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  • Christians of squid boards, do any of y'all hate when someone starts a prayer with "hey god". IT'S SO ANNOYING
    I never heard anyone start with that. What I do find annoying though is the need to repeat the same prayer 20 times in one day, and this is coming from a Christian himself. While it's important to pray, it's unnecessary to repeat it that many times in a single day. Thankfully, I have only encountered one case of that.
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    It sounds so disrespectful to God to hear people start a prayer that way. I have heard that many times in my youth groups as a teenager. I usually start with “Dear Heavenly Father” or something close to that.
    Are you a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints OneCoolCat?!!!!
    So like... The aerospray is basically the Splatoon equivalent of a flamethrower...

    (Do you believe in magic)
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    i fear no man... but that 'thing'... it scares me...
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    Deleted member
    I MAIN THE AEROSPRAY RG! FEAR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!
    Deleted member
    I main it too... sometimes....
    Does anyone still play Splatoon 2?
    I have moved onto Splatoon 3 for the most part, but I do plan on coming back to Splatoon 2 once I'm through whatever update is currently in Splatoon 3, just to finish getting all of the gear I could in the game.
    Deleted member
    I DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    So I'm waiting until all the dlc is released to get Splatoon 3. What've I missed
    In terms of base-game content, a few Big Runs and Splatfests, plus Catalogue-exclusive items. The DLC, for now, is only Inkopolis Plaza, but there will be more to come for the DLC. Thankfully, Emotes now can be obtained through the Shell-Out Machine, so you can get those if you didn't get them through the Catalogues.
    I haven't been on squid boards since... Last November...

    I'm back and ready to annoy people
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