Recent content by Madi-Kuma

  1. Madi-Kuma

    Check out my youtube channel!

    Check out my youtube channel!
  2. Madi-Kuma

    Blue Ringed Octolings, recruiting! (Oceania)

    Hey man! I'd be very interested in joining your squad, I'm an S rank living in New Zealand (slowly attempting the climb to S+ haha) I main: .52 Gal Deco Splattershot (vanilla and tentatek) Octobrush Forge splattershot pro Sploosh (any) And I've also been brushing up my skills with other...
  3. Madi-Kuma

    .52 Gal Guide (Vanilla and Deco)

    Thank you so much! ;A; And that's so wicked!! I bet you got me back a bunch too! Hope you don't mind being in the video :P
  4. Madi-Kuma

    .52 Gal Guide (Vanilla and Deco)

    What's up everyone! My name is MadiKuma, and as well as being an avid Splatoon fan and player, I also make some YouTube videos. Among these videos are some Splatoon guides full of hints and tips. Recently I have uploaded two guides for the .52 Gal, including some information about it and hints...
  5. Madi-Kuma

    .52 Gal Guide (Vanilla and Deco)

    Madi-Kuma submitted a new guide: .52 Gal Guide (Vanilla and Deco) - A video guide with hints and tips for using the .52 Gal and Deco Read more about this guide...
  6. Madi-Kuma

    MrViperfang's Splatoon Videos

    Hey man, I just started off in the world of YouTube myself, I'm checking out your stuff and I enjoyed what I saw so you earned yourself a new sub! Keep it up!
  7. Madi-Kuma

    MadiKuma's Splatoon Video's and Video Guides

    Hey inklings! Lately I've been trying my hand at the YouTube scene (something that I'm very passionate about!) and have started off my journey by posting a bunch of different Splatoon videos. Not only am I posting guides for different weapons and gear, but also some ranked gameplay (I'm soon...
  8. Madi-Kuma

    Learning to Blast - Beginner Luna Blaster Guide

    Hey Inklings! I've recently been teaching myself how to play with a bunch of different weapons in Splatoon. My most recent weapon of choice is the Luna Blaster range. I've made a video that talks about the different hints and tips that I found helpful while trying out this weapon. It talks...
  9. Madi-Kuma

    Learning to Blast - Beginner Luna Blaster Guide

    Madi-Kuma submitted a new guide: Learning to Blast - Beginner Luna Blaster Guide - Hints and tips for running with a Luna Blaster Read more about this guide...
  10. Madi-Kuma

    Starting with a Charger -Ultra Beginner Guide

    Hey Inklings! Recently I found myself wanting to start using a charger, or at least learning more about them. However, whenever I would attempt to use one, whether it be in turf wars or ranked mode I'd end up with an embarrassing KDR of like 0/12 or something. It seemed no matter how many times...
  11. Madi-Kuma

    Starting with a Charger -Ultra Beginner Guide

    Madi-Kuma submitted a new guide: Starting with a Charger -Ultra Beginner Guide - For those who want to start, but don't know where to. Read more about this guide...
  12. Madi-Kuma

    Inkling art! (Might take a couple requests)

    Thanks for that! I'm sure you could make something awesome!
  13. Madi-Kuma

    Inkling art! (Might take a couple requests)

    Hadn't done some art in a while so decided to draw my inkling with Judd the cat! I'm really loving drawing inklings though! So show me your inklings and if I get some time I'll draw a few!
  14. Madi-Kuma

    .52 Gal Deco in ranked/competitive

    Thanks for all the replies everyone! I think the vanilla .52 is something I wouldn't mind working on using, as the wail is something I definitely prefer over inkstrike. But at this stage, the deco is here to stay.
  15. Madi-Kuma

    .52 Gal Deco in ranked/competitive

    Thanks for that! I may just try get the blueberry casuals ready! Run speed is nice but they might help out more in the long run.
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