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I really hope they never use Mahi-Mahi Resort as a Tricolor map ever again, unless they really expand the inkable parts to allow for more counter-attack options.
So, if you really hate Shiver, then this SFM might be very satisfying:
Explanation: Both Shiver and Frye bullied Big Man, but Frye lost another Splatfest while Shiver won again, so Frye was safe from the octo brothers while Shiver wasn't.
If theoretically, an image can just be hosted with a URL from Squidboards itself, then it could be possible to post it in the profile without a third-party image-hosting website at all, I'm going to post this image of my Christmas-related SFM as an experiment:
It worked! I will definitely use my own SFM-dedicated thread to post my SFMs here!
Oh, what's that? Even more Inkstrikes being launched at Salmonid territory by the Octostrikers? Good. And it's only going to lessen once the Salmonids stop using their diseases as weapons. The launching of Inkstrikes will only completely stop once the Salmonids stop their skirmishes in Inkopolis.
Seems like there's an escalation done by the Salmonids, time for General Anemone to intensify attacks on the Salmonids because the Salmonids started using a disease as a weapon.
Currently working on getting 1 star on each Order Replica, and yes, Coral is wearing the entire Order Gear Replica, but once he finally gets to his Octo Shot, he will go back to wearing his usual Turf War gear.
I got an SFM idea to honor Splatoon 1. I'm not going to spoil it, but it's my way of honoring the game that started the series because without its success, we wouldn't get Splatoon 2 or 3.