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Not gonna lie, a cyberpunk Splatoon sounds way too cool of an idea not to use. But I would really like for it to be ultra-futuristic in terms of design, not just be yet another urban setting that doesn't stand out,
I know I have so much on my plate currently, these last few days were exhausting for me. Won't bore you with the details, but I do plan to get all of this under control. Can't wait to create more SFMs though!
Singin' my heart out, singin' my heart out!
This void in my so-ouul is endless!
A reminder of a wound that can o-o-only heal through love...
Just some lyrics I came up with regarding my own predicament, would be terrible like this when actually sung out loud, but it helps numb the pain when writing it down.
Finally back from vacation, I have so much planned to finish, including: My SFM list, 5 star Splatana Wiper, my work stuff for the month, little things I started in my Pokemon Sword copy, and a few other things I have yet to finish.