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Cohozuna's roar may be a lot less intimidating when compared with the other two, but now I'm finding it to be...kinda endearing?
I feel like I'm starting to get to the point where Horrorboros is the one that I have the easiest time fighting, every bomb pop is satisfying.
As for Megalodontia, I...
I picked the Zink badge and the "Long-Sleeved Zink Model" title to match up with Splatoon 1's blue Inkling.
As for what the coolest badge I have is: I'll give it to "Top 20% in Eggstra Work." (I only just got that one in the Marooner's Bay Big Run, prior to that point I'd say that the coolest...
I'm not that good of an artist, but I've put these three Inklings in a commemorative artwork for the upcoming Splatfest, with Orange dressing as a Zombie, Blue dressing as a Ghost, and Magenta dressing as a Skeleton!
As long as Blue and Orange are canonized as best friends, then I'm sold on the movie.
(Also, the final battle needs to give us the most epic Calamari Inkantation remix ever.)
"Who would be the best friend" genuinely came out of left field, I thought it would be "Who is the scariest." Also, if it was me I would have replaced Skeleton with Vampire.
At any rate, I ended up going to Ghost. Funnily enough, I still would have picked Ghost even if the question was "Who is...
A funny coincidence happened just now: after I had already chosen Team Fame, I got the "Fame-Seeking" title from the Shell-out Machine! (This isn't the first time this has happened, when I picked Team Sweet I got the "Sweet-Toothed" title from there)