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  • @.@......... this challenge is making me motion sick. I cannot process what is going on it's all so fast!!
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    I don't know if I'll be able finish my stamp card for this in time. I have won two out my last ten games and I don't even know where to begin troubleshooting what I am doing wrong, hah.
    It's like a bunch of cars just getting into an endless series of head-on collisions with each other. Just instead of cars they're rollers.
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    I got my 5th stamp just barely in time! I can't tell if I actually finally started to get the hang of it or if it was just because it was putting me against lower-power teams but we suddenly started winning. I do feel like I learned a thing or two. And I got a kraken badge! :D
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    Few things in this world feel as amazing as when you end up in a full group of randos in salmon who all communicate well and stick together despite wipe after wipe after wipe and then finally clearing and taking down the king and getting a gold scale.

    I love you little inkfish in my screen!! I feel like we bonded through this experience even though we will probably never see each other again.
    oh heavens there are those days when I am anxious about sitting down to play anarchy games, but then I do and I just absolutely have the time of my life. Emotions are so heightened and I feel so alive and regardless of the outcomes I am just so overwhelmingly overjoyed to get to take part in this. I hope I find the opportunity to have this experience in a team setting one day.
    I feel under a lot of pressure lately to branch out from tetras and I know it would be good for me to diversify but it just breaks my heart a little. I don't know why I'm so emotionally bonded to these little squirt guns. The more people encourage me to use other weapons the more I feel attached to them and I cognitively know that's not great for like, my growth/development as a player but... man it's just hard.
    I felt the exact same thing in my early days of playing this game. I used to main Aerospray and I got 4 stars on it. But as I began improving at the game I realized that the weapon just wasn't doing what I wanted it to for me. But I put in so much time, it felt almost rude to just ditch it. But you always have the experience and skills from that weapon to transfer to the new one. It's the best way you move on imo
    Honestly I feel like this game has so many fun weapons that whenever I "drop" my previous main I fall in love all over again with my new one, so I never really had that problem.

    It also helps that I mostly main brellas so I don't feel too homesick when grinding a new one. So, maybe try sticking to dualies? You'll indirectly get better mechanics with tetras if you do that!
    aaaaaa I appreciate you all so much <3 thank you all for the support.
    I finally got around to finishing a little personal clip video for Drizzle Season 2022 (over a year later lol) and it's got me overemotional and full of memories. Now I'm motivated to work on the memory-videos for the other seasons but I'm even more motivated to just go play more and make new memories. Like I can relive the old ones whenever I want but there's just so much memory-making potential right now, you know?
    oh my cod my dualies challenge experience was such an emotional roller coaster I can barely handle it. I had like a 30% win rate but in the end I got my last stamp by the skin of my teeth and I think I am just going to go collapse now.
    I took a break from one-starring weapons that I am terrible at to go get the last badge from side order. It was stressful but I finally managed on the 4th or 5th climb. Swim speed is everything.
    I finally caught up on one-starring all the order weapons and am moving on to one-starring the new season kits. Every time I do this I feel like the charger police is going to come arrest me for being so terrible with chargers.
    Deleted member
    I have not even beaten side order yet (I can only play 1hr 30mins a week now apparently which is kinda absurd in my opinion)
    is it just me or is the new dualie incredibly overpowered for salmon?? It's got so much range in spread and then shreds everything when you roll. SO much fun, especially on the new map where it's so easy to take and defend the high ground.
    I am finally peeking at the internet again after doing nothing but play Side Order since it released. I am pretty sure I have played through everything possibly spoilerable so I am excited to come back and see others' reactions and findings/strategies.
    "You are using the latest version of this software." "You are using the latest version of this software." "You are using the latest version of this software."
    Finally. The update is downloading. 12 minutes remaining. (sorry I know this play by play is not important information but I don't know where else to channel my excitement right now)
    I'm in :>
    Rumor has it that Side Order leaked and there's spoilers in the wild, so I guess I'm starting my social media blackout a bit early.

    Remember to stay hydrated (but not too hydrated if you know what I mean) and I'll see y'all on the other side. :>
    Sorry Team Friday, I have failed you, losing all my 100x and most of my 10x. But I did my best. I also 4-starred light tetras and 3-starred vdualies in the process and even made a new friend :>
    on succch a lose streak and trying to drag my emotional brain out of the despair corner its pouting in so that I can try to win at least one anarchy game before we're locked into turf war for the next 48 hours. Maybe I'll try bribing it with candy.
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    Happen to the best of us.
    failure is just a learning experience. take every splat and turn it into a note, that's my advice
    Lately in some attempt to combat my tendency to over-prepare for playing anarchy more than actually playing anarchy, I'm attempting to build a habit of playing one open game in the morning and one game in the evening with absolutely no preparation, just to try to get myself comfortable with the stress of not 'feeling ready'. And uh. So far I think I'm actually winning more games this way >>.
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