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Managed to win a 100x battle today after a string of losses, then proceeded to have a mostly unbroken winning streak. I only had one mirror match so far as well.
Can't wait to resume creating SFMs regularly again. Won't be this week though because I have to prepare for the road test so I can get my driver's license.
Does anyone know of that website where you create a wheel with the options and then spin it to see where it lands? Just in case I need it for breaking a tie.
So, I have seen that beta information from Pokemon has been leaked online and I gotta say, some of the beta designs look better than some of the final designs.
I have to resist the urge to spoil something for one of the choices for the Halloween SFM voting. I won't even tell a smidge of what I'm talking about.
Even now, Coral and Kelp are still thinking of potential names for their future Octoling and Octarian children. All of their children will be biological, and to them only, no third party needed or will be ever involved at all.
I still wish that the original Inkling Boy victory animation for shooters and blasters returned, Nintendo could've made it a toggle for the emotes that imitated the original Inkling Girl victory animations, why they didn't have toggles for emotes like they do for gear is beyond me. Would've loved to see my Octoling Boy throw his Octo Shot in the air with one hand to catch it in his other hand.