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I don't have twitter, but bumping this because how can you not include Britain and France's lovechild. :D
Plus this could be the team uniform :head_ncp003:clothes_vest000:shoes_trs001:, what's not to like?
I thought it was great. Rainmaker is a lot of fun and is definitely viable. I didn't come across many gimmicky strategies, although chargers were less common than other modes, probably for good reason on many maps.
Single elim tournaments are nice and quick which makes it easier for me to...
It turns from a 3 shot kill to a 4 shot with one defense-up main or more. It takes 1 damage-up sub ability to counter one defense up main, and 3 subs/1 main damage-up to counter two defense-up mains.
It is not mandatory to run damage up, but some (myself as well) find it helpful.
My point was that dismissing people's comments is not conducive to promoting discussion, if the original intent of this thread was indeed to generate discussion on the current meta game. Specific rankings are quite arbitrary, and the actual content of someone's opinion is not really relevant to...
I think I remember playing against one of your pick up teams in BB2. Was it 7π/3? I think I remember a really good EL3K named Power in those games killing us a bunch, so in our voice chat we definitely focused on taking him out first. Anyways, if that was you, then to all teams out there: this...
Sorry, I wasn't very clear what I meant. You aren't in squid form for long periods of time with a full tank. You are maximizing your use of subs, which is the biggest drain on your ink tank (and I agree, ink saver sub stinks), and dipping into the ink frequently for short periods during and...
I don't know, it may be a difference of opinion, but "limiting" vs "not-allowed" is just semantics IMO. Either way, it's setting external limitations on what weapon I as a player (or we as a team) can choose. Limiting number seems even more arbitrary than restricting something altogether. How...
This is key to ink recovery. I can't remember the last time I went from full to empty in a ranked game using only primary weapon. The only time I get close to running out of ink is when subs are used in combat, like splash wall/bombs. You shouldn't be spending that much time in kid form if you...