Recent content by YarnDrawcia

  1. YarnDrawcia

    Zapfish Academy: A Casual RP!

    It took the female Inkling a moment, or in actuality several moments, to realize that she was it. She had gotten herself confused there for the moment. As much as Hyacinth didn't really desire to, she probably shouldn't keep everyone waiting. Hyacinth walked away from the bleachers and back...
  2. YarnDrawcia

    Squad x Squad

    (OOC: Yeah, that is fine with me. I'll keep an eye on the thread in the meantime.)
  3. YarnDrawcia

    Squad x Squad

    (OOC: Greetings. I certainly hope this is still open. For now, I will put down this form. Gender: Female Inkling (default ink color is cyan/teal) Name: Hyacinth Personality: Hyacinth is a more quiet Inkling. Not shy, persay. She's actually been known to randomly follow around one person...
  4. YarnDrawcia

    Wich languages do you speak?

    English is my native tongue, and I know rudimentary Spanish from taking Spanish classes. I know random words in other languages but not enough or enough knowledge to form a proper sentence with them.
  5. YarnDrawcia

    The Splatoon Fandom

    From what I see, there are a lot of pleasant people in the Splatoon fandom and playerbase. It is actually one of the better fandoms I've seen. Of course, there is no doubt a more terrible side to it, but so does a lot of fandoms.
  6. YarnDrawcia

    Zapfish Academy: A Casual RP!

    The teal Inkling had soon reformed back at the respawner. She was still feeling a bit startled from being caught and out of the game. Though in hindsight, Hyacinth hadn't chosen the best of places to hide in. Well, she's out of the game, so she should go ahead and go over to the bleachers...
  7. YarnDrawcia

    Zapfish Academy (OOC and Intro Thread)

    A bit of a minor question, but where exactly in the gymnasium is the respawner located? Hyacinth is going over the bleachers as she's out of the game, but I need to gauge how far she'll have to walk, just in case I will need some detail regarding that.
  8. YarnDrawcia

    The Banned Game

    Banned for being sensitive about your Splatling.
  9. YarnDrawcia

    Next Splatfest: Flight or Invisibility, Time to Choose!

    I shall be rooting for Team Invisibility, if only because I am terrified of heights and therefore will not be on the side of Flight. Still, I wish the best of luck to both sides of the Splatfest.
  10. YarnDrawcia

    What Are You Listening To?

    Even though I don't have the game, I am somehow addicted to this soundtrack.
  11. YarnDrawcia

    No splat challenge

    It is an interesting concept. Though I must ask, what if you accidentally splat the other? I would imagine that would be unlikely, as unless if it is a high damage weapon the other Inkling would be given a fair amount of warning to flee if they weren't initially being attentive, so I suppose...
  12. YarnDrawcia

    CoroCoro is producing an animated Web Series!

    I'll definitely give the series a watch at some point. I'm quite eager to see the quality of this.
  13. YarnDrawcia

    The character(s) in the above avatar are after you. What do you do?

    Get an even brighter, more intense eye lights with the picture being tinted slightly red. And then mutter the following words... Deus vult.
  14. YarnDrawcia

    Zapfish Academy: A Casual RP!

    Hyacinth had grown completely still when she heard the olive-colored boy finish counting. In fact, she almost completely stopped breathing, though it was more of trying to take in only enough oxygen. She mentally tensed up when the seeker had approached her corner. When he began firing down...
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