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  • i wasted all my sea snails trying to get chunks to finish my gear builds (i do not want to play SR) but now i have none left to give some more gear i want to have 3 slots…

    great now i actually have to grind splatfests
    meanwhile I have spent like four sea snails in my entire life because I have paranoid hoarding tendencies whenever it comes to something I can't reliably grind out >>....
    i woke up today with a ton of stress and in general feeling mentally unwell

    and then i just said out loud “eh whatever” and somehow instantly stopped feeling so upset

    why am i like this
    i been going through a fun yet torturous cycle of playing a ton of different weapons but now i don’t know which one i like the most, like my ‘main’

    it’s cool that i can play so many weapons so well but it’s a bit empty feeling not having a defining one i guess?
    now that you say it, i actually have no idea what i like about all the weapons i play
    it’s usually just “i can play the way i like playing with this weapon” but i dont even have a good idea of what that is lol
    i guess i never actually took the time to realize how i play the game which sounds insane typing that out right now
    I've been in both points, played almost exclusively the two Stamper kits this whole year up until this past month where it's now spreading and I've played a lot of Wiper Deco, Splash, and Explo too. Either way can be fun, and a lot of weapons are straightforward enough to the point to where you can still learn the game just as fast. It just depends on what kind of person you are.
    oh my god that explains it
    i have played almost strictly stamper for every season until now and it feels so different actually playing so many different weapons
    i have been playing so much chargers that playing goo tuber actually makes it feel like a good weapon
    i like that i can essentially sub strafe except with a one shot and partials are so satisfying it’s really funny when i just deny a frontliner
    also im not using the missiles one cause im not a -i mean because hammer is an awesome special and im totally not choosing that kit just for the fizzy
    i play all these mechanically difficult weapons like stamper, dualie squelchers, squeezer, and chargers but i have no idea how. its like my mechanics think for me. i cant even remember which triggers are shooting and swimming without holding the controller and actually doing it. there is a plus side to this though, now i have room in my brain to actually think about what is happening in the game so thats cool

    yo @nineball was this you? it's so cool recognizing names of people i see on here actually in game i dont know why
    heyo, how's your day today my good sir?
    i decided that today was going to be “kindness thursday”, something that i completely made up on the spot, and we spent the whole day being ironically kind to each other and using it for mischievous shenanigans. reminds me of jackpot’s (at least i think it was them i forgot) toxic positivity from a while back
    it also genuinely got people to talk about more positive things instead of complaining so that was cool
    oh God no
    i dont know anyone who likes this game irl
    i cant talk about all this cool stuff
    oh, well now you do know someone who likes SPlatoon IRL because that is the main thing that I play on my Nintendo switch, (even tho I have a ******* left joystick who likes to cause problems while I am in a middle of a match or in the middle of a side order level)
    in real life which shortens to IRL is used when talking about things outside of a game/online space. a game doesnt exist in the real life that IRL usually references even though it obviously exists in real life. its confusing but hopefully this makes a little more sense

    i was talking about how i dont know anybody that i physically see and talk to that like this game outside of people online
    somewhat cool charger clip i got while playing dynamic duos yesterday with @briank913
    i am praying for a pencil nerf next patch i want this weapon to be viable so bad
    looking through my builds realizing i dont have a single piece of gear good for support

    and with 10 chunks of special charge left to use

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    Reactions: Grushi
    You never know what weapon you play around with that you end up liking, especially if that turns out to a support weapon! Plus, chunks are always good to have.

    I think Grizzco might be calling for you ;)
    's all good
    you should see mine some of it is trash while some of it isn't trash (the ones that aren't trash are the gear that I use all the time for Rainmaker and Turf War while the other ones were from when I was young)
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