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  • I'm starting to not like kraken as much as I used to. I don't know for me it just feels so slow. It might be because there's not really any kraken weapons I like to play except for range and roller. But both of those weapons have their own problem that doesn't really make the kraken kit fun to use.
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    Kraken works fine on roller it just beakon on it. Yes I know the kit is meant to be more casual oriented and roller already has a good kit so I don't really care all to much. As for range blaster I'm not a fan of the whole using special and going out of position of where range like to fight into CQC. CRB is mostly a skill issue on my part.
    I like CRB but lately I have found myself in situations where I think "Damn, I wish I could just pop Wave and not lose my main here".
    My opinion on Kraken is getting lower as a result but I still enjoy using it.
    I personally only like Kraken on 96, or at least is the only weapon I like of the ones that have kraken...
    The special is difficult, and I think having some SPU can help gain more value out of it, but the way it works makes me want to get better at it hehe...

    How much I want a weapon in my pool or close to getting in my pool to get a 3rd kit (totally not inspired by @Catloafman and @isaac4)

    side note tiermaker on mobile is not fun
    Truth be told I never really listened to much hiphop not because I dislike the genre or anything I just never had any urge to listen to hiphop music, but Tyler The Creator "Chromokopia" got me like

    Honestly got to be my personal album of the year.
    I've been listening to it a lot for the past three or two weeks. I like the genre but I don't think I've bothered to listen to a whole album until now.
    I was in the same boat as you, but I started listening to him last year and got super hooked. Chromokopia especially is a treat since it came out the night before my b-day and I even got to hear multiple people playing it while out during Halloween.
    Decided to check my grades on schoology for some of my classes and good lord I'm missing so much stuff in genetics! How did this even happen?
    I find myself caring less and less about medals as time goes on. At the start of splatoon 3 I put high values in medals and which ones I got and judged myself based of that. But here's the thing medals are not accurate judges to your performance. Nowadays after a match I think to myself "Did I do my job properly?" If yes then I'm all good, if no then I ask myself what I could of done better.
    Guy I came to a horrible realization about myself. Today I was playing roblox, and when I looked at the chat it was filled to the brim with so much slang that I didn't understand. It's official I've gotten old, I'm irrelevant at the big ol age of 18
    Same, but I don’t understand 98% of it

    yesterday me and my friend were talking with my brother (he’s in the age range of 10-6) and he‘s just like “you got no aura”

    me and my friend were like “what does that mean”

    and my brothers like “YOU GOT -1000 AURA“

    so like

    slang is confusing
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    @madt at least he didn't say or talk about skibdi toilet
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    • Haha
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    You know that whole dznutskup thing was actually incredibly fun, so much so that I'm starting to think maybe I should finally make the switch to becoming competitive and joining a team. I felt like every question I had about competitive was answered during that tournament. Granted I still need time to think this over.
    I would probably only start by trying to sub in for players considering how busy I get throughout the week.
    Do you think you'd try to push to play S-Blast or stick with weapons that most people don't mind playing with?
    Yeah, seconding what isaac said there. It's a big commitment and I think finding your way into a few groups of people you enjoy playing with is a good way to get a feel for it. Singing up for bigger tournaments like Low Ink as a sub could be a good idea for you. There's a tournament series based around forming pickups that I could link you to as well if you want me to share that.
    @isaac4 I hope that I get a chance to play all 5-6 weapons I'm good at and join a team flexible with weapon choices and strange ideas.

    @DzNutsKong That would actually be great if you can share. Thanks
    Originally I was just going to do team knight, but I saw I had a lot of empty space so I decided to do the other two teams because I'm nice :)

    knights are still better though
    So apparently there is this site called comicfury that is like a site host thing, but for webcomics. This is great for me as I don't need to create a whole new page that is only for a comic, and have that page take up god how many mb of space on my neocities.
    i just made an account there the other day! right now just to read more comics myself but it seems like a good place to host my overambitious fancomic if i ever write it
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