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Another reason I hadn't realized I knew why it felt right for me to pick Team Future: tentacle Octarians finally living on the surface again alongside Inklings and Octolings.
So, 1 billion has been hit, but lets keep going to see how many extra Golden Eggs we can keep depositing. Who knows, we could get to 2 billion before the end of this Big Run!
I have said it before and I'll say it again: Salmonid Smokeyard should have never existed, every other Salmon Run map is fine, Salmonid Smokeyard is not.
I really hope to get the new Marie Amiibo just so I can see whether the Topknot pokes through the hat or not. I mean come on, enough excuses, let Topknot users have something unique for their own.
Okay, you know what? I'm feeling generous (and a little bit impatient) so the SFM Halloween vote will start today. You have two choices on the costumes that Coral and Kelp will wear for the one this year:
Enemy Octoling (Splatoon 1)
Knight (Coral) and Princess (Kelp)
Only the first vote from each user counts, any additional votes from the same person will not count.
Playing the Nintendo World Championships NES Edition on the Switch right now and wow, grinding for coins there is a lot more tolerable than grinding for scales in Splatoon 3.
I noticed that Salmon Run rotations are actually going to be around for a much shorter amount of time starting with the one that has yet to start today. Could be due to the new capsule rewards.
I'm considering hopping back in Splatoon 3 since I shouldn't miss any of the finale stuff that's going to happen. I still have yet to go through Anarchy, but will definitely do so once the finale stuff is over.
"So the Salmonids are planning another two-pronged attack? Time to strike them even harder than before and push every single one of them back to the sea!" - General Anemone