Recent content by piboy430

  1. piboy430

    The Fan Language of Splatoon

    Ziní šudí beóta, maezói! Happy New Year, everyone! Now, to kick off 2016, let's add a few more words: Nouns {šerá} - Flower {šeražéka} - Firework(s) (lit. 'flower fire', the same derivation as the Japanese word) {roikáro} - Permission (derived) {anéro} - Occurrence, Happening (derived) Note...
  2. piboy430

    The Fan Language of Splatoon

    Jus to let you know, @PiyozR, something terrible has befallen the text in the PDF! What's weird is that it's not even all of the text, but just some of it. EDIT: Also, a few errors in the PDF: Page 10: The word {anéna} should be written with the characters 'ane' and 'na', rather than 'a' 'ne'...
  3. piboy430

    The Fan Language of Splatoon

    Yes, but that word is a pronoun, used in the context of 'that tree' or 'that ink'. I'm referring to the conjunction 'that', as in 'This is the book that I wrote' or 'I told him that I knew'
  4. piboy430

    The Fan Language of Splatoon

    @PiyozR You mentioned that you wanted new grammar, so I've got a suggestion: how would one express 'might' in the language? As in 'you may think' or 'he might do' or 'if he may'. Shall we assign a verb to this, or should it be its own separate grammar point? And what of the 'that', as in 'I...
  5. piboy430

    The Fan Language of Splatoon

    @PiyozR Love it! This should become a thing that we do on here occasionally. We need to get more people making Inkling stuff, if only to justify the effort that we're putting into the language. BTW, is the 'eyo' on the poster meant to be the possessive particle 'eyu'? Here's another poster I...
  6. piboy430

    The Fan Language of Splatoon

    Welcome, those who have come from the guide! Below is the guide to naming basic (and not-so basic) 2D and 3D shapes in Inkling. System for Naming Shapes {ši} - Side Number (placed after a number to describe a shape with that number of sides). E.g. {čáši} - Triangle, {déši} - Quadrilateral...
  7. piboy430

    The Fan Language of Splatoon

    I think that we shouldn't have too many loanwords. Or at least what ones we do have shouldn't be carbon copies of the word we adapted it from. @PiyozR Now to take care of some of those words @theFIZZYnator suggested in his first post (the one on food). I won't do the words in the 'Food Items'...
  8. piboy430

    The Fan Language of Splatoon

    Oh, damn, just realised that {físe} is already the word for 'to stand'. Well... How about we replace the word 'to fly' with {fíše} instead? I'm allowed to, right? It's my word! Of course, all of the devired words would also have to change: {uyafíse} - To Glide --> {uyafíše} {fiséro} - Flight...
  9. piboy430


  10. piboy430

    The Fan Language of Splatoon

    It's gone eerily quiet on here... I'll break the silence by pointing out some errors in the PDF! Page 14 - {gačí šipáwe} Rank Battle: latter half should be {šipúwe}, both in character and in the pronunciation, to match our original word for battle (on page 11) Page 26: 'To Relax' and 'To Be at...
  11. piboy430

    The Fan Language of Splatoon

    @MissingNumbers Wow, that's a cool logo! I like the way that your letters look; they seem harsher and more angular than mine do. The full name also fits well too, as well as the increase in detail in the skyline! You also used a nice colour palette, too...
  12. piboy430

    The Fan Language of Splatoon

    @PiyozR Oh my goodness, the logo's everywhere now. I wasn't expecting this. Thank you so much! I'm fine to make other pieces of artwork for the videos if you want. You made a logo? I don't remember seeing that... Sorry for overshadowing you.
  13. piboy430

    The Fan Language of Splatoon

    We already have an 'nth' ending: {zái} (page 41 of the PDF). As for your idea of using 'in every' for 'per', I like it. {rimae} is a bit of a mouthful, though, especially for a word that will be so frequently used, so let's shorten it to a single character: {ríe} - per @PiyozR Not...
  14. piboy430

    The Fan Language of Splatoon

    Well said. Some new mistakes have come up in the PDF (I'm sorry): p17: {sonái} - Summer. Should be written 'so' 'nai', like in {sonaipái}, rather than 'so' 'na' 'i'. p38: What happened to the 'i' character in {wuíbe}? Should be mirrored. p39: {i funό bíe} - By the way. The {funó} should be...
  15. piboy430

    The Fan Language of Splatoon

    I hadn't thought about how constant use of past tense in books would work until now. Nice workaround. You know, I thought that all of the errors in the PDF were ironed out by now... I was wrong. Here's the one I didn't spot: Page 30: {kíyu} - Sudden. SHOULD BE {kíyo}. Either change {kíyu} to...
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