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  • I got a lot of practice carrying the rainmaker today 🙃
    lol i've been inching out of my comfort zone and playing gloogas (so still dualies BUT less aggressive rush-in-and-kill dualies than i'm used to) and during a rainmaker match today i noticed nobody was picking up the rainmaker so i thought "wait am i the longest range here? oh god, time to learn to carry the rainmaker"

    readers, there was an eliter on my team
    The Legend of Aiko: Three Swords Adventures continues then? :D
    ayyyy, if you need a training coach, sign me up!

    (I grind on rainmaker boiiiiiiiiii!!!!!)

    nintendo PLEASE make more octo merch and make it easily available stateside I only have these weird prehistoric bootleg octos (they are still cute though and I love them)
    Omg is that squib
    we can’t even get much virtual octo merch and that kills me. nintendo if i can’t get an octoling plush irl at least give us octo versions of the standard squid cushion locker decorations in the game 😭
    (i love your collection though… especially the tiny rainbow octopus on top of the huge pink squid)
    @sevenleaf I KNOWW and nearly all the octo stickers are either angry or have the little x eyes, it bugs me D:! I really want octo cushions for the lockers too.
    and thank you! The rainbow one was initially a blank/white one that came with markers to color it which was fun :D
    my ability to tune out distractions while playing and be in the moment is great and all except that this IS LIKE THE 14th game that I set an intention for and then 100% forgot about said intention THE SECOND the match started and I literally set up a chime to go off every 15 seconds to remind me of my intention and turned it up really loud and I STILL JUST 100% COMPLETELY TUNE IT OUT HOW
    We're all having a time with matchmaking today aren't we
    Matchmaking: Putting me up against players with X-rank badges in A rank
    Also Matchmaking: Putting me up against a carbon that does nothing but roll around the map, mostly in spawn.

    It sometimes feels like my climb through A has nothing to do with my actual skill and everything to do with the hand matchmaking deals me, hah.
    No yea A and B rank are essentially a purgatory full of mostly people who probably got carried by their siblings. It sounds harsh, but with not everyone caring to improve, it takes a lot longer to get out of A rank than it does S rank most of the time. Even in S/S+, matchmaking is almost worse bc u get worse comps but decent players vs the other way around.
    Out of curiosity, do you play open or series? Because in my experience series are way more reliable at matching you with people of your skill level, and I'm pretty sure all S+ players get matched together so they don't infiltrate other lobbies.

    But yeah open can feel extremely one sided at times
    @Grushi that's a fair point; I do play much more open than series. Not that I haven't seen similar things in series but it's definitely a much smaller sample size.

    Once I get to A+ if I still have time I plan on doing a bunch of series for the remainder of the season (nothing to lose at that point right?) so maybe I'll see if the experience changes.
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    Reactions: Grushi

    Today in elaborate and unnecessary silliness I do when I should be working....
    I realized that setting myself a points goal each day was more stressing than motivating so instead maybe if I calculate/simulate the average open games I'll need to play based on my current win rate to get to A+ by the end of the season, I can tell myself that I did what I was supposed to as long as I play that number of games each day, which.. I usually easily exceed anyway, so I really don't need to worry.
    The simulations I added to shush the part of my brain that is like WELL TECHNICALLY YOU COULD LOSE EVERY GAME-- no, stop, look at the numbers and believe them. Look. They are pretty. They re-simulate every time I refresh and only once in dozens of refreshes has ONE of the sims managed to not get there in 1000 games. Please chill why are you like this.
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    Reactions: Grushi
    I think the silliest thing about this is I was just reminding myself the other day that I need to just not focus on/think about my rank points at all and let them take care of themselves as I learn more because it's ultimately a pretty hollow thing to worry about that gains me no tangible benefit. But then my brain is like "okay but spreadsheet thing!!!"
    Wait a minute I saw you in squid school patreon's credits! 🤝
    I'm also a patreon, TAKE MY MONEY
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    Reactions: Aiko.Octo
    hah I... completely forgot patrons were listed in credits. 😅 I've been spotted I guess!
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    Reactions: Grushi
    Man I think if there's anything more fun than playing with people you know it might be playing against people that you know because then you get to cheer for everyone's victories regardless :D
    Saw like hundreds of tetras yesterday. At the aquarium, lol.

    Also saw a very shy octopus and watched it for ten minutes until it crawled out for a few seconds and then hid again. still very cool and worth it.

    Second best part was watching the rays. They were so graceful, like they were flying through the water. Worth the two hour trip out there. And I brought back a tiny snowglobe with an octopus figure in it :>
    Man. When you're putting in a ton of effort but just not seeing any results from it, how do you know if it's just because you just haven't put in enough effort yet and just need to trust the process, or if it's because you're like... doing effort wrong somehow? I feel so stumbling-around blind in all of this sometimes.
    I love blueberries. They are the best fruit.

    (MAYBE a perfectly ripe watermelon in the summertime can challenge it MAYBE).
    @sevenleaf lol I wonder what three fruits they could even possibly narrow it down to. Apples/Oranges/Bananas feel the most 'common' but it leaves out so much. Also once I got a 15lb bag of oranges from a farmer's market and they were the BEST oranges I had ever eaten. I was eating 3+ oranges a day until they were gone. I have missed them ever since.
    I feel like so many of the fruits people dislike are just hard to find when they're properly ripe

    I've had people tell me they don't like mangoes because they're too bitter and like. that just means you haven't actually had mangoes
    I was traumatized for years as a kid by an unripe kiwi so fair enough haha
    Actually took me years before I tried one again
    Clams is making me cry again ._.
    me: wishing clams would be in rotation when I'm not working so I can practice it more
    me when clams is actually in rotation: having to take so many breaks to recompose myself I barely get to play the rotation anyway ]:

    this is so painfully catch-22 lol
    Yall I am dying. I lost every single game this rotation (along with all the rank progress that I made over the past two days) EXCEPT for the LAST GAME of the rotation. Which we won, and which got me the badge for 100 clam blitz wins. What the shell. XD
    This has been a strange day full of surprise twists, many of them wonderful.

    I hope you all have a wonderful dinner (or whatever your next meal is) and that it is perfectly portioned and exactly the right temperature and satisfying to all of your cravings.

    If my math is right (it very well may not be) it should be pretty doable to get to A+ by the end of the season. 11 points doesn't seem like much on paper. But I did play for nearly two hours yesterday and only came out +3 points in the positive so.. I dunno. Regardless, I think having manageable numbers to chase each day will help motivate me.
    I had all this motivation to grind anarchy a bunch as soon as splatfest ended but now I'm just so tired and want to take a nap instead. But I think my brain just likes to fake being tired when it's anxious about something to try to get out of doing it. I see through you, brain!!
    Please do not hand me a power clam. I will just panic and freeze and be afraid of everything until I can get rid of it 😭
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