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  • Very close to getting my Octo Shot Replica back, which hacks should I have active for Eight's Palette?
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    Reactions: BeckyXP
    This one is gonna be a harder one. Keep your sub and special the same. I guess go with more damage and ink saving.
    I'm very close to 100% Side Order now, just one more Palette to go as well as getting everything from the shop there. I already unlocked all of the hacks and got all 5 entries for every single Color Chip.
    This might sound stupid, and it is, but what is a SFM?
    SFM is the abbreviation for Source Filmmaker. It's a program that made those images, including my profile pic, possible.
    Oh. I just realized I could have searched it up instead of embarrassing myself Thanks either ways =P
    I know I haven't been creating SFMs, but that's because I'm busy trying to 100% Side Order.
    Everyone is probably trying to 100% complete Side Order.
    How do you 100%? I bought all Marina’s hacks, all the stuff at the shop and did it and got every palette.
    There are entries for the Jelleton's field guide where you splat a certain number of said Jelletons and entries for Color Chips where you place 5 of the exact same Color Chip in the Palette in a single run, and maybe also going to every mystery floor.

    I already got all of the Jelleton entries and went to all the mystery floors.
    Can't believe I couldn't get to 999 on the golden weapon rotation for Salmonid Smokeyard, looks like I will have to get that golden badge the hard way now. Because it's very unlikely that they will repeat it.
    That's good. I got Gold now so I can demote and help you out!
    It was a combination of the connection erroring out during some of the matches (that had really good players who would've been able to help me), and some teams not prioritizing certain bosses (Slammin' Lids can indirectly result in a wipeout if they are not taken down.)
    Common issues, huh? Slammin' lids suck.
    Side Order releases tomorrow, here's hoping one of the rewards is the Octo Shot Replica.
    Deleted member
    I thinks there's "Order Splattershot Replica" or something like that
    So, I heard that they will stop adding Salmon Run stages. They could've at least added the two missing ones from Splatoon 2.

    Oh well, at least it will make getting every single Salmon Run stage badges much easier.
    Only issue is stages like Arc Polaris weren't designed with the kings in mind so fighting something like Joe maw maw on there would go horribly
    imagine for a second what lost outpost in s3 salmon run would be like
    I'm starting to doubt whether the Octo Shot Replica will be a reward for Side Order, unless the Splattershot itself receives a third kit.
    Almost done catching up on my seasonal catalog gear. Why does the third slot need 14000 when in Splatoon 2, it only needed 12000?
    Just reposting my ideas for my own SFM projects as some sort of checklist:

    General Anemone in his office.

    Kelp trying to know what gift to give to her boyfriend Coral.

    Ocean cooking up a delicious recipe that she came up with.

    Clam defeating a group of delinquent Inklings who tried to start trouble with him.

    Coral playing a co-op game with his brother Clam.

    Shark's bio image

    Dolphin's bio image
    Just had the longest winning streak in a long time, with a Reef-Lux 450 Deco no less! In one of these matches, I kept distracting the opposing E-liter so my teammates just swept the battle.
    Another day without my Octo Shot Replica, my Splatoon 3 character lies incomplete without it, having to use the Tentatek Splattershot in the meantime.
    Okay, so my SFM will actually be done on Monday because apparently, I have more quiet time during the weekdays rather than the weekends.
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