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  • i dont know anyone who likes this game irl
    i cant talk about all this cool stuff
    oh, well now you do know someone who likes SPlatoon IRL because that is the main thing that I play on my Nintendo switch, (even tho I have a ******* left joystick who likes to cause problems while I am in a middle of a match or in the middle of a side order level)
    in real life which shortens to IRL is used when talking about things outside of a game/online space. a game doesnt exist in the real life that IRL usually references even though it obviously exists in real life. its confusing but hopefully this makes a little more sense

    i was talking about how i dont know anybody that i physically see and talk to that like this game outside of people online
    somewhat cool charger clip i got while playing dynamic duos yesterday with @briank913
    i am praying for a pencil nerf next patch i want this weapon to be viable so bad
    looking through my builds realizing i dont have a single piece of gear good for support

    and with 10 chunks of special charge left to use

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    Reactions: Grushi
    You never know what weapon you play around with that you end up liking, especially if that turns out to a support weapon! Plus, chunks are always good to have.

    I think Grizzco might be calling for you ;)
    's all good
    you should see mine some of it is trash while some of it isn't trash (the ones that aren't trash are the gear that I use all the time for Rainmaker and Turf War while the other ones were from when I was young)
    i have been missing out on profile posts the whole time i been on this site

    im starting to play chargers a lot more, i forgot how fun they are. specifically splat and squiffer though, i dont like the other ones because they are too slow or it’s PENCILLL AAAAA I HATE PENNNCILLLL!!!!!!! or it’s goo tuber which… what is a goo tuber? is that a leaked new weapon or something i never seen it in a splatoon
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