or to wall/stall the opponents temporarily. Losing momentum can crush a seemingly certain victory. You need to have good aim, but not amazing for this set. The most important thing to do is to have team awareness and have good timing. It's all about making good decisions. So not too hard.
Damage Up. Again.
Comeback is important to get back into the action more quickly.
Wail can help you a lot when you're both pushing and trying to stop a counter-push, so Special Charge Time Up is excellent, too.
Ink Resistance is 100% necessary-you're gonna be in enemy ink all the time. It also helps you get off if you're trapped. Swim Speed Up is pretty good in combination with it as well, for additional survival capabilities.
And last but not least, I'd recommend Ink Saver Main or Ink Recovery Up. (But oh wait no Ink Saver Main haha) It'll save you in and in between firefights. In this case, optimal gear includes:
Tennis Headband-Comeback [Main] + 3x (or 2x, we've been through this enough times) Ink Recovery Up [Sub] (Upgraded 2x)
Layered Camo LS-Special Charge Time Up [Main] + 3x DamageUp [Sub] (Upgraded 2x)
Red Hi-Tops-Ink Resistance Up [Main] + 3x Swim Speed Up (Upgraded 1x)
The final playstyle is scout, where your job is to stay a distance ahead of the tower and make sure the person riding the tower is safe. Note that there are better weapons for scouting than the .52 Gal/Deco but due to its amazing TTK, it's still a viable weapon to do it should your team need a scout. In my opinion, here is the priority with which you should kill the enemies:
***0) Something that attacks you
1) Blasters
2) Tentatek/Splattershot/Pro, Gals
3) Dynamos
4) Squiffer
5) Chargers (Aside from Squiffer)
6) Squelchers/Nozzlenoses
7) Strong short-ranged weapons (Sploosh, Roller)
8) Weak short-ranged weapons (4 shots+)
Your second priority if you and the control of tower is not in immediate danger should be to spread as much ink as far ahead of you as you can: inking=Special Charge + More Mobility + Map Pinpointing. (Map awareness strikes again!) This set is all about mobility and getting the job done as quickly as possible.
You probably noticed that I wrote '+-', as in 'You can use both .52 versions.' The nuances will be split here:
Seekers to advance, seekers for range. Seekers are important in this set. Inkstrike is used to buy some valuable extra time by walling off sections or removing ranged threats. Or, if you want to save your ink, for covering the area directly in front of the tower-in this case, save it for when you reach the hardest part for advancing the tower. Seekers can also be used for flanker-esque approaches and for escaping back to the tower if you're in a really bad situation.
The sub strategy is very similar. Instead of using seekers to approach, use your Wall to keep the opponents at bay and keep yourself safe until you receive backup. Or splatterdash around to take them out. Wail, however, is used quite differently. Use it as a better version of wall, take out snipers from far away, force enemies into situations where they can be picked off, or simply save it for a big push. It's more versatile, and since the subs are quite similar, I'd recommend the original version over the Deco. Still. Again, though, it depends on the map.
I'd actually recommend a very similar setup for both weapons; there's only two differences:
Damage Up. Start simple.
Seekers are your ace in the Deco set and Wail is your ace in the Original set, so use Ink Saver Sub or Special Charge Time Up, depending on the one you're using.
Ink Saver Main for extra efficiency in Deco, and Ink Recovery Up to cover both parts of the weapon in Original.
To scout, you need great movement, so I'd say both Swim and Run Speed Up.
And last but not least, I'd actually say Recon. It allows you to comfortably jump in in the right place and take down your enemies, who won't even realize you have a sense of where they are (it only shows up on your map at spawn). It can greatly increase your efficiency at getting your job done, more so than Comeback, because you're supposed to be at the front-lines. This yields:
{Deco}Safari/Jungle Hat (Safari for you)-Ink Saver Main [Main] + 3x Ink Saver Sub [Sub] (Upgraded 1x)
{Orig.}Fake Contacts-Special Charge Time Up [Main] + 3x (or 2x) Ink Recovery Up [Sub] (Upgraded 1x)
Black Anchor Tee (This is my fav clothing item :3)-Recon [Main] + 3x DamageUp [Sub] (Upgraded 1x)
White Kicks OR Oyster Clogs-Swim/Run Speed Up [Main] + 3x Run/Swim Speed Up [Sub] (Upgraded 2x)
>>>>>>Succeeding In Dangerous Match-ups<<<<<<
•Tactic 1•
Maximize your range and shoot them from there.
•Tactic 2•
Dodge their first shot and kill them before they shoot again.
•Tactic 3-A•
Back out and throw a Splash Wall. Deal with other problems while they can't get you.
•Tactic 3-B•
Back away and throw a Seeker. Hope they get hit and deal with other problems.
•Tactic 4•
If you were hit first, run away AT A DIAGONAL.
Splattershot Pros, .96 Gals, and Squelchers
•Tactic 1•
Sub if in front. Swim up and either KO or deal with other problems.
If behind you:
Sideways Splatterdash-Turn-Splash Wall
•Tactic 2•
'Run away' and flank
•Tactic 3•
Approach directly and trade-depends on score.
E-Liters (no perch)
•Tactic 1-A•
•Tactic 1-B•
•Tactic 2-A•
Killer Wail.
•Tactic 2-B•
•Tactic 3•
E-liter (with perch)
•Tactic 1•
•Tactic 2-A•
Killer Wail.
•Tactic 2-B•
In conclusion, the .52 Gal is an excellent weapon. Its greatest virtue is its incredible inking power, and this allows it to excel in many situations. Its sub weapon is extremely useful for countering its weaknesses, and its specials can greatly assist it to get into the fray and get its objective/job done quickly and effectively. It can perform many jobs depending on the team, and due to this flexibility, it is possible to achieve high ranks purely through your own skill. The three important things (in order of importance) to remember in order to succeed are to 1) Learn to have perfect aim; 2) Have good map awareness to keep yourself from getting flanked; and 3) use your subweapon.

I hope this was helpful. Good luck!
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This is a really good guide, but the fact that none of the sets involve a Main Ink Recovery Up is not very good. Since the Splash Wall nerf, this ability has gotten a lot more value and should definitely be included, since your walls are going to break a lot quicker now and a Main Ink Recovery Up kinda fixes that issue, so you can place walls more frequently.
good point there. I'll add some more if I get the time.
Great! The only thing I think it needs is more playstyles. There isn't much for the regular .52 but I know there are more possibilities, especially with the new wall strats being discovered (like placing on towers). I'm not one for relying on my team in wall+.
thanks for the info!
Amazing, in-depth guide. I will definitely be using the .52 gals more often!
Well written out guide, gear loadouts seem nice!
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