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The killer wail

Killer Wails may be strong on the surface, bin Rainmaker, I have edge-dodged lots of Wails on PortMackrel. Edge-odging is like gambling, risking your inklings life. It's the nearest miss you can get. You are on the edge, of the death lazer. So, yea. Killer Wails are not very useful, especially if the opponent can edge-dodge.
The custom blaster does not have killer wail. This is like simple advice you would give to a C-. This guide looks like you finished in 5 minutes. Where is the effort? You tell me. This is COMMON knowledge. This guide has NO helpful info about the killer wail.
Add more information and give information that is not common not things everyone knows
A fine guide, No point in giving it one star, I do kinda agree with dededork but it is not worth one star.
Thanks for a comment that isn't something everyone commonly says.:)
I agree with AlsoDededork649
Commonly known uses and applications of Killer Wails. Honestly, if you are going to make like 7 guides, at least have them have new or interesting information (constructive criticism, not hate).
Well, its no specific way to create a guide, I cant make these perfect ya 'know!
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