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Once I get back home, I will resume going down the list of SFMs I planned to do. The final two will lead to more SFMs in the future because they are the OCs of mine I haven't made into SFM yet.
I finally did it, I got every Tableturf Card in the game. Also, the Bits used for the mode are actually little cubes being placed on the playing board, very interesting to find out if you looked closely at the Tableturf Tables in the hub enough.
I'm currently replaying Return of the Mammalians and I intentionally let some of the Octarians live (when I can do so without getting splatted myself).
I'm so glad that whenever I play Salmon Run, it's a common occurrence that I get at least one Golden Scale per King Salmonid fight as long as I keep damaging said King Salmonid.
Idea: the 4 new Amiibos aren't just reprints, but rather, they give out the Agent 4 and Agent 8 outfits from Splatoon 2 (the headgear for the non-armored Agent 8 set would be the Golden Toothpick).
Now with my new PC all set up, I can resume creating SFMs. I will prioritize the ones from the list first (holiday-related and Splatfest SFMs are exempt from this rule).
As a Team Beach player, I hate to say it but Team Park is going to win this one. How can I have teammates so clueless to let the opposing team simply taking it? Lost two 10x battles in a row.
I really hope the next system is backwards compatible with Switch games while also having data tranferrable to it with games that don't have cloud saves (looking at you, Splatoon 2 multiplayer!).
In the process of getting the Splatana Wiper to 5 stars, just because I started on it a long time ago and went a long way before stopping it for a long while.
Tap shot and charged shot have basically the same range, plus it has quite a range. Use tap shots to take down Stingers and Fish Sticks. Charged shots for painting (which it can do decently) and for hitting harder.
When you can play it, it does wonders.